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Thread: Still on the Right Side of the Grass

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025

    Tryin' to Have Fun

    135lbs 2x5, 185lbs x5, 225lbs x2, 275lbs x2, 315lbs x2, 335lbs x2, 355lbs x2, 375lbs x2
    275lbs x10, x5

    3b x10, 95lbs x5, 145lbs x3, 195lbs x2, 225lbs x2, 245lbs x2, 265lbs x2, 275lbs x1
    155lbs x10, x5

    Leg Curls:
    #3 x10, #4 x10, #5 x5

    bw 3x10

    Damn, this was a tougher day than I expected. I had nothing for the top end work. I'm hoping that it's attributable to just coming in with no set plan of attack. Still, not really happy that 90% was all I could muster.

    I've finished multiple readings of Strength Life Legacy, by Paul Carter and have decided that I'm going to run the Strong 15 long program next.

    My only question (and I'll throw this out for comment) is whether I start with my current maxes being my 100% goal or do I work with something slightly higher? After today's session I'm inclined to stay with my current maxes.


    SQ - 295
    DL - 417.5
    B - 215
    P - 150

    Est 1RM max:

    SQ - 315
    DL - 430
    B - 225
    P - 155

    I've run the numbers for for the Est 1RM numbers @ 85%, 93% and 100% and they seems doable. The top end singles and the AMRAP work are all in line with what I did during 5/3/1.

    Or do I just get my feet wet with a new program and then bump the numbers up after the end of the first cycle?

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY



    Calendar be damned, I started the Strong 15 today...

    Press: 60lbs x5, 70lbs x4, 80lbs x3, 90lbs x2, 95lbs x1, 100lbs x1, 105lbs x1, 85lbs x15, rest one minute 85lbs x9

    Assistance Work:
    Behind the Neck Press - 65lbs 5x10
    Pull-Ups - bw 5x5
    and 2 hours of Paddle

    I would have thrown in some Dumbell Pressing and maybe some DIps had I had the time.
    The BNP was an eye opener. Damn hard to grind out those last couple of reps.
    This session was over in a blink. Am I missing something?

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Decatur, GA


    Paying my respects over here, browndog.

    Best of luck with Strong 15 -- obviously, I'm gonna have to buy the e-book and catch up.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY



    Due to indecision and a general case of paralysis by analysis, I'm revising my programming choice for 2013. I'm dipping my toe into the world of LRB by using the Paused Squat programming and continuing 5/3/1 for everything else.

    Paused Squat Day

    bw 2x5, eb x5, 95lbs x5, 145lbs x3, 165lbs 8x3
    Way deep and a good solid "1 one thousand, 2 one thousand" count in the hole, 90 second rest between sets. This should be interesting...I'm looking for a triple at 250lbs in week 7.

    Assistance Work:

    BSS - bw x10, +20lbs x20, x15, x15 90 second rest

    Single Leg Curls - #3 x20, x15, x10 90 second rest

    Good Mornings - 135lbs 3x10 90 second rest

    I've got a serious leg pump going on...walking like a duck at the moment.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Somewhere on a Quest


    Quote Originally Posted by Browndog View Post
    I've got a serious leg pump going on...walking like a duck at the moment.
    Heh, don'tcha just love it! And when the delicious soreness comes on and you have to gingerly sit down on the toilet hanging on to anything near, it is awesome!

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY



    Bench Day
    eb 2x5, 95lbs x5, 115lbs x3
    135lbs x5, 155lbs x5, 175lbs x5
    A little weak on the top end. I've been "off" since before Christmas. I hope it's a temporary power outage...

    Assistance Work:
    Bench - 125lbs x20, x15, x10
    Incline Bench - 85lbs x15, x12, x10
    Straight Bar Curl - eb x30, x20, x10
    Kroc Rows - 55lbs x30, x20, x20
    Dips - bw x12, x9, x8

    All the Assistance Work is being done on the "350" method, 3 sets to get 50 reps, two minutes rest between sets.

    My arms are all blowed up...

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY



    Deadlift Day
    135lbs x10, 185lbs x5, 225lbs x3, 240lbs x1
    265lbs x5, 305lbs x5, 345lbs x5
    265lbs x5
    Feeling a little better. First two working sets DOH. Did the back off on the minute.

    Assistance Work:
    RDL - 225lbs 5x10
    Hip Thrusts - 265lbs x15, x12, x10
    Back Extension - bw x25, x20, x5

    I will say that performing the Assistance Work on short rest (2 min or less) for reps (of 10 or more) is a fabulous conditioning piece...and a hell of a pump too.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    Nice deads, Browndog!

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY



    Press Day

    eb x5, 65lbs x5, 85lbs x3
    100lbs x5, 115lbs x5, 130lbs x3
    100lbs x5
    This cycle was going to be ambitious too say the least. I got distracted on the third and lost the fourth because of it, there was no fifth.

    Assistance Work: 2 minutes rest between sets
    Press - 85lbs x15, x12, x9
    Straight Bar Curls - x40, x25, x20, x15
    Behind the Neck Press - 65lbs 5x10
    Rows - 135lbs x15, x13, x10

    Played 3 sets of Paddle prior to the session, no noticeable effect on the workout.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    starting strength coach development program
    Presses can really be that way, out of all the lifts: lose focus and it is hard to recover.

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