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Thread: Kincain getting into weightlifting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Kincain getting into weightlifting

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hi all,

    I've decided to put up a training log, sparked by the writing of Justin Lascek on the 70sbig site. I'm going to give Olympic Weightlifting a shot, and also trying to compete in this sport.

    I'm going to follow the program that Justin layed out on the 70sbig site, and I'm going to start it next week. This week I really wanted to focus on technique and get some kinks out of the cable. So a better report on the progress will be due next week. But I'll give an outline of the program:

    Day 1 - Monday
    Clean & Jerk 1x5 or heavy single
    Snatch 1x15

    Day 2 - Tuesday
    Squat 5x3
    Press 5x3
    Pull Up 5x3

    Day 3 - Wednesday

    Day 4 - Thursday
    Snatch 1x5 or heavy single
    Clean and Jerk 1x10

    Day 5 - Friday
    Squat 5x3
    Bench Press 5x3
    Dead Lift 5x1

    Day 6 - Saturday

    Day 7 - Sunday


    Some more clarification of the program, with the information and looking at the posts that were replied on the original submission by Justin. I'd thought I would make an addition to what the outline of the program is.

    Here are the links to the submissions:
    The first submission of this program
    Getting into Weightlifting Part 1
    Getting into Weightlifting Part 2
    Getting into Weightlifting Part 3

    Excerpt from the submission:
    The lifter will be fresh on Monday to clean and jerk heavy after the two days of rest. A novice will be able to squat the day after doing the Olympic lifting, and deadlifting is done at the end of the week because if it was done any earlier, it may interfere with the other pulling. The sets across for snatch or C&J should/could be timed — on the minute for a snatch (between 10 and 15) and every two minutes for C&J (for 10 reps). Doing it in this manner accomplishes a few things (not in any particular order); A) it uses medium weights so that completed reps build confidence, B) the higher reps are technique practice, and C) it gets the lifter used to lifting on a clock, which will be important in competition. The heavy snatch or C&J days can be five singles across, or just working up to a heavy single (ideally increasing that single week to week). Remember that any increase is still an increase, so it may be 2.5 or 1 kg per week in the later stages — the point is to drive the weight up and PR.
    The rep schemes are the same as the Starting Strength Model (what we call the linear progression). It is essentially a variation of “Workout A” and “Workout B”.
    Last edited by Kincain; 05-30-2010 at 06:37 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    As this model calls for the SS protocol I'm not fully confident that I can make PR's every day so I made an emphasis on weekly progression. And to start out I not going to go for PR's on the strength lifts (SQ, DL, PR, BP, PLP) on week one. I'll try to increase the weight over three weeks with steps of 5% till I'll reach my 5RM in week four. It might be to steep of a progression, but I figured if I got to week three and see that the 5x3 is too hard then I'll stick to that weight and make a slow progress from there.

    As for for the olympic lifts I guess I need to get more proficient with them and increase the weight according to flawless technique (atleast that is what I hope to do). Due to the video's that are available of presentations given by Tommy Kono, I bought his book Weightlifting, Olympic Style and try to master the technique he describes there. I'm making videos in order to see flaws and to correct them.

    For those who haven't already seen his presentation, here are the links:
    Part 1
    Part 2
    Part 3
    Part 4
    Part 5
    Part 6

    Part 1
    Part 2
    Last edited by Kincain; 03-25-2010 at 06:45 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009



    I'm curious to see how this goes for you as I might try this program in some form later this year.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by zepled37 View Post

    I'm curious to see how this goes for you as I might try this program in some form later this year.
    Hi, I'll try to keep it updated as much as possible. I hope it would help you later on.

  5. #5
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    Dec 2008


    Day 1 - Week 1 - 29/03/2010

    Clean & Jerk - 1x5 - 72kg (158lbs)
    Snatch - 1x15 - 50kg (110lbs)

    Went pretty well this day not a whole lot of weight but still trying mastering the movement, I want to make it perfect. Will be making small increments every week of about 2 kg (4lbs).

    Trying to nail to get the bar as close as possible, with staying over the bar.
    For the Jerk portion I was focussing in getting the bar to move in a straight line when dipping. When I dip the bar travels forward and as such I'm pushing the bar foward instead of up.

  6. #6
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    Dec 2008


    Day 2 - Week 1 - 30/03/2010

    Squat - 5x3 - 112kg (247lbs)
    Press - 5x3 - 54kg (119lbs)
    Pull up - 5x3 - 12 kg (26,5lbs)

    Like I said in one of the first posts, I'm going to work to my 5 rm in four weeks, with increments of 5%. This will probably be a very steep progression. But I'll see what happens, if in week 3 it will be too heavy, I'll probably stick to that weight and gradually increase from there. For today it went pretty well except for the Pull-ups they seem to get heavier when I'm getting heavier, so I'll probably stick to this weight for another week. Press and Squat were pretty easy.
    Last edited by Kincain; 03-31-2010 at 05:18 AM.

  7. #7
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    Day 3 - Week 1 - 30/03/2010

    Went rowing for 1,5 hour in a M2x (men's double scull), I'm going to start a race with 3 other friends, it will be about 100 km, and that will be in may. Did this alone in a single scull, 2 years ago, so it isn't entirely new for me. Weather was awful, too much wind but we managed.
    Last edited by Kincain; 03-31-2010 at 05:17 AM.

  8. #8
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    Dec 2008


    Day 4 - Week 1 - 01/04/2010

    Snatch 1x5 - 62kg (136lbs)
    Clean & Jerk - 1x10 - 50kg (110lbs)

    Overall: Forgot to bring my cellphone in order to record myself, so I had no feedback but instead I tried to really focus on what I was doing and feeling. From the video's that I already did I saw that when the bar comes close to my thighs I tend to bump off them. Then the bar will travel in front and I lose leverage. So I'm trying to not lose any leverage by swinging the bar in front. This is important for me on both the lifts.
    With the jerk, like I said before, have trouble with getting the bar to move in a vertical line. I tried to solve this by standing against the wall and have my upperback and my bottom in contact with the wall and than mimic the dip that I would do in the Jerk. I had the feeling it was better than last time but I couldn't check that because I forgot my cellphone.

    Note: I did some static holds (jerk balance, maybe, I'm not sure if you call it that) with the bar over my head from the pins with weights of 90kg, 100kg, 120kg and 150 kg. In order to get confident in holding heavy weights above my head and to feel how such a big weight gets you off balance.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Day 5 - Week 1 - 02/04/2010

    Squat - 5x3 - 112kg (247lbs)
    Bench Press - 5x3 - 73kg (160lbs)
    Dead Lift - 5x1 - 124kg (273 lbs)

    Nothing too hard today went pretty easy. In the squat tried to focus on no forward knee movement and good hipdrive; dead lift, had a bit of trouble finding the right place for my belt and; bench press, focussed on driving up when lowering the bar.

    Tomorrow probably a 2 hour rowing session in a quadruple sculls plus coxswain, I'm interested on how that goes.
    Last edited by Kincain; 04-02-2010 at 03:01 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    Day 6 - Week 1 - 03/04/2010

    Rowing session of 2 hours in a quadruple sculls went well. The only problem was that the boat was tilting towards port. That would be pretty strange for a sculling boat but we had some sweep rowers who were not really accustomed to sculling. Got some nice blisters so that is going to be nice tomorrow.

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