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Thread: Derek's Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    St. Paul, MN

    Default Derek's Log

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    35 yo, 5'10", 230 lb
    Best all time lifts (about 5 years ago)
    Press=195, Bench=290, Squat=370, DL=420

    Got an injury about 5 years ago and have had 3 kids since then. I got much weaker and over the past 3 months I have been making consistent progress for the first time in years. I started this log with videos to ensure my form stays good and that I make appropriate weight jumps.

    Current goals:
    200 lb Press, 400 lb DL

    2 days per week upper/lower split
    Upper day is Press intensity, Bench volume
    Lower day is DL intensity, Squat volume
    I do pull-ups, DB rows, and DB curls as assistance as well
    Last edited by Notrhwoods; 03-26-2023 at 11:57 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    St. Paul, MN

    Default 3/26/23 Workout

    Press: 1x1 @ 175, 1x2 @ 167.5
    Bench: 5x5 @ 192.5
    DB rows: 10x5 @ 65

    The press single at 175 was grindy and stopped moving for a split second. I have been making 5 lb jumps but will target a 2.5 lb jump the next time I max out.

    The bench was pretty easy at this weight. I should be able to continue with 2.5# jumps for several weeks.

    The bar I use for pressing is a 35# Rogue women's bar (wife's) because my other bar is a Rogue power bar with very aggressive knurling in the middle that I want nowhere near my face/neck. That's why a 45 and a 25 on each side adds up to 175#.
    Last edited by Notrhwoods; 03-31-2023 at 09:07 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    St. Paul, MN

    Default 3/30/23 Workout

    DL: 1x4 @ 335
    Squat: 5x5 @ 225
    DB Curl: 10x5 @ 35

    DL was moving relatively quickly, but bar was drifting away from shins at start of lift. Focus more on pulling bar into shins with lats next time.

    Squat was moving quickly. Depth was a bit high on a few reps and felt like my back was going to round if going further down. I will foam roll hips and quads and stretch hamstrings throughout the week to see if I can more easily reach depth next time. I am glad I recorded because although it felt hard the video shows the bar moving quickly so I am confident that I can continue with 5# jumps for a while.

    Last edited by Notrhwoods; 03-31-2023 at 09:07 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    St. Paul, MN

    Default 3/31 - Weekly Pull up Goal Complete

    Weekly goal of 70 pull ups completed today. The pull ups comprised of 70 singles spread over 3 sessions throughout the week. This is a great benefit of having a home gym and WFH two days per week. I am able to take work breaks and get some pull ups in.

    The big thing I noticed this week was the importance of tightening abs before initiating the pull. This allows for a stable pull that minimizes un-necessary movement/swaying.

    Next week's goal is 75 pull ups. I will focus on controlling the eccentric more so I can start doing doubles in the coming weeks. Right now I am just dropping from the top because I am doing pull ups in my power rack and my feet can touch the floor at the bottom.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by Notrhwoods View Post
    Squat: 5x5 @ 225

    Squat was moving quickly. Depth was a bit high on a few reps and felt like my back was going to round if going further down. I will foam roll hips and quads and stretch hamstrings throughout the week to see if I can more easily reach depth next time. I am glad I recorded because although it felt hard the video shows the bar moving quickly so I am confident that I can continue with 5# jumps for a while.
    You don't want to hear this, Derek, but every single one of those was more than "a bit high", looking at the crease of your right hip in relation to your knee. Rolling and stretching may work, but you will need to fix your technique:

    (these are conjecture, since we can't see your feet, but can surmise based on where your knees are before the first rep):
    - heels further apart a few inches;
    - toes pointed outwards a bit more (which gives your knees a target to stay over once you lock them)
    - reach back with those hips, thinking about touching your butt to the wall (you won't, but visualize that)

    Those steps will make room between your thighs for your belly. Get that navel down between them and your nipples towards the floor (you're too vertical in these).

    Do those things and you'll be at depth. Even with a 5# jump that will likely feel easier.

    Keep at it!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    St. Paul, MN


    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Anders View Post
    You don't want to hear this, Derek, but every single one of those was more than "a bit high", looking at the crease of your right hip in relation to your knee. Rolling and stretching may work, but you will need to fix your technique:

    (these are conjecture, since we can't see your feet, but can surmise based on where your knees are before the first rep):
    - heels further apart a few inches;
    - toes pointed outwards a bit more (which gives your knees a target to stay over once you lock them)
    - reach back with those hips, thinking about touching your butt to the wall (you won't, but visualize that)

    Those steps will make room between your thighs for your belly. Get that navel down between them and your nipples towards the floor (you're too vertical in these).

    Do those things and you'll be at depth. Even with a 5# jump that will likely feel easier.

    Keep at it!
    Hi Bill:
    Thanks for responding, I really do appreciate the technique tips and will incorporate next week. It makes sense that the wider stance will help me hit depth. I think you are right that I need to make more room between my thighs for my belly.

    FYI - My only instruction (beyond reading SS and watching YT videos) has come from working with a powerlifting coach for a couple months several years ago. He was trying to get me to squat much more upright and he used a lot of "bro-science". I appreciate the bio-mechanical analysis SS incorporates into their recommendations. It's why I am posting on this forum.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2019


    Glad to help, Derek!

    Don't go too wide, though. Here's a good article covering stance width - Stance Width in the Squat | Mark Rippetoe

    Here's a quick overview of the process - Learning to Squat | The Starting Strength Method - YouTube

    Most importantly, practice the move that's the thumbnail for the video, which is also covered about a minute in. That's something you can do over the weekend, and will help stretch out those hips. That's your goal.

    Keep at it!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    St. Paul, MN

    Default 4/2/2023 Workout

    Press: 1x8 @ 167.5
    Bench: 5x5 @ 195
    DB Row: 10x5 @ 65

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    St. Paul, MN

    Default 4/7/23 Workout

    DL: 1x1@355
    Squat: 5x5@230
    DB Curl: 10x5@35

    Squat depth is better than last time but still needs improvement. I will stick at 230 and see if I can get all 25 reps below parallel in the next few weeks.

    Also completed weekly pull-up goal of 75 this day. Most sets were doubles. I was pleasantly surprised that the doubles were not much harder than the singles due to the stretch reflex on the second reps.

    Last edited by Notrhwoods; 04-10-2023 at 01:05 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    St. Paul, MN

    Default 4/10/23 Workout

    starting strength coach development program
    Press: 1x1@177.5, 1x2@167.5
    Bench: 5x5@197.5
    DB Row: 10x5@65

    This 1RM press looked and felt smoother than my last 1RM at 175.

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