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Thread: Forthright Training Log

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Day 63 Light (Thank god)

    210# Deep High-Bar: 2 x 5
    165# Bench-Press: 3 x 5
    275# Dead-lift: 2 x 5

    (2 x 40#) Strict Palms Forward Dumb-Bell Curls (Alternated reps): 2 x 8 Reps
    Same but hammer curl the whole curl then switched to lifting both at the same time for final 3 or 4 reps: 1 x 11 Reps

    If this were not a light day then I would have over trained and fallen apart.
    Last edited by Forthright; 11-28-2012 at 12:24 PM.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    Day 64 Intense

    Clean and Press (Paused reps)
    115# x 2 x 5ish
    155# x 1 x 3
    5 Pull-Ups
    165# x 1 x 2
    180# x 1 x 3 (Failed Rep 4)
    180# x 1 x 4

    Deep High-Bar (As-low-as-I-go)
    135# x 1 x 5
    225# x 1 x 3
    275# x 1 x 2
    330# x 1 x 5

    315# x 1 x 3
    470# x 1 x 5

    A) Dips to parallel Depth, B) Pistol Squats

    A) 90#: 4 Reps (Failed 5), 85#: 5 Reps, 3 Reps
    B) 28Kg Kettle-bell: 3/3, 5/5 (Touch-and-go)

    A bunch of belt squats (Sets of 8- 12) (Edit)
    Pull-Ups: 2 or 3 x 5
    Close-Grip Press (Standing obviously): 8 Reps, 6 Reps
    Pull-Ups: 3 x 5

    24Kg Tgu: 1/ Side

    Some ab stuff: Leg raises, hanging leg raises, a set of 10 decine sit ups with 40Kg, 2 x 40Kg rack and hold,...

    Felt real weak today...I have been looking for a new job this week so I have been stressed. Not sleeping as much but I made it through today.

    Didn't think I was going to get a new 4rm with the press. I didn't get it the first time but I went and got it that second try. Real proud I got it cause I didn't think I would. Not sure but I may be dipping my knees a little to catch the clean. Don't think it matters. Probably best to not think about it.

    Squats were as atg as I get and they were solid squats. I didn't lean over too much and I felt good.

    Dead-lifts were possibly the best set of dead-lifts I have ever done. They were the heaviest so I guess they are the best but the form was perfect. Figured out/ remembered some things today. So proud of the dead-lifts.

    I don't think I am going to be able to get in all of this extra stuff once I get my new job so I have been feeling very discouraged. Hence, I have been less structured and more random once I finish the dead-lifts.
    Last edited by Forthright; 12-04-2012 at 06:38 PM.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    Week 17

    Day 65 Crazy Volume

    No warm-Ups

    305# Deep High-bar (Never took longer than 2 (2:10) Minute rest. Went as low as one minute
    2 Reps, 3 Reps, 5 Reps, 2 Reps, 3 Reps, 5 Reps, 2 Reps, 3 Reps

    Bench-Press (Mosty paused on the chest with some touch-and-go)
    240#: 2 Reps, 3 Reps, 3 Reps, 235#: 3 Reps, 3 Reps, 240#: 3 Reps, 3 Reps, 2 Reps, 3 Reps
    Failed 3rd rep of 2nd to last set

    400# Dead-lift: 5 x 5

    Crazy day today....Got the idea for what I did out of a book so I went for it. Squats went amazing....I either finished faster than with 5 x 5 or the same. Really went well

    The bench-presses didn't go so well but they may have gone better than I thought at the time. I don't know how long 5 x 5 takes so I'm not sure.

    Dead-lifts were good. Stuck with 5 x 5 for these. Reverted back to my old form on the final set which was a bad idea. I think it messed with my lower-back a little. Could have bee fatigue but I think I would have been a lot better sticking with what I had.

    Had little spots of pain in my lower-back from when I tired the Tgu's last friday. Not a good lift for when your abs are tired.

    Edit: Familiar pain down low in my spine around the sacrum. Gotta stop over arching in my lower-back. I'm gonna have some minor pain now reminding me until it's gone. Pisses me off because I should not be feeling pain more than the actualy pain.

    Squats were too heavy last week. I was hoping that the different rep scheme would allow me to stick with 305# and it worked perfectly, However, the bench-presses went horrible. I am not convinced that they would have gone well had I stuck with 5 x 5 so I need to lower the weight there. Dead-lifts could be a little cleaner but I just need to keep my lower back more neutral.
    Last edited by Forthright; 12-04-2012 at 06:57 PM.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    Day 66 Assistance

    16Kg Swings & Halos: Warm-Up (Halos = Shoulder mobility)

    135# Warm-Up
    185# x 1 x 2, and then some more warm-up reps
    205# x 1 x 2
    235# x 5 x 1 (1 Min Rest/ Rep)
    Lowered the weight to 230# in under a minute but failed the 6th rep @ 230#. Caught the weight but I dropped into an atg squat, couldn't stand up (But should not have tried) and dumped the bar.
    Took a five minute rest
    230# Power-clean: 2 Reps (1 Rep/ Min), Took another five minute rest and then did one last single at 230#

    The rest of the workout was random. I mixed up the sets so this stuff was done in on particular order

    40Kg Swings, 5, 5, 10, 10 Some other random sets too
    435# Hip-Thrusts: 2 x 8
    40Kg Romanian dead-lift ( Super slow with a big hamstring stretch: 2 sets I think) Then another set or two slow down, fast up)
    40Kg Single-leg Romanian Dl: 5 Reps/ Side
    40Kg Shrugs: 1 x 10 as fast as possible
    40Kg Twisting Dead-lift: 1 x 3/ Side (Weird lift but it's good for injury prevention. Build a little strength there incase I end up there later.)
    Did sets of five pull-ups and ended up with about 40+ pull-ups
    Last edited by Forthright; 12-04-2012 at 06:42 PM.

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    Day 67 Light

    130# Press from rack: 3 x 5
    215# Deep High-Bar (Paused cause they just were): 2 x 5
    280# Dead-lift: 2 x 5

    2 x 40# Dumb-Bell Curl (Alternated, palms forward, strict): 2 x 8, 1 x 5

    Gotta keep my feet straight. That's why I hurt my knees sometimes when I press.

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    Day 68 Intense

    Pull-Ups: 3 Reps

    Deep High-Bar
    135# x 1 x 5
    225# x 1 x 3
    275# x 1 x 2
    335# x 1 x 5 (Not great though)

    135# x 1 x 5
    225# x 1 x 2
    260# x 1 x 3
    260# x 1 x 2

    225# x 1 x 5
    315# x 1 x 3
    475# x 1 x 2
    475# x 1 x 4

    Dips, Pistol Squats

    82# Dips (Parallel): 2 x 5, 1 x 2
    50# Pistol-Squats: 1 x 3/ Side, 1 x 3 (Left), 1 x 2 (Right)
    Long long rest

    82# Dips (Parallel): 1 x 5

    Front Squat: 200# x 1 x 5, 205 x 2 x 5, 225# x 2 x 5
    Ab stuff

    Horrible week this time. By far the worst week. I should have known that what I did on Monday wasn't going to work. Those short rests damaged my muscles in a way that wasn't going to respond to Texas Method. I didn't have a good Tuesday either but I think Monday was where I really messed up

    Squats were decent but I bumped the safty bars at the bottom of the 5th rep. I was getting more of a bouce too which means I needed more of a bounce. So I would call it questionable.

    The bench-press felt like a brick. Got 3 reps which is actually not horrible considering I started with 3 reps weeks back. I did 5 reps with 5 pounds less 2 weeks ago so it was bad.

    Dead-lift was weird. I felt that it was fucking with my back the first time I went for it so I quit after 2 reps. Then I went for it again and got 4 reps. So maybe I just had bad form the first time. Those 2 reps definitely could have cost me a rep on that second try. I'll just have to go for 5 reps at 475# next week.

    The assistance stuff really proved to me that I was bad this week. Used 10# less than last week for my pistols and I was weaker with it. I wanted to go harder on my left leg because my right leg is stronger. Want my left leg to catch up but today was a bad week to plan anything.

    Did ok with the dips at first but then I got only 2 reps the 3rd set. This was a hard week for me. Really had to suck it up and accept that I messes up and I'm weaker. Next week is going to be a big week. Either I am going to come back from this smarter or I am going to suffer.

    Long rests are key for me.
    Last edited by Forthright; 12-12-2012 at 01:27 PM.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    Texas Method Week 18

    Day 69 Volume

    Bw: 202#

    16Kg Golbet Squats: Warm-up
    2 x 25# Alt. Db Curls: 8 Reps/ Hand

    135# x 1 x 5
    225# x 1 x 2
    315#: 2, 3, 5, 2, 3, 5 ,2 ,3 (Five minute rests)

    Clean and Press (5 Min Rests)
    135# x 1 x 2
    170#: 2, 3, 4, 2, 3
    165#: 5
    170#: 2, 3

    170# Clean & Front-Squat (Paused): 3 Reps

    405#: 3, 2, 5
    410#: 2, 3, 5, 2, 3

    Used the same rep scheme as last week but I took five minute rests. Not too different from doing 8 x 3.

    Didn't do the squats well. I was sitting back too much. I was actually using the goblet squat groove. Last set of three was correct and as low as posible. The other sets were actually just below parallel. I thought the weight was heavy at first but now I think my groove was off.

    Presses were ok I guess. Only got four reps with 170# so I dropped the weight five pounds to get the second set of five. Ended up with 24 reps instead of 25.
    Did the clean and front squat with the barbell already set up for presses.

    Dead-lifts were ruff again. I think my back was a little off from the squats. Back feels fine now but I have been having trouble with the volume deads. Gonna have to stop if I can't get the hang of it.
    Last edited by Forthright; 12-12-2012 at 01:28 PM.

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    Day 70 Assistance

    Bw: 222#

    135# Warm-Ups
    185# x 2
    205# x 1
    225# x 1
    235# x 13 Reps Total (1 Rep/ Minute) Dropped reps 3 & 12 but I was told that they were pulled high enough so I'll count them sorta

    Then (alternated swings and pull-ups, Rom. Dls after 4th set of pull-ups) (Finished everything but the leg raises in 11:30 minutes)
    40Kg Swings: 4 x 10 (4th set of swings had a few of those crossfit style American swings. Usually I do more of an RKC swing but a little looser)
    Pull-Ups: 4 x 5
    235# Romanian Dead-lift: 1 x 8
    Leg Raises: 1 x 6, 1 x 4 or 5

    Power-Cleans went a lot better than last week. I dropped the 3rd rep so I thought I was fu##ed. I'm told that I pulled it high enough but I just couldn't catch it. I was able to keep going though (Thank God) and I did good until I got to the 12th rep. 12th rep was the same as the 3rd. I was able to complete one more rep after 12 and then I stopped. I never dropped into a full squat which is good. So it was 11 good reps and two reps that were pulled to a decent height but dopped.

    Finished up with some swings and pull-ups. Did a set of romanian dls but I should have used lighter weight. Romanian Dls work really well when the weight is too light to challenge the back until later in the set. If the weight feels heavy on your back then you don't have the spare energy to make life hard on your hamstrings.
    Last edited by Forthright; 12-12-2012 at 01:28 PM.

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    Day 71 Light

    Deep High-Bar
    220# x 2 x 5

    165# x 3 x 5

    285# x 1 x ( 3 reps normal and 2 reps sumo)
    285# x 1 x 5

    2 x 45# Db Curl (Alt.): 8 Reps/ Side, 5 Reps/ Side

    Did the two sumo dead-lifts just to see what it was like. Feet were as close as is still sumo. It would be a hard switch if I tried to go sumo and I would definitely go backwards.

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    starting strength coach development program
    Day 72 Intensity

    Clean and Press
    135# Warm Up (Did this after 135# Squats)
    160# x 1 x 2 (Right after 225# Squats)
    185# x 1 x 3
    190# x 1 x 2 (Failed rep 3)

    High-Bar Squat
    135# Warm-Up
    225# x 1 x 3
    275# x 1 x 2
    340# x 1 x 5

    225# x 1 x ( 3 Normal, 2 Fast)
    315# x 1 x 3
    480# x 1 x 4 (Failed rep 5)

    Incline Bench-Press
    140# x 8
    135# x 8
    135# x 6
    115# x 8
    2 x 45# Dumb-Bells: 8, 8, 8, 5, 8

    225# Front-Squat x 2 x 2

    175# High-Bar Squat
    A bunch of sets of 8 and some 5s

    Didn't do good on the presses I guess. The 2nd rep at 190# went up so well that I was really suprised when I failed the 3rd rep. I wonder if I did something wrong cause I should of had it. The second rep was not just a little easy. It floated up like there was another rep there.

    Squats were not atg but I was happy with them. Below parallel and probably had some reps that were deeper than I even realised.

    I tried to ignore last weeks dead-lifts. I thought there was a chance that I could of had five reps last week but I just screwed up the form. I wanted five reps this time to erase last weeks mistakes. I figured that four 480# reps would be fine and that was what I got. Really wanted that fifth rep but the bar didn't even make it an inch off the ground. So I couldn't get past last weeks mistakes. I wonder if last week was the reason I didn't progress my press.... Could have been weaker this week so working the press could of got it back to where it was at. Gonna have to stick with the same weight and add a rep at some point...maybe next time haha
    Last edited by Forthright; 12-15-2012 at 04:38 PM.

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