LOL pink Dumbbells are the secret to GainzZz!
Congrats on breaking past your old half rep squat PR with a real 5lbs increase PR over it! Sweeet.
It's pretty awesome to see how well this program has been working for you! Keep it up!!!!
BW: 220.1 lbs (AM Weigh-in)
Squat: 270*5 beltless, 305*5 beltless, 340*8 All-time rep PR! (RPE 9.0)
Bench: 220*5 beltless, 245*5 beltless PR, 270*3 +1 (RPE 9.5) current PR
Accessory work: 3 mins interset rest
CG Paused Bench: 187.5*8,7,5
BB Pendlay Rows: 200*10x3
BB Curls: 130*10 rep PR, 130*8
*Good sesh! I've officially beaten my old "bro' half-squat PR from like 2008! Old half-squat PR was 335*8 so I'm quite proud of my 5 lbs ass-kicking PR tonight hehe.
*Bench was "meh" but I managed to maintain my current PR and it's become quite obvious I'll be needing to reset my Bench quite soon. I'll see how next week's max attempt at #295 goes and take it from there. So disappointing if I have to reset before I attempt #300 but it'll be my first reset for Bench with 5/1 programming.
*I also had a bro rep PR with the Curlz tonight! Though, judging from that new study that came out I should definitely lower the weight to 5 lbs pink dumbbells and do 20-30 reps instead of using heavier weight. I'm already at 19" arms so I'm betting that'll blow them up past 20's easily.
LOL pink Dumbbells are the secret to GainzZz!
Congrats on breaking past your old half rep squat PR with a real 5lbs increase PR over it! Sweeet.
It's pretty awesome to see how well this program has been working for you! Keep it up!!!!
Haha thanks Mahendra! I've actually been quite shocked at how steady the progress has been. I'd prefer simple, slow and steady versus complicated and unpredictable.
I personally found gains very unpredictable with Texas Method but I attribute that to my recovery reserves. I've seen it work wonders with guys like Manveer, but I personally couldn't get results like that. Plus I'm lazy and hate volume squats! I think my best 5x5 was 315 lbs and I wanted to die during the entire process lol.
I plan on using this programming for quite some time as my newest munchkin will be born soon. Then I expect the GainzZz train will probably slow down a lot!
Last edited by MattimusMaximus; 07-29-2016 at 08:54 AM.
BW: 219.7 lbs (AM weigh-in)
Light beltless Squats: 250*10x2
Press: 140*5 beltless, 155*5 beltless, 170*4 (RPE 9.5) +2 singles
Deadlift: 315*5 beltless overhand, 355*5 beltless, 395*4 (RPE 9.5) +1 single
Accessory interset rest: 3 mins
Chins: BW*11,8,7
LTE: 117.5*7,5
*No strength loss but no PR's tonight, except for beltless squat rep PR. It was hot and humid as fuck in our garage! I was drenched in sweat from the beginning and couldn't seem to get deep breaths for valsalva.
*Shitty workout sesh, I blame the heat!
Last edited by MattimusMaximus; 07-29-2016 at 01:13 AM.
So last night I watched the episode of Marco Polo where Kublai smothers the boy emperor back to back with the episode of Spartacus where he is forced to execute his only friend Varro. I went to bed sad. I blame you for this. Haha.
Hehe... yeah those scenes were rough! Especially the boy emperor! Even Kublai was haunted by that one. I think I liked Marco Polo season 2 better than the first. Now I've finished up season 1 of "Stranger Things" and it's pretty cool! I was really impressed by it and I'm vexed I have to wait for the next season now lol.
Btw temps here have finally seemed to slowly calm down so tonight's session was a little easier to breathe.
BW: 220.4 lbs
Squat: 305*5 beltless, 340*3, 375*4 Rep PR (RPE 9.5)
Bench: 245*5 beltless, 370*3, 295*1 Max PR!!! (RPE 9.5)
Accessory: 3 mins interset rest
CG Paused Bench: 187.5*8,8,7
BB Pendlay Rows: 202.5*10x3 sets
BB Curls: 132.5*8,7
*Things are starting to feel really heavy and I'm feeling a little burnt out both physically and mentally. My daughter has not been sleeping consistently through the night in months now so I've been working and training on about 4-5 hours of extremely broken/interrupted sleep for quite some time. Shocked I've been making progress to be honest.
*Squats felt heavy but 3 reps was manageable @375. Form started to break on the 4th rep and I was having trouble with being winded by then so I called it quits. May have been able to get a set of 5.
*Bench felt pretty good but I'm definitely at the end of my progress for this run-through. 295 lbs is the most I've ever benched in my life! I'll still need my first reset while on the 5/1 programming but I might push things to 300 lbs before I do... just because I want it so bad.
*Accessory work has been feeling more like a burden lately and less fun. I get tired by the time I reach them and I've already got such a crazy pump going that most of the movements are more difficult than they should be.
Here's my new Bench PR!