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Thread: Neil's Intermediate Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Oak Ridge, TN

    Default Neil's Intermediate Log

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Age: 50
    Height: 5'9"
    Weight: 224

    Week 18: Day 1 Volume Day

    Squats 245 5x5
    Press 87.5 5x5
    Deadlift 285 1x5

    Wow, long workout. Almost 2 hours. I don't feel too bad. I am using 80% of my 5RM for Squats, Bench and Press. I am using 90% for Deadlifts. Everything felt good while lifting. I still have to figure out what to do on light day. Overall, a great evening at the gym.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    Hey, Neil--Nice first TM workout. I'm not that experienced but have been doing TM for some time. I would follow up with 2x5 back squats at 80% of your volume squats above; 3x5 light bench, at 80% of what you plan to do next week on your volume bench; and then something like power cleans or whatever you like to do for a third lift. The light day for me always felt ridiculously light, but it's supposed to be about recovery, exercising the neural pathways, and just keeping the blood flowing through the muscles, I think. I look forward to following your progress.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Oak Ridge, TN


    Thanks! Light day is pretty easy. I went with glute/ham raises this go around as I am going to see how power cleans go on Friday. The G/H raises hurt like all get out, they are not as easy as I thought they would be. Thanks for checking up on me! I hope Squat Queen is doing better with her back.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Oak Ridge, TN


    Week 18: Day 2 Light Day

    Squats: 195 3x5
    Bench: 135 3x5
    Chins (Negative): 3 Sets to failure
    Glute/Ham Raises: 3x10

    Not a bad night. Light Day is pretty good. Everything was very easy. However, the Glute/Ham Raises really hurt my lower back so I was only able to do 3 sets. Maybe they take so getting used to. Looking forward to Saturday!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Oak Ridge, TN


    Week 18: Day 3 Intensity Day

    Squats: 295 1x2 PR
    Press: 112.5 1x2 PR
    Power Snatch (Practice) 45: 1x5

    Today was pretty good. I was still quite sore from doing Ham/Glute Raises from Thurs. (Don't know why.) Once I got into my Squat warmups, the soreness went away for the most part. Presses went great. I tried again to do power cleans, but it just kills my elbows too much. I just can't the bar on my front delts. So.... I attempted the power snatch. I like it a lot better. My form sucks, but I by watch the video on the site and practicing it will get better. After 1 week, I think I am going like the new training. Bring on next week!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    Hey, Neil,

    Two PRs for yourself! Nice! I've only done power snatches once, when Tamara did a clinic. I liked them but never programmed them. I'll be eager to see how yours progress, and I'll ask for some tips from you on how to put them into TM. Solid work, man!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Oak Ridge, TN


    Week 19: Day 1 Volume Day

    Squats: 245 5x5
    Bench: 145 5x5
    Deadlift: 295 1x5

    Even with a late workout, tonight was a pretty good night. Squats felt good, took a couple of work sets to feel like I was warmed up. Bench felt great. Deadlifts were hard, but I pushed through. Time to go take a long hot shower before I ice down.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Oak Ridge, TN


    Week 19: Day 2 Light Day

    Squats: 195 3x5
    Press: 95 3x5
    Cable Pulldowns: 42.5 3x10
    Chins (Negative): 1 Sets to failure

    Bleh! Too many late nights this week. I am amazed sometimes how the lack of sleep messes with my workout performance. Looking forward to sleep and a better day on Saturday.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by dnthompson View Post
    Week 19: Day 2 Light Day

    Squats: 195 3x5
    Press: 95 3x5
    Cable Pulldowns: 42.5 3x10
    Chins (Negative): 1 Sets to failure

    Bleh! Too many late nights this week. I am amazed sometimes how the lack of sleep messes with my workout performance. Looking forward to sleep and a better day on Saturday.
    Hey, Neil--The lack of sleep is messing with me, too. Maybe you can use the holiday to get some extra Zs in. The volume day looked great, by the way. Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing how your heavy day goes.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Oak Ridge, TN


    starting strength coach development program
    Week 19: Day 3 Intensity Day

    Squats: 300 1x5 PR
    Bench: 177.5 1x5 PR
    Power Snatch (Practice) 65: 5x2

    Great night! Squats felt strong. Did doubles for my warmups, then 300 went very well for 5 reps. Bench was a little heavy, but I make progress in getting a set of 5 up. Snatches went better, I need to continue to work on form as I find the right weight to progress from.

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