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Thread: DustinC Training Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Central KY

    Default DustinC Training Log

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Age: 24
    Height: 5'9
    Weight: 205 +/- 5

    My nutrition has been consistent for a month or so. I went from 180 in OCT back up to 200 at the beginning of the year. Currently eating 3700- 4000 cal a day.

    Haven't tested 1rm in sometime but previous maxes are...
    Squat: 430x3
    Deadlift: 455x1
    Bench: 300x1
    Press: 185x1

    I have been training for around 4 years. Started using a rip off program of Rips (SL). Made good progress. I suffered from a minor back strain that caused a SI joint problem that I am just now able to cope with. So my previous maxes were actually about 2 years ago. However I have been doing 5/3/1 for about 1 year and am now starting to really make progress again back to where I was. I started out really light again an LP my squat and DL back up to about 300LB each and am now using 5/3/1 for them and taking it slow. My pressing movements haven't really changed, but i think they are getting better and I will be breaking PR's soon. Starting a log because I have no interaction with any real lifters except for my wife lol. We both train at home in our home gym (She is on SS 4 mos).
    Last edited by DustinC; 02-10-2014 at 04:22 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Central KY



    Pressx 150x1 (7) This is a rep PR
    Standing Db pressx40x5x8 (with fat grips)
    Db rowx45x5x10 (Fat Grips)
    Pullupsx5xamap (managed 15 in one set)


    I just did a deload on my Press and i am breaking rep prs again. I stalled at around 190 last cycle. Also I have been using fat grips on all assistance and warm ups sets. Its very humbling. Db rows were very hard and now starting to feel light. My grip was always a limiting factor on db rows and farmers walks.
    Last edited by DustinC; 02-10-2014 at 05:41 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Central KY



    Deadliftx310lbx1 (4)
    Farmersx70x2x25meters with fat grips (this was really hard)
    1x75meters without fat grips.
    Reverse flyx10x5x10 nice back pump


    changed to sumo about a month ago and it has helped me to be able to dead lift without hip pain
    Weight still feels pretty easy so I'm not really pushing too hard. Really hoping spring comes soon. My sled is covered with dust and i woukd like to get it out.

  4. #4
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    Dec 2013
    Central KY


    Played around with some "Natural/Nordic/Russian Leg curls" (Whatever you would like to call them) this evening in my power rack after deciding I won't be getting a GHR for my home gym for awhile and wanted to try them out. Did 3 sets of as many as I could really do and focused on the negative, using a stick to keep from face planting. These felt good and had some shaky legs afterwards.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Central KY



    275x1 (4) stopped with maybe 1 more in the tank.

    Seated cable rowx 50x4x15
    DB Benchx45x4x10

    DB curlx30x3x10 (With Fat Gripz)
    Tricep ropex3x10


    Really just going with how I feel on my assistance on bench day. Usually do some weighted pull-ups but felt a little drained after bench so just went for some high rep assistance. Left shoulder was a little sore when doing bench press. 275x4 was about what I thought I had. I think I will be able to beat my past PR of 300 in a couple months. Now only if I can get my deadlift and squat back up while remaining injury free. Good session today and got the curls in because it will be summer before you know it!

  6. #6
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    Dec 2013
    Central KY



    285x1 (6) although the weight is pretty light, it is significant to me because this is the heaviest weight I have squatted in over a year.. With NO pain in my hips/low back. so that is a win. Felt like I had a few more reps left.

    DB Step Upx45lb dumbbellsx4x8

    Natural GHRx5x5 (used lat bar for assistance and did 3-5sec negatives)
    Ab Wheelx5x10

    Shrugx235x2x15 This was the weight on the bar that was holding my feet so i shrugged it a few times....why not?


    Squats went well and according to the estimate 1rm it was 350ish. I am happy with that for now. Im progressing slowly purposely to avoid overdoing it and being "injured" again. Doing Step ups do balance out my hips (left side weak and si joint unstable on that side.) Also very glad I found the Nat GHR these are great. I actually place the barbell in the back of my power rack near the wall, place the bar pad on for ankle support. Then I can use the wall as a "toe plate" and place a mat on the floor for my knees. But the hamstring soreness from this is no joke especially due to the negative reps.

    Ate like a horse the past few days and the scale shows it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Central KY


    The snow melted off of my drive around lunch today so I got out my sled. I have a rogue dog sled. These were brutal and my lungs are still burning.


    Sledx90lbx10 sprints @ 40yd
    Attached Images Attached Images

  8. #8
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    Dec 2013
    Central KY



    Week 1: no deload this cycle. Planning on an extended deload next month when I go to FL for vacation.

    Pressx105x5 fat grips
    120x5 fat grips
    140x5 (8) held last rep over head until I got the shakes

    Standing DB Pressx 45lbx3x6 fat grips

    DB rowx45x5x10 fat grips



    Noticed when doing db rows how much weaker my left hand grip strength is.
    I really like the mental boost it gives me when doing all my light warmups and working sets with the fat grips and then taking them off for the heavy joker set. It just feels like you are crushing the barbell.

    Sled pushx1platex 12 pushes @15 yards (20sec rest)

    After much debating on how I'm going to implement my conditioning, Ive decided to do sled 4x a week. On pressing days I will do light weight and short distance/rest. On lower body days I will do heavier weight/longer distance, with more rest. Will try this for a couple months and assess progress. On days when the weather isn't being cooperative I will ditch it or do some tabata bodyweight exercise or treadmill sprints. Strength is still the main focus and I don't want to do too much conditioning to interfere with this. At my bodyweight I am not fat but I still have the belly from my junk food weight gain in october. I want to be able to implement some conditioning that will keep me fairly lean and preserve build muscle. As far as I can remember This is what Wendler has recommended in the past. I previously did conditioning on rest days and usually only after lower body days. I will now do light walking and mobility/ prehab on rest days when needed.
    Last edited by DustinC; 02-17-2014 at 03:46 PM. Reason: Conditioning in afternoon

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Central KY



    295x5 was going to work up and do some singles at 330 but these felt hard on my hips.


    Farmersx80lb dbsx3x15yd Fatgripz
    80lb dbsx2x50yd no grips

    lateral raisex4x8

    sled pushx2platex10 @30yd(30sec rest)


    Wish the deadlifts didn't feel like shit today. Training with SI joint pain is something that I hate dealing with. But.. I know its better to take it slow and not push my luck. I have had to learn to hold back and be able to train another day instead of putting myself in the bed for a week, or longer, and having to start all over.
    Last edited by DustinC; 02-19-2014 at 12:40 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Central KY


    starting strength coach development program
    Double posted
    Last edited by DustinC; 02-19-2014 at 12:39 PM. Reason: Double Posted

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