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Thread: Still on the Right Side of the Grass

  1. #2761
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025

    Doing what we can, with what we have ...

    Squat -
    Performed a double at 127.5kg (it was kinda high), and then a 4*4 at 105kg.

    Bench -
    A four count Spoto Larsen at 82.5kg, and then a 4*4 of regular Benches at 71kg. These shouldn't feel heavy, but they are ...sigh.

    Deadlift -
    A slow, paused Double at 170kg, followed by a 4*4 at 155kg.

    SBD Saturday -
    I got this work in after doing the Livestream on YouTube for NY Prime Time:
    Squats to a Box with Chains 70kg +36kg of chains 12*3; 2 Board Close Grip Bench at 75kg 3*3; Big Wheel Pulls at 163kg 1*3


    We had a group of very strong men and women at the gym today for a USAPL meet: NY Prime Time, featuring a $6,000.00 purse: 3k to each division. The women had a runaway winner with a DOTS score of 512.253, 2nd and 3rd were closer at 479 and 476 respectively.

    The men's division looked like a comfortable win for a young man who weighed in at 67kg ... he got hawked by another youngster who weighed in at 93kg.

    Going into Deadlifts, the 67kg lifter had a comfortable 10-15 point lead in DOTS, and he equaled his PR on his 3rd pull at 322.5kg ... he might have had another 2.5-5kg in him, but why mess up a chance at $2,000.00. The guy in second missed his 3rd attempt ... and finished 3rd.

    The kid in 3rd was having an OK day, but not great. Came up short of his PRs on both Squat and Bench, and looked for all the world like he was fighting for 2nd ... until he put a 22.5kg PR attempt on the bar for his 3rd - 365kg.

    Now, I'm not really paying attention to the Liftingcast software, I had already called the win for the 67kg kid ... and then I noticed, before the 93kg kid pulled his 3rd, the software said that if he pulled 365kg he would win ... and win by .15 DOTS. Dammed if he didn't do it, and probably had another 5-7.5kg in him ... WHAT THE FUCK ... WHERE DID THAT COME FROM.

    That pull blew the doors off the gym ... crowd went absolutely nutz. I had to go and apologize to the winner, for having made an early, and obviously incorrect call over the airwaves. Fortunately he was a gentleman about it, as was his coach ... I however, was mortified.

    Who goes and puts a 22.5kg PR increase for a 3rd when they've been less than stellar all day ... 365kg ... that's 803lbs folks ... just crazy.

    So 1st Place DOTS 543.357
    2nd Place DOTS 543.2

    Insane ...

    Oh, and Wednesday we have our sit down with the Urology team to hash out our differences, and hopefully come t common ground on starting TRT.

    Prayers, and burnt offerings are welcome ...
    Last edited by Browndog; 05-11-2024 at 05:09 PM.

  2. #2762
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    New York


    Looks like it was a great contest.
    Good luck with your Dr's, I hope they are on your side with the TRT.

  3. #2763
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY



    The meeting with the Urology team is done and dusted ...

    Pulse: 128bpm Blood Pressure: 140/80

    The nurse asked if I had run into the hospital. I explained that I was just a little AMPED UP. Seriously, I was dumping adrenaline like water over Niagara Falls.

    Met with the Chief Resident first (teaching experience and all that), and then sat down with the Dept Head for about 45 minutes.

    I presented them with a brief (3 page) synopsis of what's transpired over the last your plus years, along with m USAPL competition page showing how far I've fallen. Additionally, I had all the pertinent papers that Dr. Nichol's provided, and the ones that I had dug up on my own ... these came in handy later in the appointment.

    The doctor sat politely as I went through the outline, and he asked questions along the way. Ultimately he was more interested in my libido than any of the other quantifiable symptoms. My libido, being what it is, was a borderline indicator, but not anything he found troubling.

    In the end, he was adamant that my numbers, taken in the morning, are the only numbers he's interested in. That being the case, a morning assay for total T of 420 was well within their acceptable range, and that TRT was not indicated ... regardless of my other symptomology.

    So we danced around the issue of Test ranges falling in a spectrum, and that the acceptable range has been lowered over the years.

    I asked if there was any issue with me running a course of TRT. He said no, but that I wasn't in a deficient range so I wouldn't derive any value from replacement TRT.

    I stated that, in light of how my thyroid issue has been mishandled, I was inclined to try TRT, to see if it alleviated my physical symptoms. He said he understood, but that he doubted I would see any benefit.

    I then stated my position, post cancer treatments: I would rather die on my feet, than live on my knees. He acknowledged that statement as acceptable.

    He put forth the proposition that I get another blood panel done ... an A.M. draw, and if the numbers come back at 300 or lower, he'd approve my decision.

    I replied that regardless of where this new panel comes in at, I'm inclined to go ahead anyway, but to dot any I's, and cross any T's, I'll accede to his request (no sense burning any bridges).

    I then asked pointedly, that if I went through with my intentions, and things went south, would he or the hospital go after the physician who recommended TRT. He said "no, why would we, you're making as informed a decision as anyone who's walked into our offices". (Thank you to the papers provided by Dr. Nichols.)

    Now I ask you ... why couldn't they have said that a month ago? I asked them that quite clearly in my initial request.

    So, I'll go for the new draw as soon as the request hits Quest. And, as I stated, I'll be calling Dr. Nichols immediately there after.

    I'm emotionally spent ...

  4. #2764
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY



    New Cycle

    Squat Monday -
    A set of FAHVE at 85kg, and then three doubles at 95kg. Chest and Shoulders for successories ...

    Bench Tuesday -
    A Larsen single at 77.5kg, and then three doubles at 68kg. Successories were awfully like CrossFit Cardio ...

    Deadlift Thursday -
    A paused single at 160kg, and then three doubles at 145kg. Felt comfortable enough to work on wedging myself into position for the pull ... it's been a while since I had enough energy for that.

    SDB Saturday -
    Banded Squats to Box 73kg 4*5; 3 Board / Four Count Bench at 63kg 4*4; Tempo Down RDLs at 100kg 7*2. A set of Chest, Back, and Shoulders for successories.

    I must have been carrying a lot of stress from the past month or two, because since the doctors appointment I'm a bit peppier: can do a higher RPM on the Assault Bike, simple movement patterns aren't as aerobically taxing, sleeping better.

    Oh, and a follow-up observation about that appointment:
    Did you know ... that testosterone supplementation will not help one regain / improve strength and cardiovascular fitness?
    Swear to dog, the Urologist said that to me with a straight face.

    Anyway, I contacted Dr. Nichols. I'm set up with an appointment to go over the ins and outs of his TRT protocol.

    Onwards ...

  5. #2765
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    New York


    It sure is strange when a Dr. tells you the opposite of what is commonly reported to be the results of TRT. I've heard of the side effects that can cause high cholesterol, blood pressure and hemocricit levels. Years ago I went to a local TRT clinic near my my house, I was 64 at the time. I was given a complete blood panel testing. When I went back for a consultation I was told they really didn't like to prescribe TRT to men my age because it could cause heart issues. Strange to hear that from a place that does this.

  6. #2766
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY



    Squat Monday -
    Set of fahve at 92.5kg, followed by three paused doubles at 97.5kg. Chest, Back, and Shoulders for successories.

    Bench Wednesday -
    A Larsen Single at 82.5kg (so very slow), and three doubles at 69kg. Shoulders and Arms for successories.

    Deadlift Thursday -
    A single at 170kg (slow), and three paused doubles at 150kg ... at least they were beltless. Chest and back for successories.

    SBD Saturday -
    Banded Squats at 80kg *5; 3 Board / 4 Count Bench at 70kg 4*4; Tempo Down RDLs at 110kg 7*2. Chest / Back, and Shoulders for successories.
    Got though the big three, and then was running on fumes for the successories ... I did them all, but it was tiring.

    I had my appointment with Dr. Nichols, and we're moving ahead with TRT. I should have all the meds in hand early this coming week.

    I also had my yearly physical with my PCP. I informed him that I was using a sports medicine doc to treat my thyroid, and was considering TRT. Amazingly, he didn't push back ... not on the Thyroid changes, and more amazingly on the idea of TRT. He even went as far as to offer up the latest data on TRT and cardiovascular issues ... not as bad as has been made out to be, just stay on top of your blood panels.

    We did go round and round on the vaccine schedule: Shingles / Pneumonia / COVID. We also agreed to disagree on a follow-up Stress Test, and the need for a colonoscopy.

    Ultimately, he's allowing me enough rope to hang myself ... so all good.

    Here's to those who served and, did not return ... SALUTE!!!

  7. #2767
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY



    Squat Monday -
    A set of 5 at 100kg, and three doubles at 107.5kg. Lots of leg work, and some back exercises as well.
    Things moved halfway decently

    Bench Wednesday -
    A Larsen single at 85kg, and three regular doubles at 71kg. Successories moved smartly - I really liked the Curls to Press with 40lbs dumbbells 10*3 ... haven't attempted anything like that overhead since December.

    Deadlift Thursday -
    A paused single at 175kg, and three doubles at 155kg (some paused, some not). More leg work, along with chest and back for successories.
    Did everything beltless ... not the smartest idea I've had, but no damage done.

    SBD Saturday -
    We held another USAPL meet in the AM at the gym, so I got a late start to Saturday.
    Tempo Down Banded Squats at 95kg 4*5; 3 Board / 4 Count Bench at 75kg 4*4, Tempo Down RDLs at 120kg 7*2. Some successories, but nothing crazy ... the SBD work was more than enough after being behind the mike for the meet's Livestream. Talking for four hours takes it out of you.

    Soooo ...

    I've started TRT. It really does feel like a leap into the unknown, and that's having read countless articles, and watched umpteen podcasts / videos.
    I know it's the right thing to do, but ...

    Anyway, by Thursday I did start to notice little things being a bit easier: I could walk up a couple of flights of stairs and not have to stop halfway; I could take a bar out of the rack and not feel spent; I found that my RPMs on the Airdyne were up from an average of 47, to 52 ... with no change in exertion. Again, these are little things, but always the most noticeable to me.

    I have no expectations on strength gains. They'll come when they come, it's not like I'm dogging my training.

    Sleep is a little disrupted as I apply my dosage twice a day, and the PM dosage is known to cause some sleep issues until you acclimate to the it.

    Other than that, I'm just being attentive to the demands of treatment. My first blood work is due the second week of July. I don't have to monkey around with my diet (it's pretty on point), and I'll keep training along the same lines as I have been since everything went to hell. Maybe be a bit more aware of my hydration.

    And there we are. Like Frodo and Sam, I've left the Shire ...
    Last edited by Browndog; 06-01-2024 at 08:33 PM.

  8. #2768
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Chicago Burbs, IL


    Wow, great post, and great plan! Best of luck!

  9. #2769
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY


    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesepuff View Post
    Wow, great post, and great plan! Best of luck!
    Thanks ...

    This situation has been an education to be sure.

  10. #2770
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY


    starting strength coach development program

    Squat Monday -
    A set of fahve at 107.5kg, and three paused doubles at 115kg.
    Not gonna lie, that set of five moved.
    The successories were snappy as well. I was able to handle the 60lbs dumbbells ... by myself ... for sets and reps ... I have not done that ever.

    Bench Wednesday -
    Got buried on the Larsen single at 87.5kg ... twice. Repeated the three doubles at 71kg, but threw in a set of 10 at 61kg.
    Successories were just a bit off as well.
    Maybe warming up on the Airdyne with just my arms wasn't the best idea. Live and learn ...

    Deadlift Thursday -
    Paused single at 182.5kg, three doubles at 160kg. Slow, slow, slow ...
    Today's successories were better than Wednesday's. My new found love affair with the Dumbbell Bench continues unabated.
    Coach and I are somewhat confused as to why the top end work is still a struggle, but the down sets, and successories seem to be coming around.

    SBD Saturday -
    Banded Squats at 100kg 4*5; 3 Board / 4 Count Bench at 80kg 4*4; Tempo Down RDLs at 125kg 7*2.
    Some leg work, flys, and curls for successories.
    That was a goodly amount of work at those numbers.

    So, we're into the 2nd week of TRT.

    I had a little urine flow issue over the weekend. I contacted Dr. Nichols, and he called me straight away at 8:30 am Monday. As I underwent radiation treatment for my PCa, I still have the gland. Because I still have "some" tissue, the TRT will/did cause a little swelling of the remaining prostate.

    He had me contact my cancer treatment center, and ask to have them check me out. I got an afternoon appointment on Monday.
    They had me take a urine flow test, along with an ultrasound of the bladder, to see if I was retaining any urine.
    I wasn't, and they saw no other issues so they sent me on my way.

    I've been hydrating like I'm in meet conditions and I was feeling full, but not uncomfortable. I wasn't having any urgency in wanting to pee, regardless of the amount of liquids I'd taken in.

    Neither Dr Nichols or Roswell Park (my cancer treatment center) had a good explanation as to where all this liquid was going, but as long as I was emptying my bladder, all's good.

    I'm not showing any signs of swelling in my hands/fingers, knees, ankles, or face. I might be retaining a bit of water as my weight has shot up by couple of pounds.

    An extra dose of Tamsulosin every other day seems to have done the trick as I'm again peeing with force, and on a normal schedule.

    My sleep has not been affected by either the urine flow issue, or the initiation of TRT.

    Interestingly, I had my annual physical a few weeks back, and my BP was 138/80. When I went into Roswell to have this issue checked out, my BP is now reading 135/70 ... Usually at Roswell, my BP is in the 160s/80 ... I get a little wound up when I go in there ... the CANCER thing and all that.
    So this new reading was unexpected.

    And that's that. If all y'all have any questions, fire away. I'm posting this shit as a first person adventure that I hope is informative for anyone out there.

    Peace ...

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