*Down with the flu, taking a few days off for systemic recovery (have chills, mild fever, etc.) unfortunately this will mean a reset probably.
*Down with the flu, taking a few days off for systemic recovery (have chills, mild fever, etc.) unfortunately this will mean a reset probably.
First day back in 10 days. Started back slow today with a loss of 13 lbs during this flu.
Today's bodyweight: 213 lbs
Squat: 275x5x2
Bench: 210x5x2
Rows: 190x5x2
Chins: bw x8
Standing EZ Bar Tri-Extension: 105x5
*went better than I expected and definitely could have lifted more but I thought it was smart to start on the easier side.
*Testing strength and easing back into things still since the flu.
Bodyweight: 217 lbs
Squat: 295x1, 325x1, 225x5
Press: 135x5x3
P.Cleans: 155x3x2
*Felt pretty good, most of my strength is still there so I'm thinking I'll pick 315x5 squat for intensity this Saturday. Glad I didn't lose that much strength!
*Wife was sick so I had to skip my workout on Saturday to take care of her and my daughter. First day back today wasn't great but at least I'm back.
Bodyweight: 218 lbs
Squat: 325x2, 275x3x2
Press: 155x3, 135x5x2
Deadlift: 315x1 double overhand
Rows: 225x5
Chins: bw+25x4
Standing EZ-Bar Tri Extensions: 110x6
*Just testing strength and keeping things recoverable today... this sucks but strength has stayed relatively the same except for the squat. Deadlift felt great and I could have pulled my previous PR but I wanted to keep things easier today.
Bodyweight: 223 lbs (semi-recovery day)
Squat: 315x1, 225x5, 225x3
Bench: 215x5x2, 215x3
*Called it quits and went home, mentally having a tough time resetting weights but I don't have a choice. It's hard to reset when you fought tooth and nail for every pound gained on the bar but I need to put aside the ego and drop the weights. I need to get used to 3 sets of 5 again because obviously there's been some de-training. I've asked for programming help on the forum today to see if I should reset and try linear progression for a bit again or just switch over to 5/3/1... or possibly something well-suited for my poor recovery ability/lifestyle.
Bodyweight: 222 lbs
Press: 140x5x3
Deadlift: 365x2
Dips: bw+70x4
BB Curls: 100x10 (+rest pause x2)
*Exhausted but impressed with deadlift maintenance.
Bodyweight: 223 lbs
Squat: 285x5x3
Bench: 220x5x3
Rows: 225x5x2
Chins: bw x8,4
Standing EZ-Bar Extensions: 115x4
*met a brother viking today, told me to drink bone broth the next time I'm sick so maybe I'll give it a shot. Turns out he's a retired powerlifting competitor who used to weigh 350 lbs at his peak!
Sorry to hear about your flu. I had it in early January and was out right before that for Holiday travel etc. That thing was no joke. Also saw your thread about programming for poor recovery. I decided to run LP for my comeback and it was definitely the right move. I started light at 265x5x3 squats and took that to 315x5x3 on 3x/wkx5lb increases, added a light Wednesday, and will go for 325x5x3 on Friday. I left off TM at 330x5x1 on intensity day, so I think I am already in PR territory after 4 weeks of LP.
In terms of programming for recovery, I think I will run the normal advanced novice progression as long as it works and then make small tweaks until it looks more like HLM. Based on this current LP experience, I am convinced squatting 3x5 across 3x/week is the way to go for me and will work on HLM assuming I get the loading right.
Good luck to you!
Thanks for taking the time to reply! I too have decided to get back on LP again starting back at 275x5x3. Jumping 10 lbs to 285 felt good but I think I already feel I need a light squat day. Sounds like we left TM at nearly the same strength level. I wouldn't be as bummed out about the strength loss if it wasn't for the SS seminar I'm going to in 2 weeks. I should be squatting 350x5 by now but crap happens and I suppose the key to success in the iron game is consistency and persistence regardless of what obstacles get thrown your way.
I get the feeling I'll be able to run advanced novice programming for quite some time, the hardest part is the mental aspect of coming back from an illness. Resetting weights is never fun initially.
Good luck with your training too!