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Thread: Alex's Grind (outta the hole)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Alex's Grind (outta the hole)

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I might as well catalogue my effort to get strong. I normally keep a personal log, but an internet one is, what? funner?

    Down to brass tacs:

    Max lifts:

    Squat: 305x3x5
    OHP: 155x3x3
    Bench: 250x3x2
    Deads: 380x1x5
    Cleans: 180x5x3

    I'm 5'10 and weighing in at 202, or so. I've had decent success with the Starr Model and then a bastardized version of SS. But I'm getting to the point where I'm having trouble completing 3x5 on every lift. I also feel like I'm still getting stronger. So I'm going to split the difference and do Texas Method (style). Here's the battle plan (a 9-day cycle):

    Day #1 Volume Squat and Press
    Squat 5x5
    OHP 5x5
    Chins, as necessary

    Day #2
    Light conditioning on bike or run
    Sit-up/Hypers ...whatever I feel like

    Day #3 Lite Squat, Volume Bench
    Squat 2x5
    Bench 5x5
    Cleans 5x3
    Maybe some curlz

    Day #4
    Probably rest

    Day #5 Intensity Squat and Press
    Squat 1x5 or 3x3
    OHP 1x5 or 3x3
    Chins, if I feel like it

    Day #6
    Some light conditioning on bike
    Sit-ups and Hypers

    Day #7 Lite Squat, Intensity Bench and Deadlift
    Squat 2or3x5
    Bench 1x5 or 3x3
    Deadlift 1x5

    Day #8
    Whatever I feel was lacking, like:
    Chins, Dips, Sit-ups, Hypers, Curlz
    Also, lite conditioning, if I'm up for it.

    Day #9 REST

    ...then rinse/repeat
    Last edited by borzoi06; 06-07-2011 at 05:13 AM. Reason: Clarification

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Yesterday was good. Started the thread the day after:

    Squat: 270x5x5 -- bailed on a workout the day before @305, then decided to do this program. Felt challenging but good.
    OHP: 135x5x5
    Chins: BWx2x8 -- full depth. I could do more, but I'm saving myself for something. Also, I did some chins the day prior.

    Today was good.

    Random/lite intervals on stationary bike for 15 minutes, then:
    Situps for 30,25 and 25
    Hypers for 3 sets of 10; mostly for stretching
    Dumbell Curlz with 45ea x10 and 50ea x10

    Then I had to work. Tomorrow's another day. Felt good today, no serious fatigue.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Today was another good day. I'll start including my warmups too. Probably good to see total volume:

    Squat lite; Bench Volume; Power Cleans

    Squat: Barx10, 80x5, 115x5, 150x3, 185x2, 225x1 Work Sets: 235x2x5

    Bench: Barx10, 75x5, 105x5, 135x3, 165x2, 195x1 Work Sets: 220x5,5,5,5,3 Back off: 205x5
    (Felt pretty good. I decided to do 220 instead of my projected 215 for the day; Prob repeat same next round)

    Power Clean: 135x1, 145x1, 155x1, 165x1, Work Sets: 175x5x3
    (Really happy about the cleans; Lately I've been overdoing the warm-ups, and it's cost me. A couple reps were sloppy, but those were the definite minority; maybe one or two. No bumpers in the gym, and I figured that squats had already warmed me up, so I started high with low reps)

    That's it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Today is REST.

    Chest is a bit sore from yesterday, and I notice a bit of tighness in my traps from the cleans. Back and legs feel good. Takin' it easy and getting ready for heavy squat and press tomorrow. Shooting for 305x5 on squat and 155x3x3 or a single 5 with press. Also include some chins.

    A note on my goals: I am going to pay the closest attention to my squats, deads and cleans. I want to be able to do a 1000lbs total with squat, bench and deadlift. And I think the squats and deads will do the most for me with that goal in mind. The cleans I consider more of an accessory for those two. With bench, I think if I can consistently push 250 or more for a single, my squat and deadlift should be able to make up the rest if I'm paying attention to the recovery.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    6/9 Squat Intensity; Press Intensity; Chins (whatever)

    Squat: Barx10,10, 90x5, 135x5, 180x3, 225x1 270x1 Work Sets: 305x2,2 and 295x2
    (Not good at all. I just didn't have any drive this morning. I'm chalking this one up to lack of sleep and a 0400 wake-up. I'll make sure I get better sleep prior to intensity day and likely do it in the afternoon as well. I feel like my body just wasn't awake yet).

    Press: Barx8, 65x5, 85x5, 105x3, 125x2, 145x1, Work Sets: 155x3,3 -->All weights cleaned then pressed.
    (These didn't feel bad. I could have gotten more, but I wanted to keep from overdoing it for the heavy bench in two days. I cleaned once and then pressed each weight for the set because the gym only has one rack and I didn't want to hog it. Good practice, anyway)

    Chins: BWx11,8,6 --> Good. Last time I stepped these down like this I only got 11,8 and 5. So, still getting strong somewhere.

    I'm disappointed with my squats today. I will reattempt the same weight next week. I had zero bar speed and I didn't want to risk failing a third rep. Also, for some reason, I feel like the plates in this new gym are weighing heavier. Could be the case, but we'll see how I fare on the next cycle. I did a fairly decent 300x5,5,4 and 3 about a week and a half ago, so I wasn't really worried about loading up 305 today. I knew I was risking it with my sleep last night, and I think that's what I paid for more than anything. 6 and 1/2 hours wasn't enough to walk into the gym cold this morning. I should have known better. If my next volume day feels fine, then I should have no problem with this weight.

    Tomorrow will be some light conditioning with situps and hypers in preparation for bench and deadlift. Going for 245 and 385. Should be fun.

    That is all.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    6/11 Back-off on Squats; Intensity Bench; Intensity Deadlift

    Squats: Barx10, 95x5, 145x5, 205x3; Work Sets: 235x 5,5
    (Nothin' doin' here except enjoying a backoff. Like to use days like these to focus on form)

    Bench: Barx10, 85x5, 125x5, 165x3, 205x2, 225x1; Work Sets: 245x 2+, 1+
    (I won't count assisted reps, but I like to know that I did 'em. Used a spotter on both sets and failed the third and second reps consecutively. Surprisingly, I wasn't feeling like the weight was all that heavy--you know, like you're getting crushed. I'll reattempt next round for a solid triple on both sets.)

    Deadlift: 135x5, 225x3, 315x2 (all double overhand); Work Set: 380x5 (mixed)
    (I misread my last deadlift workout. I did 375 last round, so I only wanted to add 5 pounds today. I could have pulled 385, but decided against it)

    Assistance: EZ curl bar: 95x12 and 105x10; Dips: BWx12, 35x8, 45x5, BWx6

    I think I've been trying to take too many reps to failure previously which may or may not have been killing me. I'm going to try to stick to my program here and focus on getting solid reps and positive gains from those. My squat form could be tightened up a bit, and I've been working on getting used to placing the bar lower on my back. I dropped it about an inch further down than normal today and it actually felt good. Not really a very flexible person; shoulders are tight from a couple surgeries and so my "Low Bar" has really been more of a high bar approach. My adjustment today actually made the weight feel much lighter after the second set. I know this is backoff day for squats, but in recent memory, backoff day has felt like work day. So maybe my staggering the days/focusing on rest/focusing on form will actually pay off. One can only hope.

    That is all.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    6/14 Squat and Press Volume

    Yesterday I did a bit of conditioning on the stationary bike for 20 minutes or so. Added a couple sets of hypers and sit-ups. Nothing fancy.


    Squats: Barx10, 115x5, 175x3, 225x2, 245x1; Work Sets: 270x5, 275x4x5
    (Felt good with this today. Shouldn't have been a complete pussy with the first set. Had to take about a six minute break between the last two sets, but it was all worth it. Focusing on keeping the bar in the right place, loosening up my deathgrip on the bar and keeping my head down and not staring at the mirror. Fucking mirrors)

    Press: Barx8, 65x5, 95x3, 115x2; Work Sets: 137ish x5x5 --> All weights cleaned and pressed--within reason
    (Don't have micro weights, so I had to use some extra clamps which I think added about 2.5 pounds. Might have been more. Who knows. Felt light enough that I was just going through the motions. Almost burned me on the last set because I didn't set the last couple reps right. Had to grind it out. Otherwise, good)

    Chins: Done later in the day: BWx 10,9,7,5

    That is all.
    Last edited by borzoi06; 06-18-2011 at 03:53 AM. Reason: update

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    6/16 Squat back-off; Bench Volume and Cleans

    Yesterday included some conditioning, stationary bike for a bit, hypers and sit-ups.


    Squats: Barx10, 95x5, 135x5, 185x2, 225x1; Work Sets: 240x 5,5
    (Nothing to report)

    Bench: Barx10, 75x5, 105x5, 135x3, 165x2, 195x1; Work Sets: 222.5x 5,5,5,3,3
    (Felt a bit off today for whatever reason. I will repeat this weight for volume again next round)

    Cleans: 135x1, 145x1, 155x1, 165x1, 175x1, STOP
    (I pulled something on my last warmup at 175. The clean felt good. Good pull off the floor, good snap into the rack. But as soon as it was racked I could tell something wasn't right. Something was pulled right in the lower middle of my trap on the left side. Trying to keep it massaged and taking some motrin. We'll see how I feel in a couple days for my next press workout. Not good right now, though)

    That is all.
    Last edited by borzoi06; 06-18-2011 at 03:52 AM. Reason: stupid numbers

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2010



    Yesterday, felt unsettled in the evening so I went to the gym to loosen up. 20 minutes on the bike, then moved on to some light cleans and presses at 135, just for a couple quick sets to see how everything was feeling. Felt good, so no complaints. Did a couple sets of hypers to stretch out and a couple sets of sit-ups.

    Today: Squat and Press Intensity

    Press: Barx10, 65x5, 85x5, 105x3, 125x2, 145x1; Work Sets: 157.5x3x5 <--All weights cleaned and then pressed due to lack of rackage
    (Had to do press before squats because some wannabe CF'er was using the only power rack for some random bullshit. These felt good, and easy. Gonna do 160 next round)

    Squat: 95x5, 135x5, 185x3, 225x2, 275x1; Work Sets: 305x3x3
    (I've surprised myself this week with squats. Felt real good, and not too taxing. My back is still getting used to the lower bar position, but it'll even out. Gonna load up 310 next round for intensity)

    Chins: BWx 10,8,7,5

    That is all.
    Last edited by borzoi06; 06-18-2011 at 05:22 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    starting strength coach development program

    Yesterday was rest.

    Today: Squat deload, Bench Intensity; Deadlift.

    Squat: Barx10, 95x5, 135x5, 185x3, 225x2; Work Sets: 240x5,5

    Bench: Barx10, 85x5, 125x5, 165x3, 205x2, 225x1; Work Sets: 245x3,2,1
    (Had a Bro help spot. A bit upset about the last set. Actually went for a solid double, but his hands were on the bar and I went down for 3, so I'm only counting the first one. Seriously not worried about bench right now. Main focus is on squat, press and deadlift. Gonna add 2.5lbs next round.)

    Deadlift: 135x5, 225x3, 315x2; Work Sets: 385x5 PR
    (Felt good. Last lockout was primo. Used straps)

    EZ Curl: 95x12, 105x10,8

    Dips: 45x8,7,5
    (I think I overdid the dips. Probably try not to kill myself on these next round)

    That is all.

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