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Thread: DaveJF's Intermediate Log

  1. #161
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Monday, 2019-08-12: 3:00PM to 3:50PM @ home.

    AM BW: 197.6.

    Paused Squat: 135x5; 185x5; 225x5; 250x5; 285x5.
    Press: 45x5x2; 95x4; 135x3; 155x2; 185x1; 200x1x3; 205x1x3.

    Lowered the camera a bit to get a better angle for Squat Depth. Both Squat and Press went OK today. R shoulder still pretty tight for the first couple of Squat sets, but so far it seems to be getting better week over week. May start to do ascending sets w/ Press next week as form and power seem to be at a peak around the 3rd set of the singles. Same with the 5x5 on Volume day (last week was probably too light to drive much improvement).

    Last of the work sets:

    Last edited by DaveJF; 08-16-2019 at 03:26 PM.

  2. #162
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Wednesday, 2019-08-14: 4:15PM to 5:15PM @ home.

    AM BW: 198.9.

    Halting Deadlift: 135x8; 225x8; 285x8.
    Paused Bench: 45x5x2; 135x5; 185x4; 225x3; 275x2; 295x1; 315x1; 335x1x2; 285x5; 275x5; 265x5.
    Pull-ups: BWx8/6/6 [4 minute rest between sets; Hanging weight of 202.6].

    Back and shoulders felt good. Halting DL form looked a bit better today compared to last week. Paused Bench looks to still be improving (regaining) quickly and all sets felt pretty good today, w/ less of a drop between the sets of 5 along w/ better top sets. Still using the narrower grip for Bench to a) protect the banged-up R shoulder and b) to hopefully drive Press strength. One more rep for the top (1st) set of AMRAP Pull-ups & 2 more reps overall.

    Tops sets:

  3. #163
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Friday, 2019-08-16: 3:10PM to 4:00PM @ home.

    AM BW: 199.4.

    Paused Squat: 135x5; 185x4; 225x3; 275x2; 295x1; 305x1; 315x1; 325x1; 335x1.
    Press: 45x5x2; 95x4; 135x3; 155x5; 160x5; 165x5x2; 170x5.

    Body Weight is coming back up nicely.. Clothes seem a bit tighter, except around the waist -- that's good.. R Shoulder was stiff earlier in the day and hurt for the early sets of Squat, but didn't bother me at all by the time the Press rolled around. Press went well, I thought. Need to keep working on consistently getting under the bar quickly w/ a strong shrug at the top. And probably dropping a bit deeper for the Paused Squat also.

    Last of the work sets:

  4. #164
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Monday, 2019-08-19: 3:55PM to 4:45PM @ home.

    AM BW: 199.6.

    Paused Squat: 135x5; 185x5; 225x5; 255x5; 285x5.
    Press: 45x5x2; 95x4; 135x3; 155x2; 175x1; 185x1; 195x1; 200x1; 205x1; 210x1.

    Busy weekend w/ a fair amount of yard work thrown in probably had something to do with what felt like a fairly lackluster session today.. I also misloaded the last set of Squats (should've been 295).

    Last of the work sets:

  5. #165
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Wednesday, 2019-08-21: 4:55PM to 5:50PM @ home.

    AM BW: 198.6.

    SLDL: 135x5; 225x5; 275x5.
    Paused Bench: 45x5x2; 135x5; 185x4; 225x3; 275x2; 295x1; 315x1; 340x1; 290x3.
    Chin-ups: BWx5 [Hanging weight of 203.6].

    Woke up Tuesday w/ a really stiff R shoulder, and still recovering from some type of "flu" w/ symptoms starting Tuesday noon or so.. Nothing moved well today; really tentative on Bench b/c of shoulder tightness, and stopped Chins after 5 reps for the same reason. Sucks to get old.. Will hopefully be recovered for Friday's session.

  6. #166
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Friday, 2019-08-23: 4:05PM to 4:45PM @ home.

    AM BW: 199.8.
    WO BW: 204.8 (in workout gear).

    Dips: BWx10; +45x10; +90x5x3.
    Chins: BWx5; +10x5x2;

    R shoulder was too tight to get under the bar for Squats and the Press is what irritated it on Monday, so some Dips and Chins to get some productive work in today. Still not recovered 100% from whatever the flu-like symptoms were from earlier this week.

  7. #167
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Quit logging toward the end of August this year as my shoulder never did fully recover from where I had left the log. Tried to start-over a couple of times since then, but each time the combination of Squat and Press would quickly end-up causing enough pain that I would have to back off and/or would end-up experimenting w/ things like Pin Bench Press and RDL's, etc. to try and keep up some form of training.

    Thought I'd log an entry here for future reference as I've finally gotten some relief from almost constant shoulder irritation or worse since January of 2017.. Maybe even provide someone else with another (cheap/easy) avenue to explore for a similar problem as well.

    Original post: DaveJF's Intermediate Log

    Between the injury and this August I've been able to get some training runs in (did not log it all here), and in a few cases was able to be consistent for long enough to get back up into PR territory. Every time though, the training would end-up causing enough shoulder pain to disrupt sleep and other normal day-to-day activities, so I'd have to back off. In that time, I didn't find an effective way or treatment to prevent or alleviate the pain creeping back in as the training progressed. I've also been thru the major medical run-around (i.e.: imaging, rehab & surgery) enough to consider that rigmarole not worth it in this case -- 10-15 years ago, maybe, but not now at my age.. A few months to fully recover from surgery for something that only causes a lot of pain when lifting "heavy", and w/o guaranteed success? Nope.

    Anyhow, on the 22nd, I tweaked my back moving some stuff around the house and scheduled an appt. w/ my go-to chiropractor. It had been over 30 months since the last visit after the fall, so I explained the on-going shoulder issues as well. He tested the strength of the various axes of movement and narrowed it down to the infraspinatus, then applied an adjustment to the shoulder along with some muscle stim techniques and retested w/o much improvement. He surmised that it was at least partially an innervation issue (Suprascapular nerve - Wikipedia), made a couple of chiropractic adjustments to my neck, and lo and behold strength in that axis of movement returned and most of the pain was gone. Today the shoulder feels and moves normally again for typical day-to-day, and was completely pain-free for a Bench Press session today. Might not be completely cured (or is it?), but a few chiropractic sessions every few months for some relief would be a bargain IMO. I am typically skeptical of this approach to treatment, but in this case I suspect there may be something behind the old "pinched nerve" idea.

    A little bummed that I didn't continue the treatment plan with the Dr. past the acute stage of that injury, but really glad to find at least some relief from the issue. May end up not being a complete cure, but this is the best the shoulder has felt since the injury. Plan to continue training and adding back in exercises (Squat/Press/Incline) as the shoulder (hopefully) continues to get stronger, and will hopefully continue in that long enough to justify logging things here consistently again.

  8. #168
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    starting strength coach development program
    The neck adjustment for the previous right shoulder problem did end up giving me almost complete relief, in fact I can't recall any issues with the right shoulder since that chiropractic adjustment in late 2019. The pain relented and strength came back quickly.

    Here are some relevant links regarding what I believe the issue was:
    - Suprascapular nerve - Wikipedia
    -- Nerve compression syndrome - Wikipedia

    I bring this up again as my left shoulder has been giving me constant problems over the past several months.. The shoulder however did suffer an injury in a fall about 35 years ago and I've had sporadic problems with it since, so I hadn't really considered the same treatment as an option. A flare-up of the left shoulder is why I started this log out with Dips instead of Bench. The left shoulder pain would usually resolve on its own with some time & training. Not this time though.

    An MRI done years ago showed some labral damage that I figured was getting worse with age but some orthopedic surgeons recommend against labral surgery at my age (59). Plus the reasons given in my last post still apply to surgery IMO: Costs alot, long recovery and about a 50% chance of success. And now another reason: My trust in mainstream medical is close to zero after all of the COVID bullshit.

    I scheduled another chiropractic appointment on Wed the 17th for some neck stiffness and it turns out that the adjustment gave me some immediate relief for the left shoulder as well. This time however there was still weakness in the infraspinatus (external rotation) after the adjustment so the doc followed that up with trigger point and ultra sound therapy to help things loosen up.

    A difference from past left shoulder pain that might have been a clue for this round of problems was referred pain down into the triceps for most upper body push movements. The doc said that is common with infraspinatus innervation issues. Prior to this left shoulder pain was accompanied by bicepital tendinitis (common with labral injuries).

    About six hours later in the gym w/ much less pain and weakness for some BW Dips and some light pressing, with almost zero referred triceps pain as well. Considering the history with this shoulder, I don't expect a complete "cure" from just this adjustment but once again a "pinched nerve" seems pretty likely to be involved. Now to figure out WTF is wrong with my neck that keeps resulting in the stiffness and nerve compression issues. Trained again today with some weighted Dips and the shoulder felt close to 100%. A pleasant surprise considering what it felt like trying to do Dips just a few days prior.

    Thought I'd post again for my reference and to potentially give someone else an avenue to explore for shoulder problems.

    For the labral damage, I did also try prolotherapy which I believed helped stabilize the joint a bit and did result in some relief, but overall had not gotten me back to training.

    Awesome, it is looking like I can start training the Dips progressively again, maybe followed in a month or two with some pressing movements after I regain some lost strength.

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