Congratulations on the PRs, Neil! The shoes will be a great asset in going forward.
Week 22: Day 3 Intensity Day
Squats: 315 1x3 PR (at least for multiple reps)
Bench: 180 1x5 PR
Power Cleans: 85 4x2
A good night! I went up 10 lbs on my squat because I couldn't resist doing them with 3 plates. I finally got some lifting shoes and they felt great. It's nice having that solid foundation under you when you are lifting heavy. Bench felt heavy, really had to strain to get the last rep, but I got it. I am still working on my pulls, have a long way to go.
Congratulations on the PRs, Neil! The shoes will be a great asset in going forward.
Week 23: Day 1 Volume Day
Squats: 255 5x5
Press: 92.5 5x5
Deadlift: 325 1x3 PR for multiple reps
Not a bad day. Didn't sleep well last night (by choice) and I could tell it. However, everything went pretty well until I ran out of gas on the DL.
That's a nice PR on the DL, Neil! You still liking the shoes?
Same for yours, 410 dang! I like the shoes a lot, they are helping much the squats and the heavier deadlifts. Funny thing though, at 275 on my first rep I about fell forward flat on my face. I am still getting used to the raised heal and that my soles don't squish anymore! I liked the discussion on the bench about tricep work. I think I will start adding CG and LTEs to my light day and see if that doesn't help my press and bench. Thank you for the encouragement!
Hey, Neil--Sometimes I have the same issue with falling forward, especially if the weight is heavy, but also sometimes with my volume weights. What can help me is when I lift my toes as part of the set up, before I get tight and squat. Lifting my toes puts the weight back toward the heel, which helps me keep the bar on the mid-foot. You might try that on a warm up set and see how it feels.
Sounds like a good idea. I will give it a try. Light day is going to be dedicated to triceps and other upper-body stuff.
Week 23: Day 2 Intensity Day
Squats: 315 1x3
Press: 117.5 1x4
Bleh. Not felt well this week. Had to miss Tuesday, and still felt crappy today. Will rest up and try it again on Sunday.
Week 24: Day 1 Volume Day
Squats: 255 5x5
Bench: 150 5x5
Deadlift: 275 1x3 Warmups
Still feeling like crap. Today was better than Thursday, but still weak. Bleh.