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Thread: Samuel Clark, Intermediate Training Log

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Friday, 18-Mar 2016
    Weight: 220 lbs Time: 65 minutes

    Volume lower body

    Squat 45x10, 135x8, 225x6, 315x4, add belt: 405x2, 455x1, 475x1, 495x1

    2-ct paused squat: 405 3 sets of 5
    BB Row 270 3x5, 225x12
    RDL 280 3x5
    P-grip chin 45 lbs 6,6,5
    DB Hammer Curl 60lbs 15,15,10,5,5,5,6

    Good training session today - pretty weak curling though. Bruised my tailbone at PT doing mason twists and crap on a basketball court - coupled with riding to and from work (road bike) my lower body was pretty trashed today

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    ^ RPEs on the paused squats: 9,9.5,10

    They were tough

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    Sunday, 20-Mar 2016
    Weight: 220lbs, Time: 60 minutes

    Upper body intensity day

    Warmup: band YTWL 4x7 ea.
    Bench 45x15, 135x10, 225x8, 275x6, 315x4, 335x1,
    1-ct paused bench: 350x3 RPE8, 360x3 RPE9, 370 2x2 RPE10

    Closegrip 235x5, 250x5, 280x8 RPE9

    Slingshot Closegrip: 285 2x10

    Notes: good session, would have liked to intensity pressed and push pressed but my wrist has been inflamed for a few weeks now (hence the wrist wraps during warmup sets). My bench program has been going very well otherwise;

    Bench program overview:
    Volume Day:
    - 2-ct paused competition grip: 1x5@RPE9, 5% load drop up to RPE9
    - dead stop military press 3 sets of max reps at ~60% w/3-min between sets
    - 5x10 DB Bench/Incline Bench
    - Triceps work

    Intensity Day (A/B)
    - a) bench 3 sets of 2-3 ascending (10lb jumps)
    - b) bench 3 sets of 3 ascending (10lb jumps)

    Intensity Press up to 1x2-3, followed by push press at 110-115% for 3-4 sets of 2-3 ascending (5-10lb jumps)

    Closegrip 3-wk cycle (Kale Beck,
    1) 60%x8, 70%x8, 80%x8+ @RPE8-8.5, slingshot 2x12
    2) 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+ @RPE9-9.5, slingshot 2x10
    3) 70%x8, 80%x5, 90%x3+ @RPE9.5-10, slingshot 2x8

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    Monday, 21-Mar 2016
    Weight: 221lbs, Time: 65 minutes

    Lower body intensity day

    Warm up squat: barx10, 67lbs bands: 135x8, 225x6, 315x4, 405x2, 455x1, 495x1

    Work sets reverse band squat (67lbs per band at bottom/0-10lbs at top): 545x3 RPE 8.5, 555x3 RPE 9, 565x3 RPE 9.5

    Halting sumo speed pulls (2" off the floor): 7 sets of 2 @ 335lbs on the minute

    Band good morning (green): 3x15

    Kettle bell swing: 32kg 5x20 1:2 work to rest (30:60)

    Felt great today. I feel as though the ROM involved in a halting sumo is too short; I may switch to halting conventional next time (two weeks from now).

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    Thursday, 24-Mar 2016
    Weight: 221lbs, Time: 90mins

    Upper body volume day

    Warm up: band YTWL 4x7
    1-ct paused Bench 45x15, 135x10, 225x8, 275x6, 320 x5RPE9.5, 5% load drop 305 x5,5,5 RPE8.5,9,9.5

    Dead stop military press 135x15,12,11

    Flat DB bench: 85 x12,11,10,9

    Overhead DB extension: 100x12,10,8,7

    Ripe triceps press down: 40 4 sets of 8-12

    Seated lateral raise machine: 4 sets of 8-15 reps "1.5 rep style"

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    Friday, 25-Mar 2016
    Weight: 222lbs, Time: 90 mins

    Lower body volume day

    Squat 45x10, 135x8, 225x6, 315x4, ADD belt: 405x2, 455x1, 475x1, 495x1, 2-ct pause squat: 410 5@RPE9, 5@RPE9.5, 5@RPE10

    Bent over row: 275x4, 225x8,8,8

    RDL 285 3 sets of 5

    P grip chin: 45x5,5,5,5

    Hammer curl 65x10,10,8,8

    Kettle bell swing 32kg 4 sets of 25; 1:2 work to rest

    Notes: pause squat took everything out of me today. Barely managed to hit accessory work.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    Sunday, 27-Mar 2016
    Weight: 222lbs, Time: 53 minutes

    Upper body intensity day

    Warmup: band YTWL 3x8

    Bench: 45x15, 135x10, 225x8, 275x6, 315x3, 340x3 @RPE9, 355x3 @RPE9.5, 370x1.5 @RPE10

    Closegrip bench: 250x8, 280x5, 310x4

    Closegrip slingshot 315 x8,6

    Cable face pull 70x 4 sets of 25 reps

    Notes: drank a lot of beer yesterday and ate a whole pizza. Had minor bubble guts and couldn't stop farting. Kind of a train wreck of a session.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    Monday, 28-Mar 2016
    Weight: 222 lbs, time: 70 minutes

    Lower body intensity day

    Warmup: band YTWL

    Dynamic squat against 67lb bands: 12 sets of 2 on the minute; 315+67lbs band tension (each side)

    Conventional deadlift: doubles on up; 495x1, 535x3 RPE10, 485x3 RPE9.5

    Band good morning; purple band 3x10

    Kettle bell swing (1:1 work to rest): 32kg 10x10

    Notes: I need to stop using sumo pulling as my B week dynamic work; its screwing with my conventional set up. Today's pulling was much harder than it has been in the past/much tougher than it needed to be - I couldn't get a consistent shoulder placement over the bar/ each rep had a different path. All in all, some flat out shit ugly pulling today

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    starting strength coach development program
    Tuesday, 29-Mar 2016
    Weight: 221lbs, time: 45 minutes

    Squadron PT:
    5-minute dynamic warmup (jogging/high knees/butt kickers)

    45 seconds push-ups
    45 seconds crunches
    45 seconds pike push-ups
    45 seconds plank
    x1 lap around basketball court

    x4 rounds

    Byzepts (aka socially acceptable public masturbation):
    Barbell curl 90x10,10,10
    1-arm DB preacher curl: 25x10, 20x10,10
    Reverse barbell curl 60x12,12

    Notes: neck and lumbers sore from those gorilla ugly deadlifts yesterday

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