starting strength gym
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Thread: Josiah's log - The De-pussification of Humanity

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    31 August 2011

    Bench 255 2x5, 1x6
    DB Curls: 50x11, 45x13
    PC: Worked up to 250x1
    DL: 385 1x5

    Another PR set on bench. Hell yeah. PC felt in the groove today.

    DL felt easy...too easy.

    Unfortunately I found out today my PRT (Navy pt test) is the first week of October. So I'm gonna drop lifting for the next 4 weeks and focus on my run and pushups. I wrote a sprint program mixing in 400m sprints, 800m sprints, and 1mile runs. I'll post it up here soon and maybe you readers can give me some feedback on the program.

    I'm shooting for an under 9 min 1.5 mile. My best ever was 8:54 or something like that back in the days when all I did was bodybuilder stuff with sprints 3x a week. So I think with focus on the sprint training side I could do the sub-9.

    Pissed that I gotta cut off my bench progress since I've been doing so well with it recently. But eh that's life. The reason I want to do so well on the PT test is because I want to have the option of being a Command Fitness Leader (CFL) so I have an option there to start coaching people. Get some people in shape. As long as they will let me have my guys doesn't fit into the Navy's typical PT program model. May have to find my ways around that BS.

    Anyway just rambling here now. ITS RIBEYE TIME

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Alright so here's my running program starting next week. If anyone has any thoughts/tips on this I'd appreciate it.

    Week 1:
    Mon: 2x400m sprint
    Wed:3x400m sprint
    Fri:3x400m sprint
    Sat:2x800m sprint

    Week 2:
    Mon: 4x400
    Wed: 2x800
    Fri: 4x400

    Week 3:
    Mon: 4x400
    Wed: 3x800
    Fri: 4x400
    Sat: 2x1600

    Week 4:
    Mon: 5x400
    Wed: 3x800
    Fri: 5x400
    Sat: 2x1600

    Week 5: 1.5 mile test

    I just look at this as an experiment in running and then how fast I can get back into lifting. Hoping to return to my previous weights or very close within 3-4 workouts.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    2 Sep 2011

    Age PR: turned 22 today. Whoop. So my bday present to myself was squats!

    Press: 155 3x5
    Chins: 47.5x7, 47.5x6
    Squat: 380 3x5
    Neck: 43.25x10, 40 4x30

    Decided to just jump up 5 on press, I got a lot of room here...feel like I'm getting the form down (more of an olympic press) after watching the press video and some of the old press videos.

    Chins just made it. I was feeling dead today altogether, was not excited for squats. Mainly the fact that I'm gonna have to stop squatting next week was demotivating me. Took a while to get my anger focused for squats. First set felt ugly and hard, but got the blood flowing. Second and third set was hard as fuck but solid. Summoned all rage for last set--the blackout set. Tendinitis is now just a small little twinge that doesn't bother me too much. I'm sure if I continued to squat it'd be totally gone within about 3 weeks. I dunno what's gonna happen with it once I start running.

    Alright heavy weights I'll see you in a month. Haha.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    First day on the sprint program. Holy shiiiit that sucked.

    2x400m sprints
    1) 1:16
    2) 1:32

    Went as hard as I could on both sprints. For the first sprint that amounted to getting a bit further than half way before my lungs were gassing and my back and legs were seizing up.

    Took about 3 minutes to rest. Dying...

    Second sprint was a fight for survival. My hamstrings, ass, and back were on fire the whole way. Pushed as hard as I could.

    Took about 5 minutes of walking and voodoo magic to bring myself back from the dead after the 2nd one.

    Being unadapted to something and then doing that thing hard suuuucks ass. Gonna get back to it harder on Wednesday.

    Also throwing in some pushups throughout the day. Starting with 25 pushups for 6 sets throughout the day. Will try to increase by 1 every day.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Taking the Piss


    I'm not envious of that sprint routine. I cannot imagine doing 400m repeats. I did 100m repeats a while back and almost puked after 6, and that's with full recovery. I got a cute little hill that I run now.

    You hear that? You are a genetic freak!

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by william jackson View Post
    I'm not envious of that sprint routine. I cannot imagine doing 400m repeats. I did 100m repeats a while back and almost puked after 6, and that's with full recovery. I got a cute little hill that I run now.
    And don't forget your bike. Does it have tassles?

    You hear that? You are a genetic freak!
    Obviously. Hah.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Taking the Piss


    No tassels, but a nice basket of kittens.
    Last edited by william jackson; 09-07-2011 at 09:19 AM. Reason: ,

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    7 Sep 2011

    Fuck running.

    Did 3x400 today.


    So did better on my times there. I took about 5 minute break between the first and second sprint. Wanted full recovery between sprints. I figure the rest time will come down as I get better. Not gonna sacrifice the potential for intensity by going into the sprint still exhausted from the last one. Needless to say, sprint 2 and 3 sucked ass. Glad I beat the time for both the first 2 sprints though. That's progress already.

    Sprint 3 wasn't as explosive as 1 and 2, it was all I had though. Tried to imagine a lion chasing helped but I would have definitely got my ass eaten.

    Its lungs and my heart are rested before my legs. My legs feel like dogshit going into the 2nd and 3rd sprint...kinda like the first time you squat when you're in high school, and you put too much weight felt like that.

    Afterwords I somehow made it home, slammed some chocolate milk, and just laid there for about 30 minutes regrouping my soul.

    In other news, I started training a girl from work. She started talking about how she wants to "tone up" which I explained to her is gain muscle and lose fat (she's already super skinny, just needs some muscle). Told her I'll show her what to do and she came to the gym today. Got her benching pretty decently and she was a natural when it came to doing squats. Showed her the bottom position, got it on her back, set her to it and it was pretty much perfect. Just needed a couple tweaks and her squats are already beautiful haha. Love it.

    Another person squatting correctly; another angel receives her wings!

    I shed a tear of joy.

    Now I just hope I can get her to stick with it.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    For 9 Sep 2011



    Shit sucked as usual. I've accepted the fact that 400m sprints just suck.

    But I'm makin progress. The run time and rest times came down a little. Not looking forward to next week doing 4x400s. Agh.

    Got the 2x800s to do in a little bit.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    10 Sep 2011


    1) 3:04
    2) 3:41

    Damn. I was shooting for under 3 minutes for the 800, just missed it. I destroyed the first lap at a 1:19 pace which proved to be too fast and I couldn't keep that up for the 2nd lap. Gotta get the pace down.

    I rested for about 3:30 after the first run, but I think it wasn't long enough because I was dying the 2nd lap. Probably shoulda took 5-6 minutes.

    All in all I'm pretty happy with the first week's performance. Look to see better gains in the next 2 weeks.

    I still hate running though.

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