starting strength gym
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Thread: Power Building Log 101

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2017


    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Quote Originally Posted by Chop_Top View Post
    Are you using Andy’s upper/lower hypertrophy program? I was interested in it and was on the fence of purchasing. I’ve used his powerlifting program and GGW, all his stuff is good. I like the setup your using but the overall volume may be a little high for me at this time. I could always adjust just by shaving off a set or two. How do you like it and feel after these first few weeks.
    The Baker Barbell RAW Power Lifting Program

    I recommend the program. At the 5 week mark I had to really up my food intake. The workouts run about 1.5 hrs give or take. So if you have the time it's a great plan.

    The volume is quite high and I am beat up by the end of each workout, but that's how I like it anyways. The 5x5s can be completed but the rest periods get longer.

    What hits me the worst are the chinups. They drain the life out of me. I am going to be adding some bands back in for help. I'll get enough volume but the intensity will go down.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2017


    Week 5 / Day 3

    Should have done this on Saturday but had a motorcycle ride and got home too late. So I will skip day 4 and just do day 3.

    Lifts we're all smooth like butter. We will see if my eating does me well for my Tuesday Squat day.

    Screwed up my weight on squats but I'll live.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2017


    Back at it after a vacation. All rested up, unemployed with nothing to do. Going to run a short NLP before I'm back to my 10 week program.

    Bench - 225 3x5
    Squat- 250 3x5
    DL - 305 1x5
    Last edited by Matthew Spicka; 08-25-2021 at 10:32 AM.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2017


    Day 2 to get back to my regularly scheduled program. Keeping it simple. It appears I may be going back to some manual labor for work... this should help trim some fat. I'd like to stay at 225 will a bit less fat. My strength is sustaining well.

    Squat 275 3x5
    Press 145 2x5, 150 1x5
    Cleans 135 4x3, 140 1x3

    Second and third sets of squats went up easily. Press was no problem as well and I have not been focusing on it for months. I have not done cleans in ages and they went up easily as well. I am going to try and up my max on these over the next two weeks. Then back to my 10 week program.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2017


    starting strength coach development program
    I just love my home gym... I get to workout anytime I want. Thought I would spread it out today and do another small workout tomorrow.

    Bench 235 3x5
    Squat 275 2x5, 295 2x5

    Miss loaded the squat, so just added an extra set. My squat is now solidified to have my new normal around 300#. I remember how much of a grind 295 was, now its just another day at the office.

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