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Thread: Scott's TM Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Dallas, TX

    Default Scott's TM Log

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I'll start off with a little background on my lifting journey. I started Stronglifts 5x5 in March of 2011. Switched to TM in October and had my first powerlifting meet in December. My goals are strictly srength related, to hell with low body fat and underwear model bodies. I'd also like to own my own hole in the wall powerlifting gym some day (already saved the money just waiting on that damn experience part) and teach newbies the basics of the big lifts


    Before Stronglifts: 196/???/185/315
    After Stronglifts: 230/400/230/450
    Current maxes: 253/432/250/501

    Volume Day

    Squats 3x5 - 340/155kgs
    Clean to OHP 8x3 - 135/61kgs
    Pull Ups 10x1

    Today seemed to fly by with only 3 sets instead of 5. I upped the weight by 12.5lbs with the drop to 3 sets which took my differential between VD/ID from 83.5% to 86%. I was only planning on doing 5 sets of OHP but a cute girl walked in...

    Hit the pull ups before each OHP. I had a little elbow tendinitis for the last few weeks and have been unable to do any pull ups and I just added them back in tonight. Never was great at em or had much desire to do them but i'll be slowly working my way back up.

    I'm also running a little one week experiment on myself. I remember reading an article about a study done in China comparing abstinence from sexual activity and weightlifting. It said (if I remember correctly) testosterone increased each day until after the 7th day when it actually started to go back down. In hopes of finding that little edge to ensure I make it to 405x5, I've refrained from any...sexual release since Friday and will TRY to make it a week. It's only been 2 days, 18hrs, 37 min, and 29.5 seconds (give or take ) and I can already tell i've become much more agitated over everyday shit.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Dallas, TX


    Assistance Day
    BBR 3x5 - 185
    RDL 3x5 - 185
    Curls 3x5 - 70

    Short and simple workout. Deloaded on the rows and used strict form, bringing the bar higher up my chest than usual.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Brooklyn, NY


    Glad to see your log here-- and with video on your first post, nice!

    Not that you asked for a form check, but I noticed you are coming forward on your squat as you descend-- you may want to watch that.

    Man, you have made some nice gains! How tall are you and how old are you? Where in Texas are you?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Dallas, TX


    I post a lot of vids from my VD and ID sessions and i'd appreciate any critique you guys can come up with.

    I'm 6'4, 26 yrs, turning 27 Feb 16th. Live in Dallas over by North Park mall and workout at Metroflex Plano off of 75 and Parker.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Dallas, TX


    Recovery Day
    Squats 2x5 - 225
    Bench 3x5 - 175 (touch n' go)

    Foam Rolling/Mobility Work
    35min walk roundtrip to the train

    Didn't feel as destroyed as I usually do. Barely broke a sweat squatting and quickly rushed through all sets. Tried out 2 different stances/foot positioning so please comment on which you like better. My phone sucks and put the text sideways in the vid but I ended up leaving it as is, makes it pretty easy to tell if the bar path is off!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Dallas, TX


    Intensity Day
    Squats 1x5 - 395/179.5kg
    Clean to Press 1x2 - 160/73kg
    Deadlift 1x5 - 445/202kg
    Dips 1x5 - bw

    Wasn't feeling so intense today. I wanted to crawl into a hole and die after the squats. I started seeing floating dots after the 2nd rep. Lost my lumbar flexion on reps 4 and 5. Awful OHP, awful bar path, just plain awful. Was just shooting for 3 reps and I couldn't even get that. Deadlift was the best lift of the day but just was so freaking worn out and out of breath.

    I actually made it the 7 days abstaining from any sexual stimulation and it made no freaking difference.

    Serious doubts about being able to make it to 405x5. I need a kick in the ass.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Brooklyn, NY


    Way to grind out the set man. The first rep moved really fast. You never know-- 400 next week could be a lot easier. Some days are like that. 400 dude!

    Do you workout at 6am or something? That gym is always freaking quiet. And no music?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Dallas, TX


    Thanks Rob. I have a weird work schedule and have to workout about 11am on Fridays. It's the absolute worst day for me to do ID as I work till 1am the night before and am always rushed to get to work after working out. Not too mention no breakfast beforehand.

    I'm thinking about moving ID to Monday(off all day), VD to Wed(off all day again), and Thurs/Fri for Assistance/Recovery. Only drawback here being one less day between VD and ID but a full nights sleep and belly before each workout. The gym would also have a lot more people those evenings which would help the adrenaline rush get going when I start yelling and hitting myself in the chest with everyone staring.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Brooklyn, NY


    Yeah, you may be better off moving your day-- that sounds rough as hell-- I wouldn't be down for that. I've had to move things around due to the fact I'm in a class, but I do try to always get two days between ID and VD. It sounds like your current situation would be worse though.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Dallas, TX


    starting strength coach development program
    Volume Day
    Squats 3x5 - 342.5
    1x5 - 295
    1x5 - 275
    Bench Press 8x3 - 217.5
    Chin Ups 8x2 - bw

    So much for not breaking parallel on VD. It looks like I went TOO far down as my knees traveled forward a bit at the very bottom. Happy enough though. Squats were just brutal today and I felt like puking. Added two back off sets after my 3 working sets. Just tinkering around and trying to find out what works best for me.

    Bench felt pretty heavy also, until I hit the 3rd set. I felt so much drive from the ground the rest of the sets were very manageable. I brough my feet closer together and pointed them about 50 degrees out. Barely took much rest and even switched between bench and chin ups each set. Confidence was climbing with each set.

    These extra 2 days off while I switched up my schedule really helped me as i've felt as fresh as ever. Body weight is up to 253 on an empty stomach and 259.5 at the end of the day.

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