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Thread: Scott's TM Log

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Dallas, TX


    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Nothing here you haven't seen before Steve, but welcome! Do you have any idea when you were gonna make that trip to WFAC?

    Recovery Day
    Squats 2x5 - 225
    Bench 3x5 - 135 (paused, explosive reps)
    Prowler 8 x 40 yards x 90lbs - about a minute rest inbetween

    Abs are very sore from yesterdays workout. Sore right groin and forgot to foam roll it when I was done...I blame the prowler. God it was awful but at least I kept my breakfast down this time. I started slowing down a bit halfway into it and realized it became harder to push half assed than it did sprinting. So it was pretty much say goodbye to my lungs or my legs, pick your poison. Feeling really great afterwards though.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Tulsa, OK


    Quote Originally Posted by Tall Texan View Post
    Do you have any idea when you were gonna make that trip to WFAC?
    Pretty soon, definitely before the summer. More than likely a Saturday day trip. I'll be booking a session with Juli, so it depends on what availability there is. I'll let you know when I do.

    If we were to try to meet up, when is a good time for you?

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Dallas, TX


    I'm free anytime, just need 2 weeks notice so I can get my vacation time in.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Dallas, TX


    Intensity Day
    Squat Walkout - 525
    Squat 1x2 - 410
    1x1 - 405
    Bench 2x1,0 - 250
    Deadlift 1x1 - 480
    1x0 - 505

    Just a fucking awful day. Abs were still somewhat sore and just felt pretty lethargic all around. No arch in my squat, fell forward on the 2nd rep, and Norman had to help me lift the 3rd rep.

    Plowed ahead with a 5lb increase in bench despite only getting 1 rep last week. So much for that...

    I thought i'd be able to save my day with the deadlift since it's my best lift. Knew immediately it wasn't happening. First rep @ 480 was tough and 2nd I lost my grip after it passed my knees. Tried to salvage something out of this session by setting a new 1rm which should have been easy at 505. If I wanna play Mr. Brightside, it did get off the ground and passed my knees very quickly. My hamstrings however, felt like jello and I couldn't lock it out and ended up losing my grip at the top.

    Just chalking it up to one of those rare piss poor sessions that you run into. Been working OT and sleep hasn't been the usual 8 hrs, maybe 6-7 a couple days. One thing I can't do is put off my Assistance off till Friday as displayed by my ab DOMS. Gotta make sure it's Thursday.

    Pulling out a 6 pack and pouting like a little bitch the rest of the night. I'll be back to murder, nay, rape the weights next ID.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Dallas, TX


    Here's the vid of 405x1 and the 480 deadlift fail:

    The 405 was actually the best rep form wise compared to the 410. As you can see, no way I was getting another rep outta that which makes no sense since I got 3 last week which hopefully confirms this was just an off day. On deadlift, back's not set for the 2nd rep and it just looked weird at the top for lack of a better term. Not quite a hitch but hopefully one of you guys can explain it better.
    Last edited by Tall Texan; 03-19-2012 at 11:38 PM.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Dallas, TX


    Got sick last Wed (a raw egg may have been the culprit) and was forced to miss a few sessions.

    Sat Workout at home
    Pull Ups 4x2
    Dips 4x5

    Today's Semi Intensity Day
    Squats 1x1 - 405
    Dips 2x 5,8 - bw
    Deadlift 1x0 - 510
    Prowler 4x40 - 100lbs
    30 mins walking to/from train station

    Didn't push too hard with squats as I wanted to have another crack at a max deadlift. The one rep was pretty tough and I let out a good fart coming out of the hole...rocket powered squats! I was told by Norm that the heel of my shoes were compressing with the 405. Slowed down my descent a bit and focused on a tight back.

    Was hoping last week's deadlift was an anamoly but twice makes a trend :-/ Guess i'm underestimating how much adrenaline was involved at the meet in December because that 501 pull was pretty smooth. Just couldn't quite lock it out at the top today though. It was better than last weeks effort though so i'm not too bummed. I did notice that my right hand may be too far in because the bar is lopsided as I lift it.

    Gonna shave off some weight on all 3 lifts. Also gonna be patient and micro load the VD for squats and bench as well as the ID for bench.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Dallas, TX


    Volume Day
    Squats 8x3 - 325
    Bench 8x3 - 185
    Chin Ups 8x2 - bw
    Side bends 3x8 - 45 lb plate

    Squat depth was hit and miss tonight. Toyed around with stance width and foot angle a bit each set. Think I may try elbows under the bar next week and see how that looks.

    Alternated bench and pull ups tonight. Bench felt very solid but it always does at light weight. Had a good feel for the leg drive tonight.

    Diet is going pretty well. Can't really tell much difference physically or mentally from my normal eating habits save for the green dukes from all the side salads instead of carbs on non workout days! Gonna keep it up and see what happens. Oh and no more canned coconut milk, that shit tears my insides to pieces. The cartons in the freezer section are no problem though.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Brooklyn, NY


    NO MORE RAW EGGS! Cook that shit.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Brooklyn, NY


    When you switched from 5x5 to 8x3 on volume day, did you just do your normally weekly jump and keep going? In other words, you didn't really change the tonnage, just the sets x reps scheme?

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Dallas, TX


    starting strength coach development program
    Ha, I knew there was an "I told you so" coming.

    Yes I kept my normal weekly jump of 2.5lbs (microplates). Unfortunately I didn't stick with the 8x3 every week as some weeks I was pressed for time and that may have been what caused this little stagnation i've been having. Hence the slight deload and working my way back up with 8x3 every week, no excuses.

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