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Thread: Viking Strength....Let's hope

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Default Viking Strength....Let's hope

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hello, I'm starting this training log at the intermediate stage as reference for myself to keep a log in more than one place and hopefully to improve my current lifts through community support and/or critique.

    I'm 28 years old (29 next month), 5'9.5" @ 220.6 lbs as of today. I just switched to the Texas Method after running SS for some time and resetting multiple times. I went from a bodyweight of 125 lbs all the way up to 215 lbs using SS and have gained 5 lbs since starting Texas Method a few weeks ago.

    SS main lift results:

    Bw: 125 lbs to 215 lbs

    Squat: 95x5x3 to 280x5x2
    Bench: 135x5x3 to 225x5x2
    Deadlift: 225x5 to 340x5
    OHP: 95x5x3 to 145x5x2

    Texas Method: (Last Intensity Day Dec. 6, 2014)

    BW: 220 lbs

    Squat: 300x5
    OHP: 150x4
    Deadlift: 360x3
    Dips: bw+90x3
    SBBC: 115x5x2

    *Last Volume Day (Dec. 9, 2014)

    Squat: 275x5x4
    Bench: 215x5x4
    Rows: 200x5x2
    Chins: Felt major tendinitis (tennis) from squats so cut workout short.

    *Today Recovery Day (Worked on form to heal tendinitis in arms)

    Squat: 225x5x2
    OHP: 130x5x3
    P.Cleans: 135x3x3 (just started these a few weeks ago)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2014


    Intensity Day: Bodyweight 220 lbs

    Squat: 305x5
    Bench: 240x4
    Deadlift: 365x3
    Dips: bw+90x3
    BB Curls: 120x5 +rest pause x2 + rest pause x2

    *Tendonitis feeling much better but it felt like it negatively impacted my bench as warmup sets seemed to aggravate it a little. Still PR's in main lifts but a little disappointed I missed the 5th rep on bench... might need to start micro loading....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2014


    Volume Day: Bodyweight 221 lbs

    Squat: 280x5x3, 280x4
    Press: 135x5x4
    Rows: 205x5x2
    Chins: bw x 7,5
    Standing EZ Curl Tri-Extensions: 110x4 +rest pause x2 +1 cheat

    *Squats were a spiritual experience today, that was some heavy shit! (for me) and I dragged myself to the gym but got it done. A little disappointed in missing the 5th rep on the 4th set of 280 squats so I'm not sure whether to reduce to 3 sets, keep the load constant for a few more volume days, or reduce the load by 5-10%?
    *I've been going strong all year so I think I'm just going to take the week off next week (Christmas) as gym hours are shitty and my body is telling me to lay off a bit.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013


    awesome squats

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by beasty boy View Post
    awesome squats
    Thanks! I think I struggled most with bringing these up out of all the lifts. I was stuck at 185x5 for the longest time and then about 5 months ago they suddenly shot up... I still have a long way to go hopefully

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Thanks for stopping by my log. It seems that you might be relatively new to the board. Welcome! You'll find lots of good info and logs and whatnot. I hope that you get the tendonitis straightened out. I've gotten that a couple of times and it really makes living life unpleasant in and out of the gym.

    What kind of strength related goals do you have in mind for 2015?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by caveman View Post
    Thanks for stopping by my log. It seems that you might be relatively new to the board. Welcome! You'll find lots of good info and logs and whatnot. I hope that you get the tendonitis straightened out. I've gotten that a couple of times and it really makes living life unpleasant in and out of the gym.

    What kind of strength related goals do you have in mind for 2015?
    Thanks for the welcome! The tendinitis is definitely getting much better, the only thing that aggravated it today was the bench press so maybe it's a form issue. I just signed up for the Seattle SS seminar that's in February so hopefully we can figure out what I'm doing wrong.

    As for 2015 I definitely want to reach at least a 275 bench, 365 squat, and minimum 405 deadlift (conventional) for 1x5 by the end of the year. Truth be told I want the 300/400/500 but I'll be more realistic as stalls and resets will slow things down.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2014


    Recovery Day (bodyweight: 224 lbs)

    Squats: 230x5x2
    Bench: 200x5x3 (Paused reps)
    P.Cleans: 140x3x3

    *P.Cleans felt much better today considering I only started them a few weeks ago. The weight ripped off the ground easier than expected and wrist flexibility has increased due to proper catching.
    *Bench felt very strong and performed each rep with a pause at the bottom but for some reason tendinitis acted up during these sets.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2014


    Intensity Day (bodyweight: 224 lbs)

    Squats: 310x5
    Press: 150x4 (stalled)
    Deadlift: 370x3
    Dips: bw+90x4
    BB Curl: 120x6 (+rest pause x2)

    *Great workout, just a little pissed about my press stalling but I'm sure it's because I've never micro loaded it. Anyone have any suggestions on a cheap alternative to micro plates?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2014


    starting strength coach development program
    Volume Day (Bodyweight: 222 lbs)

    Squats: 285x5x4
    Bench: 220x5x4
    Rows: 210x5x2
    P. Cleans: 145x3
    Chins: bw x8,5
    Standing EZ-Curl Tri Extensions: 110x5 (+rest pause x2 neg)

    *Christmas Day would have been Recovery Day so I included a set of Power Cleans today just to keep it fresh for next week.
    *Obviously decided not to take the week off; I'll just be skipping recovery day (25th) and continuing Intensity on Saturday (27th).
    *Was pleased with this workout but felt like absolute crap by the end of it.

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