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Thread: Still on the Right Side of the Grass

  1. #2791
    Join Date
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    New Jersey


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    Quote Originally Posted by Browndog View Post
    Rule of thirds is in play: 1/3 of your training will be great, 1/3 will be "meh", 1/3 will suck.

  2. #2792
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY



    Week Four

    Squat Monday -
    Single at 140kg, down sets at 130kg 2*4. Dumbbell Bench at 75lbs 5*5 (PR)
    That was a surprising single, and great down sets. Nice comeback after having a cranky back over the weekend. The Bench train continues roll right along.

    Bench Wednesday -
    JM Press at 70kg *5, Heavy Hold at 120kg 15sec, Larsen single at 90kg, Bench 87.5kg 2*4. Loaded 42.5kg on the bar for the LTE's and got 5, 5, and 7. Had to go to a hand off and that made things awkward to get set up ... and it was really heavy after all the main work. Great Bench cycle though ...

    Deadlift Thursday -
    Big Wheel Pulls at 203kg *2, Deadifts at 190kg 1*3. Light successorries, because I played 18 holes of golf prior to lifting.
    Yes, you read that right ... I played golf before lifting today, and I survived Week Four weights. Reaally thrilled to have been able to perform like this ... been a long time coming.

    Golf Friday

    Golf Saturday (best round of the year)

    SB no D Sunday -
    3 Board Bench at 95kg 5*4; Bended Tempo Down SSB at 105kg 5*3; Cable Mid Row at 180lbs 4*4.
    Look at that Bench, I mean ... LOOK AT IT !!!. Weight felt light in my hands, maintained great positioning through out, didn't freak out when the bar slowed down in the later sets. Set and rep PR ...
    Squats were ok. I loaded 120kg, and only managed one rep ... my legs are a bit tired from all the walking over the last three days. So 105kg was a good call, plenty of work at that weight.
    Bicep is better, but still talking to me, so Mid Rows at 180lbs worked as opposed to Pendlay Rows.

    Great cycle.

    I haven't been able to stack two days back to back playing golf, no less three. Big win here, I walked quite a bit as opposed to riding. My game is coming around too. If I can figure out my Driver, I'll be in the 80s consistently.

    So five straight days of activity. That's 2019 type me ... long may it continue!

  3. #2793
    Join Date
    Jun 2020
    Georgia, USA


    Congrats on feeling better! Your lifts are looking great. It's good to see that things are looking up for you.

  4. #2794
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    New Jersey


    great stuff BD!

  5. #2795
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY


    Quote Originally Posted by Fred J View Post
    Congrats on feeling better! Your lifts are looking great. It's good to see that things are looking up for you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Bingley View Post
    great stuff BD!
    Thanks gentlemen !

  6. #2796
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY



    Start of a new cycle ...

    Squat Monday -
    Set of 6 at 90kg, Paused sets at 85kg 4*2, Tempo Down BSS at bw 8*3
    Starting light, but will be loaded aggressively in the following weeks.

    Bench Wednesday -
    JM Press 60kg *5, Heavy Hold at 100kg 20sec, Larsen at 75kg *5, Bench 75kg 7*2.
    Everything felt smooth

    Deadlift Thursday -
    Big Wheel Pull at 193kg *1, Deadlift sets at 140kg 5*2, Single Arm Dumbbell Bench 55lbs 10*3
    Forgot the pre-workout ... wondered why I was lagging a bit.

    Friday -
    Golf on a hilly course. 49 / 42. Walked quite a bit, held up pretty well. I still have a little issue decelerating with my left knee, walking downhill. Other than that, a good day

    SBD Saturday -
    SSB w/chains 100kg 6*3; Close Grip 2 Board Bench w/ 3 Count Pause 70kg 5*5; RDL 120kg 7*2; Pendlay Row 70kg 3*3
    Squats took longer to set up than the actual sets. Bench felt really good, extremely close grip. Went right at the RDLs; loaded 120kg and away we went ... need to re-think that approach. The Pendlay Rows still are an issue with my left forearm using and overhand grip. So I tried Rowing underhanded ... no pain ... very nice. We can load these up now.

    Got out to hit some balls, and introduce a young lady to the game at the same time. Energy levels are high ... I repeat HIGH.

    Not much else to report.

  7. #2797
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    New Jersey


    sounds like a pretty good report!

  8. #2798
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY



    Week Two ...

    Squat Monday -
    Top set at 100kg*6, Paused at 95kg 4*2. Single Leg Press 90lbs 10*3. Lots of single arm work for successories.
    Squats felt great, even if they were a bit short of depth ... I called myself out before anyone in the gym could.

    Bench Wednesday -
    JM Press at 65kg *5, Heavy Hold at 105kg *20sec, Larsen set at 77.5kg *5, Bench 80 / 77.5kg *7. Bu's and Tri's for succesories. Bench continues to build nicely. That set of 7 at 80kg could have gone for 10 easily.

    Deadlift Thursday -
    Big Wheel Pull at 203kg *1, Deads at 155kg 5*2. Single Arm Bench at 60lbs 8*, plus lots of rows for successories.
    Pulls felt great from every position ... and fast too. Oh, and still beltless ...

    Friday -
    Golf range time for a couple hours

    Saturday -
    We held another USAPL meet, I handled the Livestream for our You Tube Channel. So 5 hours in the chair, screaming into the headset.
    And then my coach said: "Let's go golf". So we did, and got in all 18 just as the sun went below the tree line. Just a glorious day: Sunny, crisp, and though I didn't score well, I hit the ball consistently, and my sand game was impeccable. Did a lot of walking ... lots!

    SBD Sunday -
    SSB w/chains 110kg 6*3; Close Grip 2 Board 3 Count Paused Bench 75kg 5*5; RDLs 110kg 7*2; Pendlay Rows 80kg 3*3
    For having really put in a full day yesterday, today's Squats were excellent. Bench moved really quickly, but on 4 minute rest periods. RDLs suffered due to a stiff lower back ... no sense in pushing this hinging movement. Rows were great using that underhanded grip to save the bicep.

    Great week. Hope you all had the same success ...

  9. #2799
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY



    Week Three

    Squat Monday -
    Squat 110kg *6, Paused Squats 100kg *2; Single Arm Bench 60lbs 7*3
    Legs, and shoulders for successories.
    I'm a little stiff, my lower back is tight. I attribute this to sitting for 6 hours Saturday and then golfing, and then fitting in SBD Sunday.
    All that said, the set of 6 moved nicely.

    Bench Wednesday -
    JM Press 70kg *5, Heavy Hold 110kg *20sec, Larsen 80kg *5, Bench 80kg 7*2
    Lots of single arm work for successories.
    Bench ... con mucho gusto

    Deadlift Thursday -
    Big Wheel Pull 213kg *1, Deadlifts 160kg 5*2, Single Arm Bench 65lbs 8*4
    My back is still really tight, but I was able to load the bar and pull 213kg for the first time in years. The fact that my back didn't lock up, or pull something is a sign that I'm past the issues that have plagued me for the last 5 years. If I had been operating like the sick me, my back would have blown right the fuck up.
    I did lighten up the Deads ... I may be dumb, but I'm not stupid. The tight back made single arm benching interesting as I couldn't get my feet on the floor comfortably, and I ended up benching on my toes.

    Golf Friday -
    All gas, no brakes ...
    I went to the range and hit / chipped / putted for a couple of hours. The back was good enough that I could turn back and through without any issues.

    SBD Saturday -
    SSB to box w/chains 120kg 6*3; Close Grip 2 Board 3 Count Bench 80kg 5*5; Pendlay Rows 90kg 3*3
    My back is not better, but no worse.
    I just need to brace really well to Squat comfortably. Bench was solid. Rows with an underhanded grip is strong.

    I'm down a few pounds to 200lbs. I attribute this to the extra steps I'm getting what with all the golf, and getting out and walking after dinner. That, and I'm not eating to support this extra activity. I'm gonna up my calories in, and see what transpires.

    If I continue to drop weight ... well, I'll have to check in with either my PCP, or the cancer folks. I'm not that concerned as my activity levels are up, I'm performing really well in the gym and on the golf course, I'm sleeping a bit better ... so things can't be going in the shitter, but I've got my antenna up with this drop in weight.

  10. #2800
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    New Jersey


    starting strength coach development program
    everything sounds great BD...hope the drop in weight is just studmuffiny and not indicative of anything else

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