starting strength gym
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Thread: Getting strong like bull - like pimpin - ain't easy

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Richland, WA


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    I actually haven't had any problems so far with the PCs after VD squats. I've been trying to concentrate on exploding out of the hole on VD squats, so I don't feel sluggish on them so much as burnt out. But the PCs are relatively light, so I don't mind. I did consider doing DLs on VD to keep the total time in the gym relatively constant, as you said, but I try to do my PC sets 2 minutes apart to control for this.

  2. #22
    cutlet# Guest


    I'm gonna keep DLing on Mondays for a few weeks, then switch it around and see what kind of difference it makes.

  3. #23
    cutlet# Guest


    2/8/2012 - Wednesday - Recovery

    I think I'm gonna bring in the iPod and phones on Friday and blast some Beethoven into my ears. Getting really fucking sick of Phil Collins.

    SQ 225 x 2 x 5
    I might kick this up 10 pounds for next time just so I can say I squat bodyweight on recovery day.

    BP 185 x 3 x 5
    Heavy enough to feel challenging, and light enough so that bar speed doesn't ever slow down significantly. Seems right. I'm thinking 200 for volume day?

    Back extensions BW x 2 x 10, 25 x 1 x 10
    Holding a 25# plate didn't make it all that much tougher. Don't know that I want it to be much is recovery day after all.

    Chins 6,5,4
    They never seem to get better.

  4. #24
    cutlet# Guest


    2/10/2012 - Friday Intensity

    Weighed 229 today, after consistently weighing 232-234 for the last couple months. Guess I haven't been eating well.

    Listened to Beethoven. It was awesome.

    SQ 310 x 1 x 5
    This was very, very difficult. The last three reps were extremely slow, and I took a long pause before the last one.

    P 145 x 1 x 5
    Form was really shaky. Last rep was very slow.

    PC 135 x 5 x 3
    These were the best PCs I think I've ever done. Form felt a lot more solid, and I think I pulled less with my arms. I moved my jump point to a little lower down my thigh, pretty close to the knee. Feels like this gives me a lot more momentum going into the jump.

    No assistance. Was beat.

  5. #25
    cutlet# Guest


    2/13/2012 - Monday Volume

    Weight was 230

    Drank a lot and didn't eat or sleep well this weekend. Called in sick to work and did this workout all in one shot during the afternoon. Took about 2 hours not including driving/changing/showering.

    SQ 275 x 5 x 5
    Was not feeling well today, and these felt damn heavy. 5th rep was very slow even on the 1st set. Took upwards of 7 minutes rest between the later sets, and did bench warmups during rest periods. Did first workset of bench before 5th set of squats. On the 1st rep of the 5th set, I lost tightness at the bottom and felt kind of a sharp tingle through my lower back. I wouldn't quite call it painful, but it was definitely a signal that something was wrong. Made sure to keep tightness for the rest of the set, and made it without injury.

    BP 200 x 5 x 5
    Not too difficult. Might try bumping up to 205 next time. Especially if I split VD and do bench on a fresh CNS.

    PC 140 x 5 x 3
    Decided to try PCs on VD. Was DLing on VD because I thought I'd be too slow for PCs, but they didn't go too badly. I didn't feel like my form was as good as Friday's PCs, but wasn't too horrible

    Tricep Extensions Bar + 45 x 3 x 10
    Took 5 minutes between sets, and these got a little difficult at the end. Writing this on Tuesday, and I'm not nearly as sore as I was when I first did these two weeks ago.

  6. #26
    cutlet# Guest


    2/15/2012 - Wednesday Recovery

    Weight was 228

    SQ 225 x 2 x 5
    Easy peasy. Form feels very solid.

    P 130 x 3 x 5
    These were pretty tough. This might be too heavy for recovery day.

    Back Extensions BW+25 x 2 x 10

    Chins 6,5

  7. #27
    cutlet# Guest


    2/17/2012 - Friday - Intensity

    SQ 315 x 1 x 5
    Form felt iffy on 3rd and 4th reps. I think the 5th rep was probably the grindiest rep I've ever done. Surprisingly, Jake said the 5th looked better than the 3rd and 4th. Count it, I guess.

    BP 220 x 1 x 4
    1st rep felt way easier than I thought it would, and by the 5th I just didn't have it. Fuck.

    DL 365 x 1 x 5
    Did double overhand for the first three reps, and switched to mixed grip for the last two, one on each side. It's harder for me to set my back when using mixed grip...or maybe it was the fact that it was the end of the set. Either way, I'll probably have to start going to mixed grip for the whole workset, so we'll see.

  8. #28
    cutlet# Guest


    2/20/2012 - Monday - Volume noon session

    Went over my lunch hour. I've ingested nothing today but coffee and a banana eaten on the way to the gym (stupid, I know). Burger King was obtained afterwards, and an orange will be eaten around 4:30.

    Press 127.5 x 5 x 5
    The first 3 sets were not too hard, and the last two got a little slow in the later reps. I might consider bumping up to 130 next time, but we'll see how this drives intensity day.
    My traps seemed to get worked harder than normal.

    Dips 10, 10, 9
    Sonofabitch how did I not get 3x10. Probably the lack of food this morning.

  9. #29
    cutlet# Guest


    2/20/2012 - Monday - Volume after work session

    Weight 229

    SQ 275 x 5 x 5
    This went waaaay better than last week. The first three sets were almost easy. Last reps of the last two sets were a little slow, but overall this went really well.

    PC 145 x 5 x 3
    Some reps felt great, some reps felt like I was arm pulling.

    The lady who is always training kids interrupted me right before my first squat set to ask if the kids could use the arm-hangy-ab-things that hang in the squat rack. I think I made her feel awkward by looking at her like she was retarded. I let them do a set and they didn't come back to do any more.

  10. #30
    cutlet# Guest


    starting strength coach development program
    2/22/2012 - Wednesday - Recovery

    It was the damn cirque du stupei when I walked in to the weight room. Old plastic lady was training about 5 adolescent semi-fat girls, setting up...things...I don't know what they were, and having them jump over them. The things were about 3 inches high, and the girls were resting for a few seconds between EACH JUMP. A sweat was not broken.

    Weight 230

    SQ 235 x 2 x 5
    Kicked it up from 225 just so I can say my light squats are >BW. Vanity.

    BP 185 x 3 x 5
    I felt my lats working for the first time. Hopefully that means I'm solidifying my form on these.

    Chins 1,2,3,4,5,4,2
    Tried a ladder this time. Took 1 minute rest after 1 chin, 2 min after 2, etc. By the time I got to the set of three on the way down I was just too whooped. I like this approach though. Submaximal effort, and more volume. I'll try this again soon.

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