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Thread: Kincain getting into weightlifting

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Day 1 - Week 2 - 05/04/2010

    Clean & Jerk -1x5 - 75kg (163lbs)
    Snatch - 1x15 - 50kg (110lbs)

    Overall & Technique:
    Wasn't able to record myself so had to do it on feeling, which isn't bad but I'd like to get the flaws out in the beginning rather solving them later on. For the Clean & Jerk had a bit of a problem with the Jerk portion, I couldn't really get my arms to straighten out and instead I pushed the bar with my arms a little.
    Don't really know if I'm doing the dip for the Jerk in a good way because I could't record myself but I practiced it by standing against the wall and mimic the dip. If others have a good suggestion for methods perfecting the technique on the Jerk I'm really interested.
    As for the Snatch I'm getting more confident with it, and getting the bar in close is getting easier so I'm interested to see how this goes on thursday.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Day 2 - Week 2 - 06/04/2010

    Squat - 5x3 - 120kg (265lbs)
    Press - 5x3 - 57kg (126lbs)
    Pull Up - 5x3 - 12kg (26 lbs)

    So a five percent increase of my calculated 5RM from last week. Wasn't that easy as expected. Managed all the reps but wasn't that happy with it, I guess I can cope the next five percent increase for next week. But I think I'm going to be a bit conservative and do only 2,5% and increase the weight from there. Rather do a step back than trying to burn myself out in the quickest way possible. Tomorrow a day off and thursday the Snatch and Clean & Jerk.
    Last edited by Kincain; 04-06-2010 at 07:22 AM.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Keep it coming. I'm going to use this program after my PL meet on Saturday, though I'm getting well into the stage of intermediate adaptation it should give me a few weeks progress & a enjoyable amount of time getting to grips with the O lifts, not to mention a little de-loading from the meet.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by AidenBloodaxe View Post
    Keep it coming. I'm going to use this program after my PL meet on Saturday, though I'm getting well into the stage of intermediate adaptation it should give me a few weeks progress & a enjoyable amount of time getting to grips with the O lifts, not to mention a little de-loading from the meet.
    Ofcourse I will , in a way I didn't consider myself a novice either although not incredible numbers on the lifts but I wasn't adapting as a novice anymore. But seeing the vids of A.C. where he's doing SS with far better numbers than I. I thought fuck it, I'm a novice in Olympic Lifting so I better stick to this program as a Novice.
    Like I said in some previous posts I don't think I could make new PR's every day so I'm focussing it more on weekly basis. I remember a posts that Justin did this program also but then he modified the Texas Method in it. He didn't clarify the way he did that but it might not be that important to think about it in this stage.

    Good luck on Sunday and I hope this log will help you when you give it a shot

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Day 3 - Week 2- 08/04/2010

    Snatch - 1x5 - 65kg (143lbs)
    Clean & Jerk - 1x10 - 50kg (110lbs)

    Two days back I was interested if the bar and plates that I was using were of the correct height and if they were the same as Olympic Weightlifting plates. Well I looked it up on the IWF website and a plate has to be 450 mm in diameter so that means a radius of 225mm, I measured it and the plates were 45 mm (2inches) off. So yesterday I bought four rubber tiles to put under the plates to make it the required height. It's a different world all together ...

    Snatch; wasn't to happy with the technique. When I look the video's back I see that the bar moves away from my body in the initial stage of pulling. So that would mean I am utilizing my back to soon. So I'm going to practice more pushing away instead of pulling with the back. When the bar travels over my knees I bring it back in but later on it flies out again (a bit too much). So focus for next time is keeping the bar close and the shoulders over the bar.
    Clean and Jerk; wasn't able to record it because the memory was full. (really need to get a camera) But I read up on how to do the jerk correctly and the tip was shift the weight from your toes to your heels. And I thought this helped a lot, it felt like I was moving the weight up instead of pushing it in front.
    Did some static jerk holds afterwards with 120 kg. Not too much but more or less for self confidence of holding heavy weights overhead.
    Last edited by Kincain; 04-08-2010 at 04:39 AM.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Day 4 - Week 2 - 09/04/2010

    Squat - 5x3 - 120kg (265lbs)
    Bench Press - 5x3 - 77kg (168lbs)
    Dead Lift - 5x1 -130kg (286lbs)

    It was ok today, technique on squat could have been better. And the deadlift went pretty well. Considering that the bar previously was 2 inches lower.

  7. #17
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    Day 5 - Week 2 - 10/04/2010

    Went rowing this day in a quadruple scullboat, got some nice blisters again. Poked them out and will tape it for tomorrow. Watched the European Weightlifting Championship this past week and this weekend. Was awesome, too bad some of my favorites didn't get the gold. Now psyched to go lift tomorrow!
    Last edited by Kincain; 04-12-2010 at 03:02 PM.

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Day 1 - Week 3 -12/04/2010

    Clean & Jerk - 1x5 - 77kg (168lbs)
    Snatch - 1x15 - 50kg (110lbs)

    Was pretty psyched to go lift to day, wasn't all that bad but some things were not that great.

    C&J: still having difficulties in getting the bar to move in a straight line when jerking it, thought I had it by shifting the weight to my heels but I still lean over forward and when I jump I push the bar in front. So need to practice that with an empty bar till I get it. The second thing is that when I get the bar moving from my jumping position it flies out in front, so need to get the bar close. Going to read and watch some videos for some reference.

    I think I´ll post tomorrow on what technique I´m trying to accomplish, with some visual explanations, if the few readers of this thread are interested in that ofcourse.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Day 2 - Week 3 - 13/04/2010

    Squat - 5x3 - 122kg (269lbs)
    Press - 5x3 - 59kg (130lbs)
    Pull-Up - 5x3 - 12kg (26lbs)

    The lifts are getting heavier, was able to complete it, but i'll stick to small increments and see where it will take me. The pull up however seems difficult to do, I managed 5-4-4, and this has been so the last weeks, had my 3 strikes, so I think I'll deload it a bit. Tomorrow a rest day and then the Olympic lifts again. Will be practicing the movements with a stick tomorrow.
    Last edited by Kincain; 05-23-2010 at 02:27 PM.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    Day 3 - Week 3 - 15/04/2010

    Snatch - 1x5 - 67kg (148lbs)
    Clean & Jerk - 1x10 - 50kg (110lbs)

    Snatch was feeling good today some of them were pretty decent still trying to get the bar as close as possible in the second pull, but it gets better.
    Clean and Jerk was pretty easy, still focussing on keep the shoulders over the bar. I praticed the jerk portion against the squat rack, standing in front of it with an empty bar and trying to feel how I might tilt forward when making the dip, got the hang of it but still need to practice it more.
    Again did some static holds afterwards with 90kg, 110kg, 130kg and 150 kg. I'm getting better at that too, maybe it doesn't have to do something with getting stronger but getting more confident in holding it overhead.

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