starting strength gym
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Thread: lightweight rower trying to get kinda strong

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    • starting strength seminar december 2024
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    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    thats a lot of conditioning volume... its gonna be tough to recover from that and lifting hard. Texas monday is a ton of volume. I tried TM for two weeks with a lot of erging, and it was a pretty bad idea. If you're limiting calories that wouldn't help either.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Well I modified monday to 3x5, and am no longer limiting calories. I think my programming will change next week anyway. I'm looking forward to training with a strength coach

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2010



    Sat on the indoor trainer today for 40 mins - felt okay after.

    Squat: bar,5@70,90,3@105, then 2@110, then 4@120 then 2x3@100 working on speed and tech. - easy enough - took it easy. Probably had 6 in me. Tech is feeling good today. Sit back at the bottom onto the hammies
    Bench: bar,5@40,50,3@65 then 4@80 - fail on 5th. new technique has seen my bench go down a fair bit. I don't really care. Tech is more important.
    Deadlift: few pc's @50, 4@90,3@105,1@120 then 3@140 - bar speed was quick, but wasn't quite tight enough. Did 3@120 overhand after
    Dips: 3x5@27.5 - need to deload these. struggled
    Chin ups: 11,11,8
    Dragon Flag negatives: 2 sets
    2 sets of HLR

    Left bicep still hurting. Perhaps it is bench that is aggravating it? Not sure. Starting at the strength facility monday - very excited!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    how do you track your other conditioning? ie by heart rate/splits on the erg or just time and an approximate judge of intensity? in terms of total work, you're likely doing more conditioning work so it would make sense to track all of your work with your lifting.

    If you want to get strong, calories are definitely your friend. The standard advice floating around this board about 5,000 calories/day diet has successfully unstuck me a couple times now.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Heart rate generally. I think I will start to track my training on this log as well.

    So for yesterday:

    Bike - 3.5 hours wheels spinning, 4 hours according to HR monitor. Average HR - 144 bpm (estimated 73% max HR) 105 km. average speed 29.5 km/hr
    Rode to the Dandenongs (an area where there is a long hill climb) but am finding that my legs are usually pretty fatigued after lifting friday. So i did a long loop around. Felt okay afterwards, but then crashed later on that night. Made sure I stretched and did soft tissue work, and hopefully will be all good by lifting tomorrow.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2010



    Today, in the morning, I sat on the indoor trainer (ie spin bike kind of thing) for 40 mins – just at an aerobic intensity – HR ave. 140 (approx 71% max HR).

    Skipping as warm up – I am terrible at skipping. It was embarrassing.

    Spider crawl, walk out pushups, lunges etc warm up. Then 10 ring dips with orange band. Solid warm up.

    Clean: 5@30,40, 4@50,3@60,2@70, 1@80,85,90 – got this pretty easily, then 2 fails @95 – disappointed to not get 95. Got 90 quite easily. We worked on my starting position – higher hips, and relaxing the spine. Need to concentrate on getting under the bar quickly.Also getting used to the hook grip – will need to practice it.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2010



    AM: 40 mins on spin bike – ave HR 140bpm


    Snatch: worked on the pull and staying vertical. Worked to a max for the day: 5@30,5@40, then 3@50, then 1@55,57.5,60,62.5 then failed @ 65 – much improved tech wise though

    Snatch Bal: 5@bar, 5@30, 3@40, 45, 50, 55, 57.5 – need to work on being quick getting under bar and staying tight

    Front Squat: 3x5@87.5 – was hard work – but was good technically. am happy

    Ring Dips: 10@red band, 8,6 @ orange band – one leg in for both

    Ring Chins: 2x8

    1 set of false grip chins – these hurt!

    Hanging Leg Raises: 2 sets

    Was dead by the end. Solid workout

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    This looks like you've changed your workout a lot. What is your overall workout plan from your S&C coach? and I definitely like the big day of cleans. I always felt retarded doing jumpies...


  9. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Right now its diagnostic work for the time being - he wants to see me move some weight (ie go for rep maxes) and then he'll write a program up for me.
    Anyway, training for yesterday:

    AM: Ride - 3 hours 20 mins on bike according to HR mon, 3 hours according to bike comp - 94km
    Didn't feel too great when on the bike - felt quite fatigued. Understandable after the heavy workload in the gym on friday, but still a bit annoying

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    starting strength coach development program

    AM: 40 mins on spin bike - felt okay during it. Watched sunrise - what a terrible show - its an Australian morning show (all the aussies here might understand me)

    PM: (3:30 ish)
    3x10 Ice cream whip things - one of the progressions for front lever - can't remember what its called exactly.
    Behind the neck jerk: 5@bar,30,40,50 then 3's @55,60,65, then singles @ 70,75,77.5,80,82.5 then 85xF - need to work on faster under bar, and staying more vertical. Quite like this exercise though. Got 82 very easily, but then I think my CNS was getting fried - I'd done a lot of volume in the warm up sets.
    Front Squat: 3x5@90 - last set was easiest - simply concentrated and relaxed a bit more. Will remember to do this from now on.
    Ring Chins: 8@bw, then 6,4,5@bw+15kg - chins on rings are quite hard
    Ring Dips: 3x10 with orange band. Get to move onto yellow band now. God I suck at dips. How embarrassing.
    Front Lever Hold: 3 sets.

    Worn out, but a good session. Am happy

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