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Thread: Samuel Clark, Intermediate Training Log

  1. #1001
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Thursday, 28-Oct 2021
    Weighout: 208.9lbs, Time: 0640 (01:15)

    - Foam Roll hips x90-sec per side
    - Foam Roll Glute/Ham x60-sec per side
    - Couch Stretch x60-sec per side

    Front Squat 45x10, 135x5, 225x4, belt: 275x3, 315x2, 365x1, 335x4,4, 325x5,5 @2-3min
    SLDL 45x10, 135x1, 225x1, 315x1, 405x1, 495x4,4@2-3min

    Weighted Chin-ups 30lbs x8,8,8,6
    Weighted Dips 100lbs x8,8,8,8 @60-sec b/t movements

    Foot-elevated, band push-up (Myo; red mini band) 15+5+4+3+3, 15+4+3+3, 15+5+3 (78) @2min b/t rounds

  2. #1002
    Join Date
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    North Dakota


    Friday, 29-Oct 2021
    Time: 1345 (00:50)

    Red mini band press down 3x60 sec
    Red mini band hammer curl 3x60 sec @1min

    OH DB Ext (Myo) 100x15+5+1

    1-Arm DB preacher curl 25lb 60,40,30-sec @60-sec

    Lying DB Triceps Extension 35x50-sec, overhead 30x,45-sec, 40-sec @2min

    Lying red mini band curl 3x60-sec @2min

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  3. #1003
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    Saturday, 30-Oct 2021
    Time: 1430 (00:37)

    Run: 2.9mi (00:26:30)
    Stretching: calves, hamstrings, quads, IT band

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  4. #1004
    Join Date
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    North Dakota


    Sunday, 31-Oct 2021
    Time: 0630 (01:10)

    Safety Bar (60lb) Squat (sleeves/Oly shoes) 60x10, 150x5, 240x4, belt: 330x3, 420x1, 470x1 @9.5, 440x3 @9, 440x3 @10, 430x4 @9, 430x4 @10 @3-4min

    Hex Bar (50lb) Pin Press 50x10, 100x5, 140x1, 160x1, 145x8,8,8,6
    Superset w/T-Bar Row (prone grip) 180lbs 4x10 @1.5min b/t movements

    G/HR 45x9,9 @2min

    Hex Bar (50lb) Farmer Walk 350 4x27m @ 2min

    Notes: heading out of town for a few days; moved this session up from Monday

  5. #1005
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    Tuesday, 2-Nov 2021
    Weighout: 210lbs, Time: 0645 (00:52)

    Warmup: seated DB L/YT-Raise 5lbs 3x15 @90-sec

    Prone/Incline DB Rear Lateral 40x10,10,10 @1.5-2min

    High Incline/Prone DB T-Lateral 25x12,12,12 @1.5-2min

    Cable 1-Arm Rear Lateral 20# x12,12,12 @90sec
    Cable 1-Arm Y-Lateral 15# x12,12,10 @90sec

    Treadmill: 9.6mph x 0.38mi, 9.7mi 3x 0.25mi

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  6. #1006
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    Wednesday, 3-Nov 2021
    Weighout: 208.9lbs, Time: 0630 (00:33)

    Low Incline DB Bench 40x10, 65x8, 80x6

    Pull-Apart Red Mini Long-Band 4x15
    Superset w/Red Band Low Incline DB Bench 65x10,10,10,10 @60-sec b/t movements

    Weighted Chin-up 30x9,9,7,7
    Superset w/ Weighted Dip 90x9,8,8,8 @ 60-sec b/t movements

    Foot elevated band push-up (Myo):
    1. Green mini long band: 19+4+3 @3min
    2. Red mini long band: 19+4+3+2

    Notes: decent titty pump; “…I’d [do] me, hard.” - Marilyn Manson

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  7. #1007
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    Friday, 5-Nov 2021
    Weighout: 210.5lbs, Time: 1220 (00:41)

    Cable hammer curl 30x15, 50x15, 70x15, 90x15, 105x20,5,5,5,5,4,4,4,4,3,3,3,3

    Cable rope press down 30x15, 50x15, 70x15, 90x15, 105x20,5,5,5,5,4,4,3,3,3,3

    1-Arm DB Preacher Curl (High Incline) 25x15,5,3,2

    1-Arm DB OH Extension 35x20,5,4,3,2

    1-Arm High Cable Curl 30x25,15,10
    1-Arm Rope Kickback 30x25,10

    Saturday, 6-Nov 2021
    Time: 1000 (00:36)

    Distance run - trail: total running time ≈ 27min

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  8. #1008
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota

    Default Samuel Clark, Intermediate Training Log

    Sunday, 7-Nov 2021
    Weighout: 212.5lbs, Time: 1345 (01:30)

    Mobility (8-10mm):
    - foam roll lats & rear delts x2min/side
    - Pec stretch x1min/side
    - Kneeling lat stretch w/dowel 2min

    Low-Bar Back Squat (sleeves) 45x10, 135x5, 225x4, belt: 315x3, 405x2, 495@8, 525@9, 545@9.5 x1, 500x 3@8.5, 3@9, 485x 4@8, 4@8.5 @3-4min

    Neutral grip row machine 135lb/side 4x12
    Superset w/Hex bar pin press 150x8@9.5, 7@10, 6@9.5, 6@10 @60-sec b/t each

    Standing Cable crunch 62.5,67.5,72.5x15
    Superset w/G/HR 45x10,10 250-sec b/t each

    Farmer 320lbs 4x across court; down and back @2min

    Notes: it’s funny; 10 years ago I’d you asked me what movements I couldn’t live without I probably would’ve said the big three and their close variations (paused squats, deficit deadlifts, and Closegrip bench). 5 years ago and the press (from a rack or seated with dumbbells) and the row ergometer would be in there. Now? Any form of barbell squat (except the Zercher), barbell press (cleaned first), weighted Chins and Dips (typically superset together), and farmer walks.
    Last edited by SClark08; 11-07-2021 at 09:24 AM.

  9. #1009
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota

    Default Samuel Clark, Intermediate Training Log

    Tuesday, 9-Nov 2021

    L/Y/T-Raise 5lbs 3x15
    Prone/Incline Rear Delt
    Prone/Incline Y-Lateral
    1-arm cable rear delt
    1-arm cable y-lateral

    Treadmill 9.6mph 2x0.38mi, 2x0.25mi

    Thursday, 11-Nov 2021
    Weighout: 2##lbs, Time: 1920 CET (01:16)

    SSB Squat 420,430,440,450x2, 450x2, 435x3

    DL 405,495,585x1
    SLDL 505x3,3

    Chin-ups 30x10,10,8,8
    Superset w/Dips 90x10,10,10,10 @90sec

    Ring push-ups (Myo) @5-breaths/2min b/t sets
    - green monster mini long x15+4+3+2
    - Red Monster min Long x8+3+2+2
    - No band x8+2+2

    Friday, 12 Nov 2021

    Spider curl 30x15,15,15,15,15
    SS w/red band push down 5x20

    DB Curl 35x20+5+4+3+3+2
    Green band push down 15+6x5

    Red long monster mini hammer curl 5x15 superset w/ green long monster mini push down 3x15, 1x12 no rest b/t movements

    Saturday, 13 Nov 2021

    Travelled to Niger via Gray Tail Express

    Sunday, 14-Nov 2021
    Weighout: , Time: 0815 (01:35)

    Lat & Pec Stretching

    Squat 45x10, 135x5, 225x4, belt: 315x3, 405x2, 495,515,535,545x1, 505x3,2, 490x4,2

    G/HD 45 2x12
    Superset w/Standing Cable Crunch 110# 3x30

    1-Arm Cable Rear Delt 30# 2x30
    Cable face pull 70# 2x25
    Machine rear fly 150# 15,12
    DB side bend 100 3x15/side
    Hack squat 90/side 1x20

    Squatting in Niger ? Nov 2021 - YouTube

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    Last edited by SClark08; 11-14-2021 at 03:24 AM.

  10. #1010
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    starting strength coach development program
    Monday, 15-Nov 2021
    Weighout 215*, Time: 0830 (00:48)

    Low Inc DB Bench 40x10, 55x8, 70x6, 85x4, 80x12,12,12
    Superset w/Row Machine 165# x15, 180# x15, 190# x15 @90-120sec b/t

    CG Bench 225x3, 275x2, 315x1, 225x12,12,10
    Superset w/DB Curl 40x15,12,12 @60-90sec b/t

    Standing Y-Raise 30x15,15,12,12 @120sec

    1-Arm OH DB Triceps Extension 50x12,10 @90sec

    Notes: been salting my food and drinking lots of electrolyte powder. Weight is up considerably from water. Makes the lifting feel decent.

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