starting strength gym
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Thread: Milk and Medicine

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Well, I didn't decide until late. But my US highschool grades were shit so I went back to school and did the UK 'highschool' version and applied here. So basically I won't be a doctor until I'm... 30.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Sami View Post
    Well, I didn't decide until late. But my US highschool grades were shit so I went back to school and did the UK 'highschool' version and applied here. So basically I won't be a doctor until I'm... 30.
    Hey no worries it will be worth it. And hey we will be among the few doctors that know the benefits of strength training and eating lots of food!

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    I've literally gotten about 5 other medic friends on SS.

    A new breed of docs.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default 12/16/2009

    Another pretty easy day. It felt like on the press I was really putting a lot of power behind it, thus lifting it faster and easier; I'll have to see if I'm able to continue doing this as the weight goes back up. Deadlifts were not too bad but I felt like on a couple reps the bar did not follow a straight path; I think I will reread the deadlift chapter in Starting Strength once my break starts. Lately I have been taking as much as 10 seconds between my heaviest deadlift reps to make sure my feet are properly aligned and sometimes even standing up to readjust. I do not think this has hurt my progress at all and it has helped with my form getting out of wack between the first and last rep.

    5 x 140
    5 x 175
    5 x 205
    5 x 205

    5 x 95
    5 x 100
    5 x 115
    5 x 135

    5 x 200
    5 x 240
    5 x 280
    5 x 323

    I almost forgot I did some chins after my deadlifts

    BW x 10, BW x 7 x 2
    Last edited by SerusMournstar; 12-16-2009 at 04:30 PM. Reason: forgot chins

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    I like to eat an extra big meal the night after my deadlifts as they typically make me feel exhausted for the rest of the day. I'm about to eat an epically large container of home made chicken noodle soup that my mom made me with lots of Ritz Crackers. Let the feast begin!!!

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Back up to my previous PRs this week. I'm going to start just posting my last sets of each exercise since it takes too long to type everything out.

    Squat 298x5

    Bench 254x5

    Row 226x5

    Squats felt really good, I'm bending over more and I feel this helps me use my hips more than I used to. Bench press was hard, I think I'm going to halve the amount I'm jumping by every week.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Good Workout today. For the past few weeks on deadlifts I've been struggling with grip and considering whether or not I should order some chalk. Amazingly someone at my small ass school gym left some chalk out, I assume for people to use. This surprised me as I've only ever seen 1 or 2 other people ever deadlift there in the one and a half years I've been there. Wow, what a difference it made! I had no trouble at all hanging on to my deadlifts. I'm sure our cleaning staff will soon throw away this chalk so I'll probably order some of my own. I wonder if chalk makes a noticable difference on the other lifts.

    Light Squats 225x5x2

    Press 143 x 5 (pretty easy)

    Deadlift 348 x 5 (chalk is awesome!)

    Chins BW x 8, 5, 5

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    So today someone was using the squat rack when I got into the gym which is pretty unusual so I did bench before squats as much as I don't like to do that. Didn't seem to affect me too much at least, except that I was tired during squats.

    Bench 3 x 257 (PR)

    Squat 3 x 305

    Row 3 x 232

    On squats my first squat was kind of shallow but the other two were good. It seems like this always happens to me when I am using heavy weights on squats. Its like it gets in my head and it always messes up my first rep.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by SerusMournstar View Post
    So today someone was using the squat rack when I got into the gym which is pretty unusual so I did bench before squats as much as I don't like to do that. Didn't seem to affect me too much at least, except that I was tired during squats.

    Bench 3 x 257 (PR)

    Squat 3 x 305

    Row 3 x 232

    On squats my first squat was kind of shallow but the other two were good. It seems like this always happens to me when I am using heavy weights on squats. Its like it gets in my head and it always messes up my first rep.
    Nice going on the lifts. I had to stop a while in the holidays to catch up and consolidate the first term's work. But I'm back next week. I stopped shaving to preserve strength.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Sami View Post
    Nice going on the lifts. I had to stop a while in the holidays to catch up and consolidate the first term's work. But I'm back next week. I stopped shaving to preserve strength.
    Ha ha I feel ya on the shaving thing, I've got a nice beard going myself. Good luck next week!

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