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Thread: Aidens ascension to strong - Texas Method

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default Aidens ascension to strong - Texas Method

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I find following peoples logs here very interesting & motivating so my logic was to create my own & maybe serve that purpose too, along with just tracking my progress & possibly being constructively criticised when need be. I was gonna make a log in the competitive area, but I'm not officially a competitor since my first PL meet is on Saturday April 10th.

    I'm currently 19 years old, 5'5" @ 200lbs/90kg & on a quest to 70sbig. I'm not particularly fussed about my weight at the minute, but closer to meet time I may consider dropping a little weight to compete in the 85kg category.

    I'm currently using the Texas Method & here I will outline my version thereof:

    M,W,F Schedule
    Week one / two
    Squat 5 x 5
    w1 Bench / w2 Press 5 x 5
    Rack Pull 1 x 5

    Squat 80% x 2 x 5
    w1 Bench 90% x 3 x 5 / w2 Press 3 x 5 of previous weeks 5 x 5RM
    Chins 3 x failure (Currently 6-8 reps)

    Squat 5RM
    w1 Bench / w2 Press 3, 4 or 5RM (usually 3RM & then add an extra rep each week on bench intensity day until I get to 5 & add weight)
    Halting DL 1 x 8

    • Since finishing SS I have omitted the cleans from my programming, however I warm-up all my pulling with them & will be incorporating them back into my programming in the future.
    • I have been using TM for just a few months & prior to that I was on SS. Altogether I've been training for 13months not including the intermittent breaks I've had due to the usual problems life throws at ya.
    • I live in the UK & therefore use the metric system, however I will also convert the weight used into pounds for anybody who may prefer it that way, I will do this by multiplying kilograms by 2.2 & will not be pedantic over how accurate that may be.
    • My benching is terrible & I will occasionally do some assistance work for it, I should program some for consistency however it will only aggravate my shitty shoulders/triceps/elbows even more at the minute because they seem to be constantly painful & stiff, my pressing regressed considerably just as I switched to TM, but now it is slowly rising back to the levels it was at just as I made the switch to intermediate programming.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008



    Got my lifting belt Today! I've been playing with it like a child at Christmas, testing out which holes I'm going to use etc. It is a generic leather duel prong belt with a suede finish 4inches by 10mm. Pretty cheap & seems pretty good. I spent all morning breaking in the fibres by rolling it & crunching it like how rip demonstrated with Mike Hom( & wore my forearms out quite a lot which I shouldn't have done because being 5 foot 5 with tiny woman hands my grip is shitty anyway & I had HDLs planned which I make sure I use a regular grip for in attempt to improve my grip.

    (I'm not sure whether I'm going to consistently log my warm-ups, but for today's two workout logs I will, maybe it will serve a good purpose in the future? [After the warm-up weights I'm going to put a '*' next to my work set weights)

    20kg / 45lbs x 2 x 5
    60kg / 135lbs x 5
    100kg / 225lbs x 5
    *Belt on
    120kg / 264lbs x 2 x 2
    140kg / 315 x 2
    *162.5kg / 357lbs x 5(didn't up the weight this PR friday because I was playing around with my belt, getting to grips with it & how it feels to squat in it.)

    20kg / 45lbs x 5
    40kg / 90lbs x 5
    50kg / 110lbs x 3
    60kg / 135lbs x 3
    *71kg / 156lbs x 4 - missed #5, triceps wouldn't lock it out.

    Warm-ups to Halting Deadlifts:
    Clean - Hookgrip
    20kg / 45lbs x 2 x 3
    40kg / 90lbs x 3
    60kg / 135lbs x 3
    80kg / 176lbs x 3
    DL - Regular double overhand
    100kg / 225lbs x 3
    120kg / 254lbs x 3
    140kg / 315lbs x 2
    HDL - Regular double overhand
    *162.5kg / 357lbs x 8


    20kg / 45lbs x 2 x 5
    60kg / 135lbs x 5
    100kg / 225lbs x 5
    *Belt on
    120kg / 264lbs x 3
    140kg / 315 x 2
    *157.5kg / 346lbs x 5 x 5 - Set 1 & 2 felt immaculate & light, 3 & 4 were torturous. For set 5 I got Dan to slap me, shout encouragement & spot me & magically it felt light as hell!

    20kg / 45lbs x 2 x 5
    40kg / 90lbs x 5
    50kg / 110lbs x 3
    60kg / 135lbs x 3
    70kg / 154lbs x 2
    *87.5kg / 192lbs x 5 x 5 - Apart from the 1st set which felt fine the other 4 sets were grinders, I didn't think I would make the remaining 3 sets after set 2 yet I managed to grind all those fuckers out; amazing.

    Warm-ups to Rack Pulls:
    Clean - Hookgrip
    20kg / 45lbs x 2 x 3
    60kg / 135lbs x 3
    80kg / 176lbs x 3
    100kg / 225lbs x 1

    DL - Hookgrip
    140kg / 315lbs x 3
    Belt on
    160kg / 352lbs x 2

    Rack Pull (from immediately above the patellar)
    170kg / 374lbs x 1
    180kg / 405lbs x 1
    * 192.5kg / 423lbs x 5 - Did the work set with straps(double overhand), I underestimated my work set because I could have easily pulled 200kg / 440lbs for 4 or 5reps, but I'm not going to get greedy & I'll continue to add 2.5kg / 5lbs to RPs each week because I most definitely wouldn't like get stuck.

    Assistance: I did a set of dips to failure which was about 12 or 13reps, but didn't do any sets across because I noticed that the workout took me 2.5hours & I needed to go do some 70sbig food shopping because the store I shop at shuts at 5PM & it was 4:20pm when I had finished pumping steel.
    Last edited by AidenBloodaxe; 02-15-2010 at 04:03 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    South of France


    Hi Aiden,

    Quote Originally Posted by AidenBloodaxe View Post
    I live in the UK & therefore use the metric system,
    Lucky you. Here in London my gym has Imperial discs, all marked in pounds. And everyone seems to be weighed in stones and pounds, which for someone who grew up on the Continent is quite confusing :-)

    Good luck for your first meet.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by IlPrincipeBrutto View Post
    Hi Aiden,

    Lucky you. Here in London my gym has Imperial discs, all marked in pounds. And everyone seems to be weighed in stones and pounds, which for someone who grew up on the Continent is quite confusing :-)

    Good luck for your first meet.

    Haha, are imperial disks common down there? There are certainly none around here & thanks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    South of France


    Quote Originally Posted by AidenBloodaxe View Post
    Haha, are imperial disks common down there?
    I think it depends on the gym. If I remember correctly, Virgin gyms use non-oly Kg discs and barbells (the ones from Technogym). My gym has got York ones, which are marked in pounds, and proper oly-bars.


  6. #6
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    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by IlPrincipeBrutto View Post
    I think it depends on the gym. If I remember correctly, Virgin gyms use non-oly Kg discs and barbells (the ones from Technogym). My gym has got York ones, which are marked in pounds, and proper oly-bars.

    We have proper oly-bars, not the greatest though & the plates are those very popular, generic baked hammer tone ones.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default Wednesday 17/02/10 - Light / Recovery day

    Felt really stiff from Mondays volume day, probably because I only managed to get 4,000kcal on Monday. Fortunately light day takes this into account.

    20kg / 45lbs x 3 x 5
    60kg / 135lbs x 5
    100kg / 225lbs x 5
    125kg / 275lbs x 2 x 5

    20kg / 45lbs x 2 x 5
    40kg / 90lbs x 5
    50kg / 110lbs x 3
    60kg / 135lbs x 3 x 5

    6 - Excruciating pain in both of my biceps & elbows in general, I tried to do more, but the pain wouldn't let me. Really don't know what's up with 'em. They feel better during a workout when the blood is flowing, though when worked directly they hurt which is what makes me think the injury has to be muscular or tendon-related, but later that day the pain was extremely sharp (like a toothache / abscess) & with a dull pain also surrounding the whole of my elbow & 1/3 the way down my forearm & I couldn't really control my arm & something inside was vibrating a lot which made me think it might be a trapped nerve or something; I really don't know. Anyway, hopefully it subsides before Friday so I can hit some PRs without the extra discomfort of whatever is up with these stupid arms.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default PR Friday 19/02/10 - Intensity day

    Got a 2,000+kcal breakfast ^_^ with lots of coffee(meaning I should perform well).

    20kg / 45lbs x 2 x 5
    60kg / 135lbs x 5
    100kg / 225lbs x 5
    *Belt on
    120kg / 264lbs x 2
    140kg / 315lbs x 2
    *165kg / 363lbs x 5 - As easy as 1,2,3...4,5!

    20kg / 45lbs x 2 x 5
    40kg / 90lbs x 5
    50kg / 110lbs x 3
    60kg / 135lbs x 3
    70kg / 154lbs x 2
    *91kg / 200lbs x 5 singles. Practised the "press" & "rack" commands during the singles, thanks to some random person who I told what to do. All of the singles were pretty damn easy, I thought the pause would have made my pressing ability much shitter, but it didn't seem to effect it much today.

    Warm-ups to HDLs:
    Clean - Hookgrip
    20kg / 45lbs x 2 x 3
    60kg / 135lbs x 3
    80kg / 176lbs x 3

    DL - Hook-grip
    *belt on
    120kg / 264lbs x 3
    140kg / 315lbs x 2
    *165kg / 363lbs x 7 - Didn't do the final #8 rep because I had clearly drank too much water before the set & it came up just as I was squeezing into pulling position for the 8th rep.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default Monday 22/02/10 - Volume

    Back at college today, will convert weights used to pounds later.

    20kg x 2 x 5
    60kg x 5
    100kg x 5
    *belt on
    120kg x 3
    140kg x 3
    *160kg x 5 x 5 - Hard.

    20kg x 5
    40kg x 5
    50kg x 3
    *63kg x 5 x 5 - Pretty damn easy.

    Warm-ups to Rack Pulls:
    DL - Hookgrip
    60kg x 5
    100kg x 3
    140kg x 3

    Rack Pull
    160kg x 2
    180kg x 1
    *197.5kg x 5 - Meh.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    Nice squatting mate, numbers are really getting up there, keep it up.

    And don't worry about pounds, metric system FTW!

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