starting strength gym
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Thread: Still trying to lift more at the shore

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Ocean City, MD


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Press (I)
    Goal was 8. Was feeling good throughout the set but 7th was minor grinder and my half hearted attempted at an 8th made it 1cm off my shoulders.

    Bench (V)
    24th minor grinder.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Fort Walton Beach, FL


    Just caught up to date with this thread and read your intro on your other log. Nice to see another garage gym.

    I know it can be tough, but keep at it. Patience + Persistence = Progress.

    It looks like you're in season now, so it might be hard for you to really push the limits of your strength training. In the strongest shall survive Bill Starr outlined a 3 day a week in season program for football players, basically a 5x5 for the big three on monday, tuesday, and wednesday so they can be fresh for the game on friday or saturday. That's 5x5 for ONE exercise each day, not all 3. He said some actually made progress on it.

    I'll keep an eye out for you, definitely interested to see how things go. Remember, even adding one extra rep than what you did previously is progress. I'll see you around bud.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Ocean City, MD


    Thank you. Yeah, my "in season" is really only 1 30 minute game per week so it shouldn't be too bad. Still definitely gonna push for some gains without the crazy, crazy eating part (maybe one crazy) and see what happens.

    I started today by digging three 2x2x2 holes (took me a little over 2 hours). My inlaws are having a custom in ground pool built this spring and I'm helping my father in law with a lot of the demo/misc. work. Felt pretty beat up after but I decided to give my squats and deads a go anyway and see how I felt. I'm glad I did and very satisfied with what I got done!

    Squat (H)
    230x2x7, 230x5
    Felt pretty good. Technique was fairly dialed in and I left at least 1 in the tank on the 1st set in order to get some more high quality volume in.

    +5 310x5, 280x5
    310 is a new 5rm. Went right hand supinated. Felt very hard but not an all out grinder and I think I held my form together quite solidly. Managed 3 DOH on the back off set.

    6, 2x5
    Didn't feel great on these due to all of the arm and upper back work from digging.

    Fully expecting to be pretty damn sore for the next couple days.
    Last edited by Agilic; 02-28-2016 at 05:59 PM.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Ocean City, MD


    ~2.5 mile ~30 lb backpack walks at a pretty good pace yesterday and today. I usually forget to log these.

    Bench (I)
    +2.5 172.5x7
    7th ~3s grinder, no attempt at 8th.

    Press (V)
    Hard because it was my first time doing 8's on the press, not because any reps in particular were grindy or tough.

    2x6, 5
    Losing strength on these despite being down a couple more lb to 200.6 this morning. Only me.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Ocean City, MD


    Squat (M)
    Way harder than it "should" have been. Possible issues are: 2 especially long backpack walks on Tues and Weds, moving a ton of lumber after my upper body workout last night, missing my last meal and therefore 30-40g protein short on the day due to being too exhausted and going to sleep instead.

    About 4 hours later (son didn't nap as long as usual)...

    135x2x5, 185x5, 225x5, 245x4, 1
    Almost lost 4th on the way down, took a second to rechalk and pulled the 5th. Going to stay at this weight until I either can pull all 5 without a break or remember to order straps.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Placerville, CA


    Any of those will do it -- weighted walking especially. Most importantly you got your reps and live to fight another day!

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Ocean City, MD


    Press (I)
    +1.5 106.5x7
    Got a pair of 3/4 lb plates so I can do 1.5 and 1 lb increases now instead of 2.5. Can't complain if the weight goes up and the reps stay the same. 7th was a little grindy but solid. Definitely did not have an 8th in me so didn't even attempt it.

    Bench (V)
    +2.5 160x3x8

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Ocean City, MD


    Trying creatine for the 1st time ever (thanks Tooch). Curious to see if I'm a responder. Popped 2g each pre and post workout.

    Squat (H)
    +5 235x6, 2x5
    Meh. Probably had a rough 7th on the 1st set if I wanted it but was having some tmi issues going on and had to spend my rest periods between sets on the toilet.

    +5 315x3
    First two times I went to set-up and squeeze into position and pull, I had massive burp build ups that took like 10 minutes to get rid of it before I finally pulled these. 4th failed just under my knees. I have a feeling my SGDL is too high and messing with these so I'm going to lower that down and give 315x5 another shot before going down to lower reps. Despite really wanting more pulling volume, I finally talked myself out of the backoff set to catch up on recovery.


    Everyone at work has been sick and I've been trying to fight it off all week really. Hoping next Sunday is a better heavy day.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Ocean City, MD


    Bench (I)
    +2.5 175x7
    Last warm-up and all these reps were hard. Initially thought I'd be lucky to get a set of 5. 7th was an all out grind.

    Press (V)
    +1.5 96.5x3x8
    I would not classify sets of 8 on the press as "fun for everyone". These hurt. 24th was a slight grinder. Maybe this high rep shit will get me nice and toned though.

    2x6, 7
    Extra rest before 3rd set due to open garage weather and neighbor coming over to chat.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    The Refinery State


    starting strength coach development program
    Hi Agilic,

    just wanted to let you know it looks like you are flourishing here on the Intermediate side. And yes, 8s on the press are nasty. 8s of anything are nasty.

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