starting strength gym
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Thread: BWare's Intermediate Training Log

  1. #511
    Join Date
    May 2019


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    4/15 Session 12-3, Deadlift

    Warm-ups: Leg Curls -- 65 x 10 x 2 with 6 drop-sets -- 60 x 10; 55 x 10; 50 x 10; 45 x 10; 40 x 10; 35 x 10; go to 12's next week

    Deadlift warm-ups:

    135 x 5; 225 x 3; 255 x 2

    Working sets:

    300 x 6; 280 x 7; 250 x 10; 5 mins rest between sets

    Duration -- 42 mins

  2. #512
    Join Date
    May 2019


    4/17 Measurement Sunday

    TotWt -- (spot) 201.4 (-0.4); (week avg) 200.8 (-0.2); (long avg) 200.2 (+0.1)

    LBM -- (spot) 183.0 (nc); (long avg) 181.3 (+0.1)
    FAT -- (spot) 18.4 (-0.4); (long avg) 18.9 (nc)

    Yields an est BF of 9.4% (spot was 9.1%)

    This week's measures for TotWt and LBM both show potential signals for a Rule #3 process shift (4 out of 5 points in zone 1 on same side of centerline). We'll see what next Sunday brings.

  3. #513
    Join Date
    May 2019


    4/17 Session 12-4, Bench Press

    Warm-ups: DB Decline Press -- 90 x 10 x 2 with 3 drop-sets -- 80 x 10, 70 x 10, 60 x 10; go to 12's next week

    Bench Press warm-ups:

    45 x 5, 95 x 3, 135 x 2

    Working sets:

    175 x 6, 165 x 8, 145 x 10; 5 mins rest between sets

    Aux/Acc work:

    DB Incline Press -- 115 x 6 x 3

    DB Concentration Curls -- 70 x 10 x 2 with 3 drop-sets -- 60 x 10, 50 x 10, 40 x 10; go to 12's next week

    DB Tricep Roll-ups -- 60 x 10 x 2 with 3 drop-sets -- 50 x 10, 40 x 10, 30 x 10; go to 12's next week

    Duration -- 64 minutes

  4. #514
    Join Date
    May 2019


    4/18 Session 13-1, Squat

    End of Wave 1 of this Peak cycle.

    Warm-ups: Leg Extensions -- 90 x 12 x 2 with 6 drop-sets -- 85 x 12, 80 x 12, 75 x 12, 70 x 12, 65 x 12, 60 x 12; go to 8's next week and increase starting weight.

    Squat warm-ups:

    135 x 5, 185 x 3, 225 x 2

    Working sets:

    285 x 5*; 270 x 5; 240 x 10; 5.5 mins rest between sets; * 5 reps here means that the starting weight for next week will be 15 pounds more than the starting weight for this first wave.

    Duration -- 43 minutes

  5. #515
    Join Date
    May 2019


    4/19 Session 13-2, Press

    Warm-ups: DB 1-Arm Incline Side Delt Raises -- 30x 12 x 2 with 3 drop-sets -- 24 x 12, 20 x 12, 16 x 12; go to 8's next week and increase starting weight

    Press warm-ups:

    45 x 5, 75 x 3, 105 x 2

    Working sets:

    125 x 5*; 120 x 7; 105 x 10; 5 mins rest between; *5 reps here means starting weight for next week will be 10 pounds more than the starting weight for this first wave.


    DB Incline Supported Bench Rows -- 100 x 6 x 2; change up to high-rep (2 x 15) next week at a lower weight

    DB Concentration Curls -- 70 x 12 x 2 with 3 drop-sets -- 60 x 12, 50 x 12, 40 x 12; go to 8's next week and increase weight

    DB Tricep Roll-ups -- 60 x 12 x 2 with 3 drop-sets -- 50 x 12, 40 x 12, 30 x 12; go to 8's next week and increase weight

    Duration -- 65 minutes

  6. #516
    Join Date
    May 2019


    4/21 Session 13-3, Deadlift

    Warm-ups: Standing Leg Curls -- 65 x 12 x 2 with 6 drop-sets -- 60 x 12, 55 x 12, 50 x 12, 45 x 12, 40 x 12, 35 x 12; go to 8's next week and increase starting weight

    Deadlift warm-ups:

    135 x 5; 225 x 3; 255 x 2

    Working sets:

    315 x 5*; 300 x 5; 265 x 7; 5 mins rest between; *5 reps here means a 20-25 pound increase in starting weight for the next wave.

    Duration -- 37 minutes

  7. #517
    Join Date
    May 2019


    4/22 Session 13-4, Bench Press

    Warm-ups: Decline DB Press -- 90 x 12 x 2 with 3 drop-sets -- 80 x 12, 70 x 12, 60 x 12; go to 8's next week and increase weight

    Bench Press warm-ups:

    45 x 5; 95 x 3; 135 x 2

    Working sets:

    185 x 3*; 175 x 6; 155 x 8; 5 mins rest between; *3 reps here means a rather small 5-pound increase in starting weights for the next wave; I'm not all that happy only getting 3 reps, but I noted on my sheet that this session was a late afternoon (>6PM) start and I hadn't eaten in a while, so maybe a calorie-shortage was a factor


    DB Incline Press -- 120 x 6 x 2; change up to a 2x15 next week at a lower weight

    DB Concentration Curls -- 70 x 12 x 2 with 3 drop-sets -- 60 x 12, 50 x 12, 40 x 12; go to 8's next week with more weight

    DB Tricep Roll-ups -- 60 x 12 x 2 with 3 drop-sets -- 50 x 12, 40 x 12, 30 x 12; go to 8's next week with more weight

    Duration -- 64 minutes

    This concludes the first 3-week wave of the Peak cycle; I expect 2 more waves before returning to some Base cycle routine.

  8. #518
    Join Date
    May 2019


    4/24 Measurement Sunday

    Tot-wt -- (spot) 199.8 (-1.6); (week avg) 200.5 (-0.3); (long avg) 200.1 (nc)

    LBM -- (spot) 181.2 (-1.8); (long avg) 181.3 (nc)
    FAT -- (spot) 18.6 (+0.2); (long avg) 18.9 (nc)

    Yields an est BF of 9.4% (spot ws 9.3%)

    The potential signals from last Sunday of a possible Rule 3 shift in both TotWt and LBM were missed by this week's drop to the mean lines for each. If there is to be a Rule 3 shift in either measure, it must now wait at least 2 more weeks before a triggering event. Undoubtedly, the drop for this week came out of a couple of days of missed eating targets, as shown in:

    Eating X-bar -- 129/211/79 for 2070 kcals. Really only 2 days out of the week, but they were really short eating days, missing kcal intake and macro targets.

  9. #519
    Join Date
    May 2019


    Quick catch-up:

    On Sunday, I rowed in the club's second "Learn-to-Row" session as an experienced rower responsible for working the boat while allowing non-rowers the opportunity to see what the sport is all about. My boat did 3 runs of about 25 minutes each, and although not super strenuous, was still good-time rowing for me.

    4/25 Session 14-1, Squat

    Warm-ups: Leg Extensions -- 105 x 8 x 2 with 6 drop-sets -- 100 x 8, 95 x 8, 90 x 8, 85 x 8, 80 x 8, 75 x 8; go to 10's next week

    Squat warm-ups:

    135 x 5; 185 x 3; 225 x 2

    Working sets:

    270 x 6; 255 x 7; 225 x 10; 5 mins rest between sets

    Kneeling Ab Banded Crunch -- 10 x 2

    Duration -- 39 minutes

  10. #520
    Join Date
    May 2019


    starting strength coach development program
    4/26 Session 14-2, Press

    Warm-ups: DB 1-arm Side Delt Raise -- 35 x 8 x 2 with 3 drop-sets -- 25 x 8, 20 x 8, 15 x 8; go to 10's next week

    Press warm-ups:

    45 x 5; 75 x 3; 105 x 2

    Working sets:

    121 x 6; 114 x 7; 100 x 10; 5 mins rest between sets


    DB Incline Rows -- 70 x 15 x 2; go to 3x15 next week

    DB Concentration Curls -- 75 x 8 x 2 with 3 drop-sets -- 60 x 8, 55 x 8, 40 x 8; go to 10's next week

    DB Tricep Roll-ups -- 70 x 8 x 2 with 3 drop-sets -- 60 x 8, 50 x 8, 40 x 8; go to 10's next week

    Kneeling Banded Ab Crunch -- 2 x 10

    Duration -- 61 minutes

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