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Thread: Still on the Right Side of the Grass

  1. #2771
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY


    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025

    Squat Monday -
    Paused Triple at 92.5kg, followed by five singles at 97.5kg.
    New cycle, and as is coach's want he has me coming in light. Everything felt good ...

    Bench Wednesday -
    Close Grip single at 77.5kg, five regular singles at 80kg.
    Lots of single arm work for successories. Still lacking pop off the chest, but the endurance on the successories is much better.

    Deadlift Thursday -
    Opened with a Big Wheel Pull single at 183kg, then five regular singles at 165kg.
    Farmers walks, Step-Ups for time, and Incline Bench for sets of 20. Felt pretty good ... just saying.

    SBD Saturday -
    Reverse Banded Box Squats ay 90kg 2*4; Two Board / Five Count Close Grip Bench at 68kg 2*4; Paused Deadlifts at 150kg 2*4.
    Some Pendlay Rows, Dead Bugs, and leg extensions for successories.
    Pretty happy with the way today felt: Squats and Deads felt light / very comfortable ... Bench was strong on the pause, still needs a little more umphh off the chest though.

    Two and a half weeks into this new world of "hormone optimization". Walking is no longer a chore, my energy is better, no discernable change in strength ... though I do feel more comfortable under the bar / bar in hand.

    I'm still adjusting to the totality of the program. It is affecting my sleep a bit. No anxiety, just waking up around 3:00am and being wide fucking awake. My weight is up a few pounds, which is normal I'm told ... water weight gain. It's not showing up as puffy face / swollen hand / swollen knees / swollen ankles, so I'm not concerned.

    Urine flow issue is still adjusting, but not an issue of any concern.

    And that's that ...

  2. #2772
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    Before starting Trt, i was in the 300's ng/dl and woke up every night at 3am and couldnt go back to sleep. Now that ive tripled that number after 6 months i sleep throughout the whole night.

    Strange how it affects everyone a little differently.

  3. #2773
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY


    Quote Originally Posted by Cole Gorton View Post
    Before starting Trt, i was in the 300's ng/dl and woke up every night at 3am and couldnt go back to sleep. Now that ive tripled that number after 6 months i sleep throughout the whole night.

    Strange how it affects everyone a little differently.
    Yeah, it's a mystery ...

    I haven't slept well since my cancer treatments back in 2020.

    I'm hoping that "normalizing" my test, and dialing in my thyroid meds puts paid to this issue.

  4. #2774
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY



    Squat Monday -
    Paused triple at 100kg .... very nice, five singles at 105kg ... comfortable. Successories were back, and leg focused.
    Lifting in the start of this heatwave. The gym is not air conditioned.

    Bench Wednesday -
    Close Grip single at 80kg ... ok, five regular singles at 82.5kg ... meh. Successories were bi's and tri's, along with Dumbbell pressing: from the floor and overhead.
    The heat is incredibly oppressive. Ceiling fans, along with floor fans make the gym more a convection oven.

    Deadlift Thursday -
    Big Wheel single at 190kg, followed by five singles at 172.5kg. Successories were Farmer Carries and Step Ups for time.
    Somewhere in my warm-up routine my lower back got cranky. It made pulling and bracing a real chore. The heat / humidity got to me today. I got home and everything hurt: back / belly / headache. I don't think I was dehydrated considering how much I drank while at the gym, but it had all the hallmarks of being dehydrated.

    SBD Saturday -
    Still feeling the effects of Thursday's session. Had to force myself to go into the gym and just do what I could. Fortunately the program calls for mid range RPE for doubles ... nothing too taxing. It was still hot and humid, but I went and opened all the doors to the gym, and that made for better airflow ... even if the tarmack outside was a broiler.
    Anyway: Reverse Banded Squats at 97.5kg 2*4; Close Grip 2 Board / 5 Count Bench at 70kg 2*4; Paused Deads at 155kg 2*4. Successories were Leg Extensions at 120lbs 10*5.
    My back was still cranky, but I was able to brace effectively on the Squats and Pulls. Bench actually felt "strong" for the first time in a while.
    Made it through the session sweating like I was in a shower. I was well hydrated going into the session and made sure to drink as much as I could comfortably.

    Nothing much to report on the TRT front. I'm fully engaged with all the components of the program, and seem to be handling everything without too much of problem. The urine flow issue seems to be under control with an increase in the tamsulosin dosage from.4mg to .6mg.

    The heatwave has definitely been a pain to deal with. It's killing my appetite, but I'm forcing myself to eat. Even with A/C in the bedroom, I'm running really hot, making sleep even harder to come by. I'm good for a couple of hours, and then tossing and turning the rest of the night. I get up around 5:00am to take my thyroid meds, along with the DHEA and Pregnenolone. I seem to be able to get a few more hours of REM sleep from then until 8:00am.

    Things should break tomorrow, and the next week looks more agreeable weatherwise.

    Until then, peace ...24

  5. #2775
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY



    Squat Monday -
    Paused Triple at 107.5kg, Five singles at 112.5kg.
    Single leg and arm work for successories

    Bench Wednesday -
    Close Grip single at 80kg, then five regular grip singles at 85kg.
    Floor Press at 60lbs now 10*3, and Dumbbell Press at 40lbs 8*4 for successories ... and Bi's and Tri's too.

    Deadlift Thursday -
    Big Wheel Single at 197.5kg, followed by five singles at 180kg on three minutes rest.
    Dumbbell Incline Bench at 50lbs 15*3, fast Farmer Carries at 80kg 4 down and backs (20 yards each way).

    SBD Saturday -
    Revs Banded Squats at 110kg 2*5; 2 Board / 5 Count Close Grip Bench at 75kg 2*5; Paused Deads at 160kg 2*4
    Leg Ext and Straight Bar Curls for successories.

    I do believe I'm seeing some progress here. Not out of breath anymore, shorter rest periods, weights are moving up while not feeling like death.
    It's been three weeks on this new program ... maybe, just maybe this is the answer. I'm also able to move about the golf course without fatigue for 18 holes ... my game still sucks, but at least I'm not crapping out 15 holes in.

    It's still hot and humid, so eating is a chore.

    Other than that, nothing else to report.

  6. #2776
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY



    Squat Monday -
    Paused triple at 117.5kg, followed by five singles at 120kg, and Paused Leg Press at 220lbs 20*3
    OK ...

    Bench Wednesday -
    Close Grip single at 85kg, followed by five regular singles at 87.5kg. Dumbbell Floor Press is a focus of the successories this cycle, and I ended at 65lbs 10*3 ... YAY!!!

    Deadlift Thursday -
    Big Wheel Pull at 203kg *1, followed by five regular pulls at 187.5kg. Dumbbell Incline Bench at 55lbs 15*3 as part of the successful successories.

    SBD Saturday -
    Revs Banded Squats 120kg 2*4; 2 Board / 5 Count Close Grip Bench at 80kg 2*4; Paused Deads at 170kg 2*4
    And all the above after playing 18 holes yesterday in ungodly heat and humidity on Friday.
    I held up pretty well I'd say, on the golf course, and in the gym today. Now if I could just find some consistency on the course. I don't know where my game went, but I'm along way from playing to a 12 handicap ... sounds like my lifting. #wherediditgo

    End of the cycle.

    To paraphrase Churchill: This is not the beginning of the end of my strength woes, but it is the end of the beginning.

    I feel better from an endurance standpoint, and the loaded bar isn't so ungodly heavy for such light weight. Can I see myself Squatting 150kg for reps ... no, not yet; can I un-rack, and take a run at 100kg for a Bench ... no, not yet; can I pull 200kg for reps ... no not yet.

    But I can envision the day! and it's been a while since I could "see" me handling those weights again.

    Blood Tests upcoming, and a meeting with the doctor to find out what's next.

    Hope everyone had a festive 4th

  7. #2777
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY



    So I've been a little off schedule, what with other activities taking center stage the last two weeks.

    Started a new cycle, and as is our style, we've re-set the numbers, and changed out some exercises.

    Two weeks in I feel pretty peppy. I actually did three sessions back to back to back and didn't suffer for it.

    I've been playing ... yes actually playing some golf, not well, but I'm out there and walking quite a bit ... and not having to stop after 15 holes. i would like to know where the hell my game went. I used to play to a 12, and right now I'm playing double bogey golf. The bad play is not stopping me though, it's nice to be outdoors in the sunshine.

    Had my first blood draw for Dr. Nichols last Tuesday, I imagine we'll have a video chat this week. I feel good, my energy is up, my endurance is better, I'm carrying a little more weight, which I think is water, but that's OK.

    Hope everyone is well out there in SS land ...

    Carry on!

  8. #2778
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    New Jersey


    Good to hear the current is in a good direction Brother! Sorry about the 12 slipping away...but being able to play 18 relatively pain free is a wonderful thing.

  9. #2779
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY


    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Bingley View Post
    Good to hear the current is in a good direction Brother! Sorry about the 12 slipping away...but being able to play 18 relatively pain free is a wonderful thing.
    Little victories Mr. B

  10. #2780
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY


    starting strength coach development program

    Into week three of this cycle, and i'm feeling pretty good.

    Squats were mediocre on Monday. Bench is slowly coming around, my shoulders are pain free. Deadlifts are slowly re-building their base of volume at 70% of my top single ... big success there. SBD Saturday was outstanding, with the Bench portion being the highlight. My Est 1RM is back to 100kg, now if I can ride this wave back to the 105 / 107.5 Est 1RM range I'll be really excited.

    Had my follow-up appointment with Dr. Nichols. He's amazed at how my numbers have turned around so quickly (explains why I feel so good these days). He sees no need to adjust the dosage, as I'm not having any issues, my PSA is only slightly elevated over base line.

    Additionally, my Thyroid panel is finally where we want it to be. By any metric, I'm at the proper dosage. Finally!!! I have to ask him if there's any knock on effect from the TRT assisting in the Thyroid rebalancing.

    At any rate, as long as I'm not having any issues, he doesn't want to see me for a year. No Blood Panels, no tele-medicine, just continue on doing what I'm doing. Not the least bit unhappy about that. If I could get rid of the Cancer team, I'd be really happy (but that's another 6 months minimum away from happening).

    And I continue to play a full 18 holes of golf, and I'm able to walk quite a bit more each time out. I'm still hitting squirrely shots all the time, but I'm not flagging due to weakness or fatigue.

    On to week four ...

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