starting strength gym
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Thread: ColoWayno's log

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs


    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Weighed in at 188.2 lbs.
    Got my new shoes... the Rip by Rogue or whatever... used them for all lifts.
    (sets x reps x lbs)
    Squats: 5x5x230
    Press: 5x5x100
    Power Cleans: 3x3x140 (these were hellishly bad)
    Chins: 1 x 6 x BW + 35.
    1 x 5 x BW + 35

    Did a lot of extra power cleaning so I decided to skip the bar dips and situps this time.
    I had one of the last sets at 120 recorded but I can't seem to find my post on You Tube. I'll try to link here when I can.

    Ok, my son and I breezed through our squats and OH Press for one good reason... we grabbed the wrong bar and didn't realize we were getting about 4 lbs less than we thought (should have been a squats 5x5 pr!). Should be for the better for me since I'm compressing this week into 2 workouts, so Thursday will be intensity day with no recovery day. Going away for the weekend for some fun before being deployed (less than a month out). It also let me focus a bit more on my Power cleans which continue to be a problem.
    ************ warning: bad power cleaning video below ****************
    Please comment if you can.
    Ok, this is my first posting of a link so maybe I get it right... maybe I don't... the image quality is horrible so don't watch if that sort of thing annoys you.... next time I'll grab my kids Webbie instead of using my cell phone. This is also the very first time I've ever seen myself doing a lift...
    This is the second to last set at 120lbs, so I was starting to get tired.

    Really, the quality is so bad it almost looks like I magically make the bar appear on my shoulders.
    The helpful guy that shot the picture was actually giving me some good cues which I thought I was applying, but I don't think I gave him a very good chest up. He also said eyes forward, which I found repeated in Starting Strength. The main thing he pointed out afterwords was that at the point of my jump my quads are almost out of the lift completely. Also, my back doesn't look like I thought it would... it looks a bit too round to me. So, all in all I guess that leaves me a lot to work on... maybe 185lbs will be within reach if I can fix some things.
    Last edited by ColoWayno; 03-02-2010 at 03:17 PM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs


    Forgot to say that I loved the shoes, felt solid on every lift. I got the cool little shoe bag which I proudly put them in when I changed back into my street shoes. I will take that bag to the dusty place I'm going soon.

    Also, I got some wicked doms in my right bicep from playing frisbee on Sunday. Makes sense when you think about what the bicep does when throwing, contracting while under a stretch.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs


    Well... looking around the forum I can see that I should have gained more weight (as opposed to spending more time) on the novice program before switching to the TM.
    So given that, I might try to go back to linear progression for a while, while gaining some weight. I think I'll wait until I'm settled in my new surroundings here in a few weeks before I change my routine.
    So I guess the "Not" part of "Justified or Not" in the title of this forum will apply to me for a while.
    I guess that's what the forum is for.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs


    Wednesday, recovery
    Weighed in at 187.
    Figured out a way to get a workout in Friday morning so I went ahead with this recovery workout (sets x reps x lbs):
    Squats: 2x3x215
    Bench: 2x3x185

    Wanted to practice power cleans but my left shoulder was pretty beat up from Monday, so I decided to rest it and get in plenty of practice Friday morning. Overall, except for the shoulder I feel very recovered.

    Iced the shoulder when I got home and that felt really good. I have three of those clay filled "ice" packs. I think I may eventually buy a bunch more of those and encase myself in them after workouts. You can fall asleep with them on too and don't have to worry about over-icing because they don't stay super cold for more than about 20 minutes.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs


    Fridays workout:
    Weighed in at 191lbs
    (sets x reps x lbs)
    Squats: 1x5x257 (PR)
    OH Press: 1x5x120
    Power Cleans: 1x3x145 (PR)
    Pullups: (BW+35lbs) set of 4, set of 5
    Ended up squatting way to forward on one of the heavier warm up reps... muscled it out ok.
    Spent a lot of time practicing Power Cleans and was worn out by the time I got to my heavy set. Managed a PR anyway.
    I think the extra weight I've put on surprised me on my first set of pullups. Want to try to keep these reps up as I get heavier.

    Saturday: Hiking in snow, snowfields, sunshine, frozen ponds, mountain views, with my wife.
    Lame Bruce Willis movie
    Last edited by ColoWayno; 03-07-2010 at 03:05 PM.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs


    Monday (Volume)
    Weighed in at 187.2 lbs
    (Sets x Reps x Lbs)
    Squats: 5x5x235 (PR)
    OH Press: 5x5x110
    Deads: 1x6x245

    (Below, BW + 35lbs)
    Dips: 5
    Situps: 15
    Chins: 6

    Dips are going to be limited for a while by my left shoulder. I'm starting to think the problem started with a loose bench press technique. I think I know the things to fix once I'm benching again (hopefully next week). Will try light benches Wednesday.
    Lost a little weight over the weekend away from home. Used to think that's when I gained weight, eating out and all.
    My 160lb son is trying 1/2 GOMAD on whole milk for a while. He keeps asking me what he can do for his calves and I keep telling him exactly what we've been doing. He did 5x5x200lbs squats last night.
    Last edited by ColoWayno; 03-09-2010 at 10:33 AM.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs


    Wednesday: recovery
    Weighed in at 189lbs

    Hamstrings are S.O.R.E.
    The only way to get a workout in today was at the company gym. Not a barbell or dumbbell in sight.
    I can't get too specific.... I didn't try to move an impressive amount of those plates, but I got a few reps in at "10" !!!!
    Lat Pull Downs
    Pectoral actuator thingy (????)
    Back Extensions (woo hoo!)
    Body Weight Squats (2 sets of 10)
    And the best of all:
    Sumo Deadlifted the back of the PreCor stationary bike, 10 reps.

    Anyway, hopefully this got some blood circulating and muscles back in the ROM I'll need Friday.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs


    Weighed in at 188lbs (was on the pepto all day yesterday for some reason)
    (Sets x Reps x Lbs)
    Squats: 1x5x260 (PR)
    Press: 1x4x125 Just went to failure
    Deads: 1x5x255
    Pullups: BW+35lbs, 6,6

    With the belt the Squats and Deads are feeling light.
    I'm going to have to post videos (may not be able to do that until I get back in August). People at my gym are starting to consider me an "expert". I'm probably still doing a crap job on most of these lifts... but people do notice after a while when you look like you're on a mission from God every time you walk in the gym.
    I'm going to do a minor reset and start a linear progression once I'm deployed (soon). I think it should be easy to train there. I'll have a 12hr by 7 day per week work schedule, but almost nothing else to do but eat, sleep and train. I plan to do some light conditioning for the first 90 days. I want to ramp that up (and cut back on lifting) for the last 30 days. Yep, I'm going to California after that and to the beach. What can I say? I'll still be heavier and stronger than I've ever been.
    Last edited by ColoWayno; 03-12-2010 at 09:44 PM.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs


    Monday, volume day
    Weighed in at 190lbs
    (Sets x Reps x Lbs)
    Squats: 5x5x238 (PR)
    Bench: 2x5x190, 1x4x190, 2x4x185
    Power Cleans: 3x3x120, 3x3x125
    Situps (BW + 35) 15

    My shoulder felt good so I decided to try for a PR even though I'd just had a two week layoff on benching. I'm glad I tried, the shoulder held up but I didn't get all 5 sets. Focused on keeping everything tight as my form had gotten very loose.
    Power cleans are still my nemesis. I decided to just work the reps at a lower weight and try to establish a rhythm. I know I've been staying at the bottom for too long. I think I need a coach's or another experienced lifters eye.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    South of France


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by ColoWayno View Post
    Power cleans are still my nemesis. I decided to just work the reps at a lower weight and try to establish a rhythm. I know I've been staying at the bottom for too long. I think I need a coach's or another experienced lifters eye.

    this is probably obvious, but have you tried posting a video of your cleans ? There are a lot of very competente people aroudn here who could have a look and give you some useful feedback.


    PS: sorry, just realised how dumb my suggestion was, you already put up a video of your cleans.

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