Yesterday was week 6, day 1

Low-bar squats: 5@107.5 kg, 4@120 kg, 3@135 kg, 3@145 kg, 2x2@152.5 kg, 2x2@162.5 kg, 2@167.5 kg, 2@170 kg
Bench press, middle grip: 5@67.5 kg, 4@80 kg, 2x4@90 kg, 2x3@95 kg
SLDL, deficit: 5@52.5 kg, 4@62.5 kg, 4@65 kg, 2x4@70 kg
Military press: 6@32.5 kg, 5@37.5 kg, 4@42.5 kg, 2x3@45 kg
Pullups: 5x5
Burpees: 5x10

Time: 1:31

Was a bit tired; the 120 kg squat set was supposed to be 125 kg and I accidentally did the second and third bench sets with a regular-wide grip, but I don't suppose it matters much in the big picture.