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Thread: Power Building Log 101

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Default Power Building Log 101

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Week 1 / Day 1

    Justified or not I'm leaving the NLP. I still love the core lifts but also want to move to a 4-Day program.

    My best lifts leaving the NLP are as follows.

    47.5 yrs / 220 lb / 6 ft.

    Squat - 305# 3x5 / 365#x1
    DL - 405# 1x5 / 465x1
    Press - 165# 3x5 / 175#x1
    Bench - 240# 3x5 / never tested 1 rep max

    I could have milked out some higher numbers for sure, but I was getting bored and raising all 4 at the same time was wearing me out. So what the hell.

    LBSquat - 290 1x5
    LBSquat - 255 5x5
    Front Squat - 135 3x5 / A bit low but it was my first time doing them.
    RDL - 225 3x5 / first time at these as well.
    Leg Raises - 3x10

    Not a bad high volume leg day. Work out derived from an Andy Baker 10 week template.

    Matthew Spicka - Strength Level
    Last edited by Matthew Spicka; 07-07-2021 at 08:26 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2017


    Week 1 / day 2

    Definitely higher volume (15,570 lb) than I am used to. I warm up with the Shoulderok then again after.

    Bench ramp up...
    Bench 215# 1x3
    Paused Bench 190# 5x5
    Close Grip Bench 160# 3x8
    Chins, 6, 7, 7
    Tricep Ext, 45# 1x10, 55# 1x12, 55# 1x15

    New to Tricep Extensions. I don't have an EZ Bar so I used a barbell. I tried them his Uncle Rip suggests. I'm so compliant.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2017


    Week 1 / Day 3 - Deadlift Day

    Volume 12,665

    Light Pause Squats - 220# 3x5
    Comp DL - 355# 1x3
    Volume DL - 310# 3x5 - explosive
    Deficit DL - 265# 1x5
    Pendlay Rows - 155# 3x5

    First time doing Deficit DL. Nice and light. Also didn't know what a Pendly row was. From what I read its just more of a horizontal back angle and a pull from the floor. Which also appears to be how Rip teaches the bent over row.

    Was thinking about how light 310 DL seems. I remember when that was hard. Now it feel light.
    Last edited by Matthew Spicka; 07-09-2021 at 05:37 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2017


    Week 1 / Day 4

    Volume 19,040 lb

    BP - 160 5x3 - used Kadilack bar
    Press - 135 3x10 - Was supposed to leave 2-3 RIR and did not. I would say 0 RIR
    Chins - 8,8,6,5 - These are progressing nicely again
    Dips - -50# 3x10
    Barbell Curl - 45#x10, 55 2x10

    Have not done dips in more than a year, due to shoulder problems. Basically I was afraid to mess with them. But since the program calls for them. I forced myself to give them a try. I added a -50# band just to test the waters. I don't think it actually to 50 off, but it lightened the load and gave me some confidence. Watched some videos to give me some pointers and off I went.

    It's Sunday morning and and my shoulder is feeling better than I has in a long time. I usually pay the price the day after a good shoulder day and then the second day I feel good. This time I feel better after a good nights sleep. Dips are back!!

    What I find interesting... Everyone... Wife, friends, family all say rest, baby and nurse a hurt shoulder. I have tried a little of that and I has gotten me nowhere. Yesterday was a high-volume day and did all kinds of things that used my shoulder. While it's not perfect, I feel better than ever.

    The mind says rest when you are hurt and you have to override the mind. I can take some Ibuprofen and all of my should pain goes away. If that is true then I can only assume, I don't have anything really wrong with my shoulder. I just have some inflammation going on.

    Matthew Spicka Workouts - Strength Level

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2017


    Week 2 / Day 1

    Volume - 20,362.5 lb

    Squat - 300# 1x5
    Volume Squat - 262.5# 5x5
    Front Squat - 145# 3x5
    Romanian DL - 235# 3x5
    Leg Raises - 3x10

    Everything was smooth. Still getting used to RDLs.

    The most interesting thing going on is that the dips from Saturday seemed to have helped my shoulder. The right shoulder is feeling pretty good. No way to prove it was the dips but that is the only exercise that is different.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2017


    Week 2 / Day 2

    Volume - 17,866

    Bench - 215 1x3
    Bench - 195 5x5 - pause / forgot to pause first 3 sets
    Close Grip Bench - 165 3x8
    Chins - 8,8,6,6
    Lying Tricep Ext. - 60 3x10,12,15

    Shoulder hurts some but manageable. Will be excited to see what the dips do on Saturday. These workouts are getting a bit long. I'm not sure how long they should take but it feels like 2 hrs. I should really time them.
    Last edited by Matthew Spicka; 07-16-2021 at 08:07 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2017


    Week 2 / Day 3

    Volume - 13,045 lb

    Squat - 220 3x5 - 2 sets paused
    DL - 365 1x3
    DL - 320 3x5
    Deficit DL - 275 1x5
    Pendlay Row - 165 3x5

    I've gained 2 lb. @ 222#. Not bad cause I've been hungry. I need to make sure I eat regularly. Lucky for me I start a new job soon and will be able to be more consistent with my food intake. Still getting used to a 4 day work out routine.

    I still forget to track my workout time. I think around 1.5 hrs.

    First time using competition plates and my new barbell with real knurl for squats. Made a big difference, nice and sticky.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2017


    Week 2 / Day 4

    Volume - 20,685

    Bench - 160 2x3 / 162 3x3
    Press - 137 3x 10, 9, 8
    Chins - 9, 8, 6, 5 - need 24+ total reps
    Dips - -50 12, 12 / -30, 12
    Barbell Curls - 60 3x 12, 10, 10

    PR'd the Chin with 9 reps. 4 day starts out strong and I get tired after the chins. Dips and curls luckily are not too taxing.

    Made it through week 2!!!

    Shoulder had some ache until I did the dips.
    Last edited by Matthew Spicka; 07-17-2021 at 06:50 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2017


    Week 3 / Day 1
    Volume 12,157.5

    If I add leg raises the volume goes to 18,817.5 - I don't think these should count toward volume.

    Squat - 306.5 1x5 - PR
    Squat - 270 5x5
    Front Squat - 155 2x5
    RDL - 245 3x5
    Lying Leg Raise, 20, 10

    306 went up fine, had the safties up high and I might have squared a bit high... Unfortunately, it is only one set of five to no chance to redeem myself.

    Enjoyed the 270 5x5, felt like it was just the right amount of volume/intensity.

    All Front Squats and RDL's are PRs. I've never done either before.

    Today felt like a rest day, which was good. I was feeling a little rundown yesterday. Not sure if it was work out related.
    Last edited by Matthew Spicka; 07-19-2021 at 06:44 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2017


    starting strength coach development program
    Week 3 / Day 2

    Time: 1:05
    Volume 16,118

    Bench - 227 1x3
    Bench - 200 5x5
    Close Grip Bench - 173 3x8
    Pull Ups - 7, 5, 4
    Lying Tricep Raises - 65x 12, 15, 15

    I get some ache in the right shoulder and in the crease of my right bicep. Goes away though. And still able to lift more. My first rep of benching always has to go down slowly, then I'm ok.

    I changed from chin ups to pull ups and got my butt kicked. I have not done pull ups for a very long time. Both pull ups and chins drain the life out of me. Looking forward to a day that they don't suck out my soul.
    Last edited by Matthew Spicka; 07-22-2021 at 08:24 PM.

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