Bobby Barbells
Alright, I am about to make the plunge into intermediate programming, justified or not.
I started my LP a while ago, and was on it for too long really, because of set backs that are my fault. My lifts are stalling, and after trying the usual tips and tricks to keep it going, I feel like I've exhausted my linear abilities. I did not log that on the forum, but now that I am transitioning to intermediate, I want to start posting my workouts more regularly.
Weight:160 lbs
BF%: ~15%
Age: 26
Part of this transition will be getting my body weight up to around 170-175 I think, maybe even 180.
Lifts: The 1RMs I've hit, they're not just theoretical calcs
Squat: 305x5x3 1RM: 350
Bench: 205x5x3 1RM: 240
Deadlift: 365x5 1RM: 425
Press: 125x5x3 1RM: 150
Clean: 145x3x5
I'm ordering Practical Programming, for now I am going to start the Texas Method as it is written in that T-Nation article that Rip wrote. I'll read the book and make adjustments if and when it becomes necessary.
On volume day, I'll be using 85% of my "5RM". I am going to start by having my first Intensity PR day being the lifts that I ended my LP with just to be conservative. This is intermediate now, so there really isn't any rush anymore. Since I know I can hit these lifts already, I'll just write out what I have planned for the first week.
Monday (Christmas Eve)
Volume: 85% of 5RM
Squat: 255x5x5
Bench: 175x5x5
Dead: 335x5
Recovery: 80% of Monday
Squat: 205x5x2
Press: 105x4x4 (The program is written as 5x3, but for presses I like 4s better for the press because I feel less fatigued between sets. 4x4=16reps vs 5x3=15reps so the volume is basically the same. When presses fall on volume day, I'll be using 4x6s as an alternative to 5x5s.)
Pull-ups: (BW)xAMRAPx3
Back Extensions: BWx10x5
Squat: 305x5
Bench: 205x5
Clean: 135x5x3
Last edited by Robert D; 12-22-2018 at 09:41 AM.
Monday 24DEC2018
Volume Day:
Squat: 255x5x5
Bench: 175x5x5
Deadlift: 335x5x5
Chins: BWx10x2
I've had some bicep tendonitis, so I did some high rep curls/chins and some foam rolling per Reynold's Art of Manliness post.
W 26DEC2018
Recovery Day:
Squat: 205x5x2
Press: 105x4x4
Pull-Ups: BWx10x3
Back Extension: BWx10x5
Probably going to hold some kind of weight next time on Back extension, otherwise I don't see the point.
Sticking to ending my workouts with the high rep curls, and my tendinitis it noticeably getting better.
F 28Dec2018
Intensity Day:
Squat: 315x5
Bench: 215x5
Clean: 135x3x5
I realized that maybe its a mistake to "plan" my new 5 rep max on Intensity day, and just see what I am capable of each Friday. Tonight, I thought I was going to squat 305 for a "PR", and bench 205. Instead I hit 10 lbs over both.
M 31Dec2018
Volume Day:
Squat: 265x5x5
Press: 115x5x5
Deadlift: 340x5
W 02Jan2018
Recovery Day:
Squat: 215x5x2
Bench: 185x5x3
Pull-Ups: (+25)x5x5
F 04Jan19
Intensity Day:
Squat: 45x10, 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x3, 305x1, 320x5
Press: 45x5, 85x3, 115x1, 130x5
Clean: 95x3x5
I felt like I needed to reset my clean a bit, I hadn't been doing the cleans at the end of my LP. I'll add 10 lbs each week till I'm back to 135, then I'll make 2.5 lbs jumps.
The squat set was a grind on that last rep. It should have been easier, but my recovery was definitely compromised from staying up all night chasing skirt at a NYE party and then skipping meals during my subsequent hangover the next day. Good life decisions.
M 07Jan19
Volume Day:
Squat: 275x5x5
Bench: 185x5x5
Deadlift: 345x5, 405x1
Since my deadlift "intensity day" is on volume day, I am going to add a heavy single onto my work set of 5.
W 09Jan19
Recovery Day:
Squat: 225x5x2
Press: 120x5x3
Pull-Up: (+27.5)x5x5, BWx10
I missed two intensity days due to my own foolishness. I really don't have a good excuse, but the volume days have kept the progress going. I'm back on track now.
Squat: 275x5x5
Bench: 190x5x5
Deadlift: 350x5, 410x1
Squat: 225x5x2
Press:125x5x3, 135x1
Cut this session short, went to a work "holiday" party beforehand and had a couple beers
Squat: 280x5x5
Bench: 195x5x5
Pull-Ups: (+25)x5x3, BWx10
Dips: (+45)x10x2
Based on last weeks deadlift session, I decided to switch Deads to my recovery day. A common tweak to programming from Feigenbaum's BBM article. The dips I kept low in weight and to two sets, I don't think they serve any other purpose in my programming other than that I really like doing weighted dips, and it keeps it fun for me.
I'm training with a buddy on this weeks coming intensity day, I'm hoping to hit 320x5 on squat, and 220x5 on bench. Here's to hoping missing a couple sessions won't affect that. If it does, it won't matter because the 5x5s are still going up, so I'll just have to adjust PRs accordingly.
Last edited by Robert D; 01-21-2019 at 10:44 PM.
Reason: Adding more detail
Squat: 225x5x2
Press: 130x5x3, 145x1, 155x1
Dead: 355x5, 405x1
I like the deadlifts on my "off day" a lot better. Going to keep my Presses as the alternate lift for next week too. I know I can get 135x5x3 on press next week, and I really just want to hit 200x5x5 on bench on Monday, so I'm going to do that. The following week I may do that same depending on how 135 feels on Press.
Last edited by Robert D; 01-30-2019 at 05:58 PM.
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