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Thread: First TM run

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jan 2020


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    05/01/2022 - ???

    Squat: 160kg x 1 x 2, 140kg x 2 x 5
    Press: 60kg x 2 x 5

    Just some random maintenance stuff after the break so I'm not completely rusted for the first work week of this year on Saturday. The squat was unreasonably heavy. Then again, I pretty much haven't moved at all the past week.
    Last edited by bool3max; 01-09-2022 at 04:40 PM.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jan 2020


    08/01/2022 - Volume

    Squat: 146kg x 5 x 5 (85% offset) - felt weird, not weak per se, moreso fatigued
    Bench: 76kg x 5 x 5 (90% offset)
    Deadlift: 150kg x 3 x 5 (85% offset)
    Last edited by bool3max; 01-09-2022 at 06:42 AM.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jan 2020


    10/01/2022 - Recovery

    Squat: 116kg x 2 x 5
    Press: 56kg x 3 x 5
    Bench: 90kg x 1 x 1
    Chinups: 3 x AMRAP (after the session)

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Jan 2020


    12/01/2022 - Intensity

    Squat: 172.5kg x 1 x 2, 155kg x 2 x 2 - Pretty terrible. It is an all-time squat PR, but I was supposed to do 3 doubles. The second rep on the first one was atrocious. RPE 57. Kind of strange considering that the 170kg doubles went okay-ish. I will repeat 172.5kg next week as well, and if that goes poorly, I will have to rethink my programming (as I seem to have other external factors dialed-in, more or less).
    Bench: 85kg x 1 x 5, 87.5kg x 1 x 2, 85kg x 2 x 3 - pretty good
    Deadlift: 177.5kg x 1 x 3, 160kg x 1 x 5 (90% offset) - managed to complete the top triple this time, however the last rep was ugly as fuck. May have to move to doubles, I don't know.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jan 2020


    17/01/2022 - Volume

    Squat: 146kg x 5 x 5
    Press: 61kg x 5 x 5
    Deadlift: 152.5kg x 3 x 5

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jan 2020


    21/01/2022 - Intensity

    Squat: 172.5kg x 1 x 2 - again - not good. The first rep was somewhat okay, but the second one was RPE99 again. So I skimped on doing the other 2 doubles sets. Maybe I shouldn't have, idk. Don't know how to approach this problem from a programming perspective, though my recovery outside of the gym hasn't been on point lately either - very little sleep the past 2 weeks.
    Press: 68.5kg x 2 x 3 - very good. Easy. Red plates next press intensity session.
    Deadlift: 180kg x 1 x 3, 162.5kg x 1 x 5 - strange. I planned on hitting the top set for a double (as triples @ 177.5kg were nearly impossible, I had to repeat the weight 2 times), however it was pretty easy so I went for the third rep and it went up easier than 177.5kg did a week ago. I can't gauge whether I'll be able to do 182.5kg for a triple next week, though I will try - if it goes up it does, it if doesn't it's time for doubles.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jan 2020


    24/01/2022 - Volume

    Squat: 145kg x 5 x 5 (85% offset) - intensity isn't going up and so volume isn't either, weight-wise at least
    Bench: 78.5kg x 5 x 5 (90% offset)
    Deadlift: 155kg x 3 x 5 (85% offset)
    Last edited by bool3max; 01-24-2022 at 02:36 PM.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jan 2020


    26/01/2022 - Recovery

    Squat: 115kg x 2 x 5
    Press: 57.5kg x 3 x 5
    Chinups: 3 x AMRAP (11/5/5)

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Jan 2020


    28/01/2022 - Intensity

    Squat: 170kg x 1 x 1 (??? felt atrocious, will rethink programming entirely)
    Bench: 87.5kg x 1 x 2, 85kg x 1 x 3, 80kg x 1 x 5 - wanted to hit 87.5kg for a triple, will try it again
    Deadlift: 182.5kg x 1 x 2, 165kg x 1 x 4 - as expected
    Last edited by bool3max; 01-29-2022 at 08:17 AM.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Jan 2020


    starting strength coach development program
    31/01/2022 - Volume

    I keep putting off investing serious time into rethinking the whole situation so I just dialed down the volume on the squat today as I simply cannot seem to recover well from volume the past 5 (?) weeks. It's not even that I'm sore, the entire lower body just hurts everywhere for the next 3 or so days.

    Squat: 145kg x 3 x 5
    Press: 62.5kg x 5 x 5 (90% offset) - it was fine, but perhaps I should dial the offset down from 90% to 87.5% or something next time
    Deadlift: 152.5kg x 3 x 5 (82.5% offset)
    Last edited by bool3max; 01-31-2022 at 04:29 PM.

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