starting strength gym
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Thread: 44 years old' Log

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Very light workout today:

    Squat 242 2x5 '2

    Then I checked my bench because I would like to see if I can add it.
    I did 187 3x5 easily (wow) and without pain so I think I'm ready to re-start and add it to my Texas template. I didn't know how to properly add it without screwing the program and MazdaMatt did helped me out just today. He gave me a very reasonable way to work my bench again without the risck of another injury.
    I think this forum is the best place to find advices and tips for our training, sometimes it seems like a big family! Nice people here, really.
    Anyway my Texas with the bench will look like this:

    Monday week 1

    Squat 5x5
    Press 5x5
    Weighted Chins 5x5

    Light Squat 2x5
    Bench 3x5
    + some light assistance exercise...


    chins 50 reps
    shrugs 3xf

    Monday week 2

    Squat 5x5
    Bench 3x5
    Weighted Chins 5x5

    Light Squat 2x5
    Press 2x5
    + some light assistance exercise...

    Squat 1x5
    bench 3x5
    Deadlift 1x5

    chins 50 reps
    shrugs 3xf

    I'll add a SS programming on my bench and the rest as Texas. Nice advice really.
    I want to go slowly and achieve a 220 3x5 bench for within 10 weeks more or less. I would be satisfied with this result!

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Today I've had a bad news: I have to stay away for 2 days for work next Monday...shit. My first thought it's been: I have to skip my volume day. So next week I'll have my volume day on Wednesday, skipping my recovery day and doing my intensity day on Friday as usual but with 1 day of rest in between. Anyway I've started easily so I don't think it's a problem.
    We'll see.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Today’s workout:

    Squat 1x5 330 (I could have done 10 reps so it’s ok)
    Press 1x5 121
    Deadlift 1x5 330 (easy)

    Then I added 50 reps of bw chin 10 – 10 – 10 – 10 – 6 – 4.
    My lats were open wide, it’s a great exercise for back, anyway I think I’m going to alternate it with 3 sets to failure.

    Went home.

    My volume day will have to wait until Wednesday.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    I’ve returned yesterday night from my work journey : 620 miles in two days so I was a little tired. Anyway, today’s workout:


    297 5x5 ‘3
    Without problem and with no belt. I usually use it after 308.


    104 5x5 ‘1-‘1.30
    Obviously easy. I hope this little de-load can help me out with this.
    I think as I’ll reach my previous max weight for volume day I’ll micro load, anyway I’m going very, very slowly.


    +49 5x5 ‘2

    That’s all. Next Friday I’ll have my intensity day as usual.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    My legs are a little sore from volume day...
    Today's workout:
    330 1x5 (belted)

    132 1x5 (belted for the first time...felt good)

    374 1x5 (belted) OK

    +22 3xF (12 - 8 - 6) '1.30-2

    Rack Curl

    93 3x 8-8-6 '1.30

    Obviously I wasn't fully recovered but I did what I had to.
    Next Monday I'll push harder...

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Today’s workout:

    308 5x5 ‘3 (belted) ok deep and stable.

    Bench Press
    176 3x5 ‘2

    + 55 5x5 ‘3

    I’m feeling fine and recovered. Squat is ok and that’s the main thing to me.
    I’m working on my bench hoping I just can keep on with my linear progression, 176 felt easy and without pain so I hope well.
    It’s all for now.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Liiiiiight daaaaay:

    Squat 242 2x5 ‘2

    Press 105 2x5 ‘2

    Curl 88 3x10 1x8 ‘1.30

    Hyperextensions 3x15

    Then I got home.

    Sometimes I feel like skipping this day then, I remember that I always feel better when I get out of the gym. I guess that’s just the purpose of this recovery day so I don’t want to screw it adding too many exercises.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Today I woke up with a bad cold that made my sleep a fight…

    Anyway, todays’workout:

    Squat: 352 1x5 (belted)
    Bench Press 181 3x5 ‘2
    Deadlift 396 1x5 (raw)

    Chins 3xF with a 33 plate
    1x10 – 1x8 – 1x6 (‘2 or a little less)

    So, my Squat seems to keep going. I could try – eating more – to extend this 1x5 with a week or two and small increments. I’ll decide next week.
    My Deadlift was heavier than I thought: my fifth rep was hard. But I locked it right.
    I know I can pull a little more for 1x5 but that’s where I wanted to get before adding triples, so maybe 3x3, starting a little low next time.

    My bench is growin’ slowly. It seems that I have no pain in my shoulder but I know the weight where this may occur: 198. So we’ll see as I get there. If I have problems I’ll definitely drop this exercise in favour of the press which I like more and more. But I want to be optimistic about it.

    I asked a buddy to take a video with his cell-phone. As soon as he send it to me I’ll post it for advices.

    See ya and good training.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Today's workout:

    Squat 314 5x5 '3
    Press 110 5x5 '2
    Weigthed Chins + 13 3x5 '3

    Squat and Press felt both really easy.
    Weighted Chins were supposed to be 5x5 with + 13 but I decided to let something in the tank and I stopped at 3x5. Next time.
    Really happy about the Squat, felt really easy.
    Sometimes you go to the gym and you're not ready to fight as usual, you're a little too calm...and everytime that turns out to be one of the best workout. Strange. It happens all the time...

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    Don't know why I typed 13 on was 66 3x5...volume day gets me tired!!!

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