starting strength gym
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Thread: ChinaBoy's Log

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2012


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    hey, thanks for tips


    Missed 2 workouts due to school, faimly stuff, also sleep wasn't best last 2 days ...I hate that.


    1x5 squat 55 kg
    3x5 press 30 kg
    1x5 deadlift 75 kg
    6,4,3,3,3 pullup
    3x8 lying leg raise
    3x8 side bend 12 kg
    2x10 sec 1 arm deadlift 30 kg
    3x8 back extension


    Messed up with squats...I switched to squatting 2x/week (monday + friday)...But I did them accidentally out of habit

    Press, are too heavy now. The only way I can increase the weight is increase my BW...switching to push presses.

    DL, are getting heavy, gonna deload as my form was really shitty.

    Pullups, have to be more agressive, more explosive.

    Hanging leg raises-my abs are too weak for them...switched to lying leg raises where I felt my abs were burning (with HLR it felt like hip flexors were doing the majority of the work)

    1 arm deadlifts felt like they are really good for my obliques.

    Back extension feels like a good choice.

    My assistance exercises are geared towards the Core, upperback and triceps.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2012



    Did all out sets to calculate my 1 RM for 5/3/1...As I am gonna switch to 5/3/1 beginner template (a bit tweaked, got rid of the extra bench press as I don't wanna press with 25 kg , rather do pushups or dips)

    9x SQ 60 kg
    9x BP 40 kg

    some assistance exercises


    5x DL 70 kg
    12x Push press 30 kg
    7,4,4,3,2 pullups
    3x8 back raise
    3x 1 arm dl
    3x5 hanging knee raise


    Also started taking Ju Jutsu classes...hope they wont make me do too much conditioning as I am already doing that with jumping rope as warm up and after workout. So now it's 3x/week gym, 2-3x/week ju jutsu.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Experiencing some health problems

    I had them also in the summer holidays...

    I had light headedness when I get out of bed too quickly, trouble getting out of bed, overall less productivity, brain fog, fatigue (especially in the afternoon), no motivation and also workouts would wipe me out (after working out I'd go home eat a big meal and then pass out for 1.5-2 hours, and that would fuck my sleep cycle and I'd go to bed again after 2 AM)

    3x/week strength training in the gym (1 hour), 2-3x/week ju jutsu (1 hour) should be too demanding on my body...cuz I feel like it takes so much time for me to recover after workouts or jujutsu lessons...I'd eat a big meal after and then spend 1-2 hours lying in bed, watching movies or tv shows too tired and brain too fried to even study or do something productive.

    Gotta correct that or I will start failing classes

    read that i could be adrenal fatigue

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2012


    damn i got these symptoms:

    Lightheaded when rising from a horizontal position.
    Unable to remember things.
    Lack of energy in the mornings and in the afternoon between 3 to 5 pm.
    Feel better suddenly for a brief period after a meal.
    Often feel tired from 9 - 10 pm, but resist going to bed.
    Cravings for salty, fatty, and high protein food such as meat and cheese.
    Difficulties in getting up in the morning.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2012



    2x5 SQ 40 kg
    1x5 SQ 60 kg

    2x5 BP 30 kg
    1x5 BP 40 kg

    Kroc rows 16 kg (25 for left, 20 for right arm)

    9,9,9 dips

    2x6 DB row for left arm 19 kg

  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2012


    starting strength coach development program
    Forgot to log my last few workouts.

    Today I did a bench press PR even though I was really sore from deadlifting, beat up from ju jutsu and didn't sleep the day before as I was studying for exams.

    I went into the gym hoping to get 5x40 kg and then leave. But I felt pretty great and pushed it. I did 12x BP 40 kg, previous record was 9 reps.

    5/3/1 bench press (on the last set I did 12 reps of bench 40 kg)

    2x5 db rows 20 kg, 17 kg

    6,4,3 pullups

    2 sets of dips

    3x8 hanging leg raises

    Done in 30 min total.

    I am playing with the idea of doing standard 5/3/1 4x a week with boring but big...4x a week doesn't really fit my schedule and I prefer full body 3x week. Also I don't fancy the idea of doing bench presses with like an empty bar .

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