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Thread: Gish's Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Western Kentucky

    Default Gish's Log

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I've been a member of this board for a couple of years now, so I figured it was time to start a log in order to receive feedback, and to share my experiences under the bar.

    33 years of age
    6'1 235
    Factory worker

    Most recent best lifts:
    Squat 400x5x5
    Press 160x5
    DL 505x3

    I'm currently running HLM for my squat, and TM for press. I press exclusively due to a pec tear last year.
    I'm using a five week rotation for pulling variants: halting/rack pull/halting/rack pull/DL.

    Coming off of a rough one last week. I had diarrhea all weekend, and I suspect I smoked a little to much weed( just recently started smoking it again, my mileage isn't what it used to be). Although a bit rough, I still made all of my lifts. Feel a little more fresh this week.

    Heavy Squat: 415x3x5

    Volume Press: 152.5x5x5

    Halting DL : 485x7 (had 8th rep to bottom of knee).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Ocean City, MD


    I know you from SS coach form checks as well as the Facebook group. Good luck chasing that 500 lb squat you'll get it soon

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Western Kentucky


    Thanks for the encouragement and welcoming Agilic. I look forward to posting my progress ( or lack of) here.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Western Kentucky


    Light squat

    Intensity press
    182x1x2 *PR*

    I'm currently on vacation,stopped in at the commercial beach gym just intending to fart around, trying to offset detaining. No power rack, but a staircase facing a mirror uhhhh. To my surprise, my squats felt pretty fresh. I managed to set a PR on my press. Thinking the mirror would distract me, I held my gaze a little higher than usual. This may have benefited me. Probably could've gotten 5 singles across at 182, but there was a guy waiting on the squat rack, and my wife was gripping about me training on our vacation.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Ocean City, MD


    Quote Originally Posted by BGish1984 View Post
    my wife was gripping about me training on our vacation.
    My biggest obstacle. Any single guys out there reading this, don't put a ring on it unless she trains

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Western Kentucky


    Quote Originally Posted by Agilic View Post
    My biggest obstacle. Any single guys out there reading this, don't put a ring on it unless she trains
    Oh, she trains. She just really doesn't want to train while on vacation. And guess what? She doesn't want me to train either. That, and she didn't care much for the staircase rack.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Western Kentucky


    Heavy Squat
    420x3x4(set 3) - YouTube
    Volume press
    154x5x5 ( old volume PR)

    Made it to the gym at 11:15am and found out that they close at 1:00, so I had to squeeze a lot of stuff in rather quickly. Squats didn't seem to awfully bad considering I'm having to use that God damned stair case rack in which it seems that I have to step back a mile in. The set that I videoed was my third, it wasn't the best form wise with some knee slide going on, but I will take it considering I was out of my element and routine. Felt that I could've done a fifth set, but I had to hustle up. Presses felt decent, but that damned mirror I hate. I was able to complete all five sets though. By the time I got to my deadlift I had less than 30 minutes to finish up. I went through my warmups as quick as possible, and by the time I completed my last warmup, I had like five minutes left to complete my work set, then strip all of the plates off of the bar. I failed my third rep( which would've yielded a new 3RM), but it is what it is under the circumstances. Knowing I was going to be here on vacation for 11 days, I wanted to get at least 2 sessions in to avoid overtraining. So, for the remainder of time here I'm going to go to the beach, drink beer, and eat a lot of seafood. My next workout will be one week from today at my own place. I'm pondering rather if I should repeat the weights of today then, or go ahead and increase. I probably won't decide for sure until the day of the workout.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Western Kentucky


    425x3x5(set 5) - YouTube
    155x4, 150x3x8
    Rack pull
    Rack pull 565x5 - YouTube

    So I'm back from my vacation, and my first workout was give and take. It's been exactly one week since I last trained, sneaking in a couple of workouts while on the beach paid off for the most part. I was able to load my squat and add another set. Last week I got 420x3x4, couldn't do the fifth set because I was in a hurry. I shot a side profile again to check depth, looks as if I'm a little deep. I've gotten 425x3 for a set of one before, but never for sets across, so this is a good volume PR for me. My press, meh. I guess the lack of volume caught up to me. After setting new PRs for singles and matching my volume PR at the beach, I could only manage 4 reps @ 155. They were pretty hard from the start, then on my last rep I decided to break the monotony up of using my floating rack and attempted to rack the bar on my chest, bad idea. After this I broke the bar down to 150 and did a shit load of triples just for good measure. Rack pulls were rack pulls. As you see,I have a pretty decent leverage advantage for these.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Western Kentucky


    Light Squat

    Light Press


    I was sore as hell today from Sunday's heavy squats. The lack of volume while on vacation totally kicking my ass right now. I still managed to get them in, although they really didn't feel "light ", but I guess my feelings are irrelevant. For my press I stayed semi-strict. A little "bump" of the hips at the very most, just enough to get a little momentum. For heavy presses on Thursday planning to go back to my layback press. It's been working for several months now, so I might as well stay with it. Initially planned to do some power snatches, but opted for a few sets of chins instead because my legs are so damn sore. Maybe next week.
    Last edited by Bradley Gish; 07-11-2017 at 07:40 PM. Reason: Grammar

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Western Kentucky


    starting strength coach development program
    Medium Day Squat
    380x5x3(set 3) - YouTube

    Intensity Day Press
    182x1x5(set 4) - YouTube

    Bw x 7

    Medium day squat doesn't fell to much like medium anymore ( although I attempted to handle them with authority), I'll be changing my medium day load to just one set of 5 after I drop down to singles for my heavy day. I tried some things with my press tonight. Throughout all of my warmups I tried the 2.0 technique. They felt pretty good all the way through my last warmup @ 165. Once I loaded my workset It seemed that my form just fell apart. I missed two sets. I then decided to do a pretty strict press, just a little nudge of the hips, not much stretch reflex. It went up, although kind of a Grinder. I attempted another set and missed, don't think I leaned back quite far enough to clear my chin, and the bar got out in front of me. So then I said fuck it, and decided to employ my stretch reflex+ layback press and the remaining sets went pretty well. On one of my sets I noticed that my heels came off of the floor slightly as I was pressing upward, but I cleaned that up for the remaining two sets. PR for press too.

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