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Thread: Slot's Slow Return to Lifting and Migration to TM.

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hey, great to see you back. You will be back to where you were before you know it.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Brandon, MS

    Default Slot's Slow Return to Lifting and Migration to TM.

    Quote Originally Posted by Marlin View Post
    Hey, great to see you back. You will be back to where you were before you know it.
    Thank you. Great to be back and back in the gym.

    Ideally I'll be back (and up to) 405X3X5 in 6 weeks. That's the plan and I plan to hit it.

  3. #13
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    Brandon, MS


    Ok, so I'm a weak bitch. I can't do it. I could but, I gotta be smart about it.

    I was supposed to work out last night but, I was sooo tired last night, I feel asleep and didn't go.

    I went today after the boys took their afternoon nap. I felt good going in and was ready to knock the workout to.


    I could barely get 325 up on the 3 attempt. The next two I barely remember. What I do remember was not remembering, hearing, or seeing anything during the lifts. It actually scared me. I know my back really hurt, the lower back. I don't think my back is ready to ramp up like I have been wanting to.


    Sorry to my buddy helping me but, I want to play it safe as I want to compete next year. So I'm going to resign the ramp workouts and just play it safe with novice LP (if I can) or go to intermediate (TM).

    So yeah, I'm pussin' out but, I don't want to hurt myself.

    Well, I'll see what my buddy says first I guess. He may have me lower the weight. That might work. (Forgive my jumping typing whatever comes to mind. I plan to do all my posts like that...)

    So, after squats bench:

    Bench Press:
    50X2X5 DB
    45X5 BB

    I need to start practicing with the bb so I can do it in meets. Only bad thing is, at least for today, I would need a spotter (or someone to hand off and re-rack the bb) to lift anymore than 60 or so.

    I got really frustrated today as I have no one around me that would be willing to make a commit to come workout with me. I even offered paid membership to anyone that would want to. Only received a bunch of "I wish I could" and etc. Fuck that. I need someone that wants to bleed the sweat and tears to get strong as hell.

    Anyways, I'm tired and starting to get pissed off now. I'm going to start looking for jobs where I know some gyms are that would be able to cater to what I want to do. My first search will be Wichita Falls in a minute. hahah I know Matt's gym is in Missouri and there are a dew in Ohio. My wife has already stated that we can move where ever. She doesn't like this place either and this is where she was born. So yeah, I'm going to actively look for work somewhere and if I find something, the town WILL have a gym suitable for me.

    Feel free to post City/States that you live in or used to that has black iron gyms or something that caters to powerlifters.

  4. #14
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    Brandon, MS


    So I feel better about everything. I talked with y buddy and he helped me make a new plan to better fit my dumb ass not working out self. I'm going to drop the weight a little and start in a little stronger position to get my strength back up to where it was. Only this time it will take a little longer. It's still on par to get the elusive 405X3X5 before the end of the year.

    This will be good. Hopefully between now and then I'll get a spike of strength increase and be able to shoot for 450X1 at a meet in February. 2013 Brother Bennett Memorial powerlifting meet. I figure I'm at 100lbs or so for a 1RM, maybe more... so I'm hoping by then to get to 120 or somewhere around there.

    The last time I deadlifted wihout a strap, I did 225 or 235 for a couple. I know I'll need to work to get that up again. So I will work on my grip on non workout days.

    Other than that and to fix the time issues, I talked to my wife and she is fine with me going to the gym after we get the boys bathed and into bed. We work well as a team and we can get them ready for bed fast... So that will allow me to take my time and actually do all of my lifts and any extra work I do.

    I'm currently looking for gyms that I might want to move near; seriously. I'm going to bust my ass and get my certifications caught up to my experience then we are moving somewhere.

    Post up if anyone can recommend powerlifting friendly gym or hard core lifting gyms. I'd like to go work out with Louie Simmons but, I wouldn't really want to go geared. squat suit and etc. I just want the shoes, belt and knee wraps.
    Last edited by mwhities; 10-28-2012 at 07:29 PM.

  5. #15
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    Brandon, MS


    Been reading up in Carb Back Loading again. I posted a few questions about it on Twitter and Kiefer responded to me directly. He sent me a link to a YouTube video with him stating that fat asses should start with CarbNite (Ok, he said chubby but, whatever.). I was thinking about starting the CB but, I guess I will ty the CN first now. Anyone had luck with it? I figure I am 35%BF plus. So I need to lose quite a bit of fat.

    Other than that... I just tried to kill a China Buffet place... full and tired now.

  6. #16
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    My workout tonight sucked major balls yet again. The weight, no issues really, I reset a little lighter but, my lifts were shit.

    A few things I hate I've done this last year.

    #1. Went to a damn StartingStrength seminar.
    - Now I bitch at myself for bad form and critique the hell out of myself. (Thanks SS gang!)
    #2. Stopped working out.
    - I will fly my ass out to Wichita Falls TX and left Rip and Stef beat me with a barbell of their choice.
    #3. When I stopped working out, I ate like shit.
    - Now I'm a fat as weakling (again).


    I actually did three warm up sets. It's getting cold (actually cool here) and my right knee wasn't wanting to do anything.

    I'm ALL over the place. I hit rack a few times with my plate.. which tells me I'm leaning forward or I'm twisting forward, on my right side. I did this a few times.

    For whatever reason, I don't feel like I'm setting the bar in the right place. It feels weird but, I can't seem to hit that sweet spot like I did with the 405. I'm not sure if I'm trying to go low bar (I know I can't) but, it's not quite there but, still lower than high bar. Pisses me off big time.

    Shoulder Presses:

    I knew I was going to fail but, I had to do it. I will continue this SP until I successfully do 70X5X3. I WILL get stronger.

    195X5 (felt good)
    225X5 (with strap)

    So, I had been neglecting my deads and that was before I stopped working out. I feel that they REALLY help with my squat since, when I rack the bb in a squat, I'm still leaned over and not fully erect. Right now, I feel that is what is killing my squats. I lost strength in my back and my squat numbers just fell.

    Loved the squats tonight. Felt really good and strong. PROPER FORM MUTHAFUCKA!!!

    Peanut butter sandwich, banana, and 16oz of Whey for a post snack.

    I might have a workout buddy. He's a mutual friend of a friend. The awesome thing is, he powerlifts too! He's going to do the meet I posted earlier and our friend will be there too. He's a smaller guy, 165 or so and older, about 50+ish? Strong as an OX though. Doesn't look strong by no means but, he made my 285 look like 45lbs when he squatted 315 for 5. Granted, I'll need to straighten up his form. (I'll wait till I get to know him better, :P) He did try the one-arm deadlifts with me. When we got to 195, he couldn't do it. So I stepped up (without the strap) and busted out (proper form) 5 in a row. I then tried the 225 without the strap and was only able to get it about 3" off the floor. Added the strap and blew out another 5. I feel I'll need to add at least 10lbs next time.

    He's going to try to make it up Wednesday to help me bench press the barbell. I told him I was looking for a training partner and he said that he might run a little later Wed but, he'd definitely help me out with it. HELL YEAH!

    Feb, gotta get ready for it.
    Last edited by mwhities; 10-29-2012 at 09:26 PM.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Hey, don't get too down. You just need to get into a rythm and things will work themselves out. Just show up every day and you will be a good way there in no time.

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Brandon, MS


    Quote Originally Posted by Marlin View Post
    Hey, don't get too down. You just need to get into a rythm and things will work themselves out. Just show up every day and you will be a good way there in no time.
    I'm just trying to fuel myself. I'll get back in no time.

    I just applied for 5 different positions around the US. haha I'll see if I hear anything back from any of them.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Brandon, MS


    starting strength coach development program

    Felt great. I think I found my old bar position. Definitely felt better last night.

    Bench Press: (All barbell.)

    No deadlifts, to late to do them.

    My chest is on fire. I'm not sure if it's good or bad but, I tried keeping my arm out at about the same as a two-armed person doing it. My hand is out wide "away" from my chest. Tougher than I though it'd be. I could go up more but, I did this solo. I had to go trick-or-treating with the boys, then help my brother-in-law, and then finally the gym. When I arrived, my new workout buddy was leaving. I apologized and he said not to worry about it. He'll see me Monday for the next bench press day. (Good)

    I didn't get to the gym until almost 9PM.. I rather wish I didn't go. Late, I was already tired and really didn't feel like doing it but, I did.

    I did bench presses first as two guys came in as I was getting my shoes on and took over the only squat cage. I could've said something but, I decided to bench press first. I think I was pushing on the bench with my head to much or something but, I finished with a massive headache... neck and all the way up. Squats didn't help it much. Didn't hurt this morning so, all is well.

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