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Thread: BWare's Intermediate Training Log

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Jax, FL


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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Ware View Post
    12/18 Session 29-3

    Deadlift (intensity) --

    225 x 5
    255 x 5
    305 x 5

    Working set: 337.5 x 3+; achieved 4 good pulls and almost got 5,
    Watch your warm up volume. Your doing a set of 5 at 90% of your work set on Deadlift. I'd recommend ramping down your warm up volume more like:
    225 x 4
    255 x 3
    305 x 2

    The idea with warm-ups is to feel out your form and prime the CNS for recruitment. Don't waste good energy on a bunch of sub-optimal volume. Save it for the work sets.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2019


    Good advice, for which I would generally agree. I kept the volume somewhat high on the warm-ups, though, so that I would not feel like I was taking it too easy by dropping out some of the lower weight warm-ups. For example, I used to do 135's and 275's in a warm-up ramp, but found I was using up my energy on that. So, it's a trade-off. Oh, and I use 5 reps so I don't have to think about how many I have to do for this set - LOL!

    But, you are right, and I can envision that my 1RM test next week will involve ramping the warm-ups down on the lines you've suggested. Thanks!

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Jax, FL


    Give it a try, see if it feels better. I'm 49 and typically only use singles on the last 2 rounds of warmups. I will often, particularly with Deads, warm up to a heavier single than my work sets. For example, my last dead lift work set was 385x5. I "warmed -up" to a heavy single at 440. Then dropped down to hit the 385x5. True warm ups went like this: 155x5; 245x3; 335 x2; 400x1. This way I add some extra intensity into the mix while not overloading volume. Intermediate programming is all about determining the right mix of volume and intensity. These mixes tend to be lift specific as well. Keep your mind open and be prepared to do alot of test and learn. if your lucky you'll be an intermediate for a long time.

    Volume and the Masters Lifter | Jonathon Sullivan and Andy Baker

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2019


    Cool! So you've used the "post-activation potentiation" theory - using a very heavy weight to "prime" the CNS, even if you can't move it, and then back off to your target weight. I read about that a few years ago when it was just coming up on the horizon. Also, thanks for the link to Sullivan & Baker.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2019


    12/20 Session 29-4

    Press (intensity, 3+AMRAP test)

    45 x 5
    95 x 5
    115 x 3

    Working set: 134 x 4; felt very good and topped my target, most weight ever! Drop-set: 122 x 2; okay, this indicates that I selected just about the right weight for the 3+ test, so that means I'm judging my max rep tests pretty well. I will be aiming for 138 for next week's 1+AMRAP test.

    Bench Press (volume) --

    95 x 5
    135 x 5
    155 x 5

    Working sets: 175 x 5 x 3; no problem at all, and I'm really not that far off from my intensity weight.

    BB Rows (pulling assist) --

    190 x 5 x 3; go for 195 next time.

    Pull-ups --

    Assisted at approx 145 x 6 x 3. (Just for fun and to give my lats a good stretch!)

    Duration -- 1h+10m

  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2019


    12/22 - Measurement Sunday

    Weight: (spot) 198.2 (+1.8); (week avg) 198.1 (+1.4); (long-term avg) 194.8 (+0.3)

    Lean Mass: (spot) 178.9 (+1.9); (long-term avg) 177.5 (+0.3) -- Last week I wrote "If my total body-weight is 195.6 or higher next Sunday, it will signal a corresponding process shift upward for that metric as well. Because only LBM has changed, it will make my body-fat percentages look artificially low, at least until next week." Today's total weight spot was so much higher that it caused the 1-sigma line to move upwards a bit, enough to take a total weight measurement from 2 weeks ago and push it under the line. Consequently, the expected signal is delayed for another week, and my BF% still will look artificially low for this week.

    Fat Mass: (spot) 19.3 (-0.1); (long-term avg) 17.3 (nc)

    Yields an est BF of 8.9% (artificially low as explained above)

    Body-part measures are all stable within the normal variation; lost a quarter-inch on the calves but gained a quarter-inch on the bicep.

    This week's eating averaged 143 grams of protein, 290 grams of carbs, and 104 grams of fat, for an average daily calorie intake of about 2670 kcals.

  7. #17
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    May 2019


    12/22 Session 30-1

    Squat (intensity, 1+AMRAP test)


    45 x 5
    135 x 5
    225 x 5
    315 x 3

    Working set:

    365 x 3; drop-set: 335 x 2; I managed to get 3 reps on a 1RM test, felt great getting them, and the drop-set indicates that I'm working at just about the right amount of weight for a trial at 5 rep sets. Next week, the program will revert to the MED variant #5, in which I will do a set of 5 reps for the squat, followed by 2 sets of 5 at a back-off weight. I plan on 360/305.

    Romanian DL (volume) --


    135 x 5
    225 x 5
    275 x 4
    315 x 2

    Working set:

    340 x 5

    Dips -- 8 x 3

    3 Super-sets of EZ Bar Curls (55 x 12) and LTEs (55 x 12) to finish the routine.

    Duration: 1h+10m

    I had one of my rowing crew team-mates come by and get a form check from me on the 4 SS lifts. He's been trying out the lifts for about a week or so, and complained that he was getting some back pain in the lumbar area. I watched him do empty bar, and it was clear he hadn't spent a lot of time in the books or viewing the videos on the website. I gave him some corrective cues, and he video'd me doing the lifts, so I think he'll be better prepared to come back next week and do some training with me.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    May 2019


    12/23 Session 30-2

    Bench Press (intensity) --

    45 x 5
    135 x 5
    155 x 5

    Working set: 195 x 1+AMRAP; achieved 4 solid form reps, last one was a good 4 second grind on a steady but slow push. Felt really great! Drop-set: 175 x 3. Last week, after the 3+AMRAP test, I wrote that I had probably been progressing too slowly on the bench, having used 2.5 pound increments a few times, and that I would make a big jump for this 1+AMRAP test week - 10 pounds up from last week to 195. And I was right! I had been moving too slowly. My year-end goal set in September had been to get 5 reps at 205, and I won't make it (next week 12/29 starts my 2020 training year), but I will push things a bit harder and see what I can accomplish in the first few weeks of 2020.

    Press (volume) --

    45 x 5
    95 x 5
    105 x 3

    Working sets: 125 x 5 x 3; solid 1.0 form.

    Rack Pulls (pull assist) --

    Working sets: 315 x 5 x 3; good form to help improve my deadlift; now that I've gone to no squat shoes, the movement pattern seems to be working out much easier and more powerfully. Will use 365 next time this exercise comes up in the cycle.

    Duration -- 1h+00m

  9. #19
    Join Date
    May 2019


    12/25 Session 30-3

    Deadlift (intensity) --


    225 x 5
    275 x 5
    315 x 3

    Working set: 340 x 1+AMRAP; I achieved 3 solid form reps - the 4th came off the floor and I gave it a good 4 to 5 seconds attempting to grind it up, but nothing moved past mid-shin. Still, this 340 x 3 was a great set for me, as just a few sessions ago 340 would not even break off the ground for me.

    Squat (volume) --


    135 x 5
    225 x 5
    275 x 5

    Working sets: 320 x 5 x 3

    Completed day with 3 supersets EZ Bar Curls (55 x 12) and EZ Bar Skull Crushers (55 x 12)

    Duration: 1h+15m

  10. #20
    Join Date
    May 2019


    starting strength coach development program
    12/27 Session 30-4

    Press (intensity) --


    45 x 5
    95 x 5
    115 x 3
    125 x 1

    Working set: 138 x 1+AMRAP; I got 4 reps, most weight ever overhead, and looked marvelous using the big-boy 45's on each end! Drop-set @ 125 x 2.

    Bench Press (volume) --


    95 x 5
    135 x 5
    155 x 5

    Working sets: 180 x 5 x 3.

    BB Rows --

    Working sets: 195 x 5 x 3

    Pull-ups -- 7 x 3.

    Duration: 1h+10m.

    This was the final workout of the 2019 lifting year; Sunday's 12/29 workout will be the first one of the 2020 lifting year, and I need to set some new short- and long-term goals.

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