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Thread: 4 Day Split

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2020

    Default 4 Day Split

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    My access to the training logs for CPC students is not possible anymore so for now I will have to post my progress in here.

    Been doing a 4 day split Monday to Monday, one heavy lift every 9 days, for a while now, and finally started setting PRs again after months.

    Here's today's session:

    Squat 175kg x5 Squat - 177,5kg - YouTube
    Haltings 180kg 2x5
    Chins 3x10,6,6

    SQUAT: Accidentally misloaded the bar and put 175kg instead, which felt easier than last time obviously, but I wanted to get my PR so I rested for a while and went for 177,5kg. No back-off obviously

    HALTINGS: heavy enough for 5. Rested 6'

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    Deadlift - 195kg - YouTube x5
    Squat 150kg 5x5

    My wednesday upper body was shit, failed my bench and didn't have more time to train.
    Currently on vacation in Amsterdam, so recovery is likely not the best, but I found a good olympic gym so decided to give it a try.

    DEADLIFT: last single with 185kg didn't feel too bad. Went with 195kg and got it! Bumper plates might have been off a little bit but I count it as a PR!

    SQUAT: 150kg felt good, slight knee cave, focusing on setting the knees early and driving my sacrum straight up. Rest was 7/8'

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2022


    Congrats on the press PR. Was that before or after the singles @ 88? Good music, too.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Dawson View Post
    Congrats on the press PR. Was that before or after the singles @ 88? Good music, too.
    Thanks! It was after my 7 singles. I wanna get those done first, and the PR is kind of an extra

    You should try Tool for a big lift, you won't be disappointed

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2020



    Press 89kg 7x1
    Press - 93kg - YouTube
    Bench 103kg 5x5
    Snatch 57,5kg 3x2

    PRESS: left arm lagging a little bit, I thought about pushing hardwr with it, it helped somewhat.
    Rest was 2'/2'30". Got a new PR. Went for 95kg as well but failed.

    BENCH: slight arm and chest pain during warm-up, but first set was controlled and easy enough. Rest was 4/5'.

    SNATCH: decided to snatch instead of cleaning because I was in a rush and I skipped snatches last week

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2020



    Squat - 180kg x5 - YouTube
    Squat - 162kg - YouTube x5
    Haltings 182,5kg 2x5

    SQUAT: didn't have the best recovery, so I knew it was gonna be hard. I got 5 reps, not all below parallel, especially the last one. Will switch to 2 triples next time 'cause I won't accept more reps at or above parallel. Back-off set was better

    HALTINGS: hard but ok, I really focused on setting my back and it was extended on all reps.

    Did a few chins but not a lot

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    Bench - 127kg - YouTube 118kg x2 111kg x4
    Press 71kg 5x5
    Clean 87kg 2x3

    BENCH: better than last time, got a new 1RM, but failed my other attempts. I might try something different next time, like 3x3 or 5 singles and back-off, as long as it's a bunch of heavy reps.

    PRESS:trying to do at least 2 reps in one breath. Rest was 5/6'. Didn't feel great, had to move my hips forward a lot, so not very strict.

    CLEAN: only got 2 sets, was late for work, getting heavy

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    Deadlift - 197,5kg - YouTube x5
    Squat - 152,5kg (5th set) - YouTube 5x5

    DEADLIFT: new PR! Didn't set my back as much as I could've on the last two reps, but I'll take it

    SQUAT: getting pretty tough, especially trying to focus on my knee and hip position. Rest was around 7'.

    No time for chins.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2020



    Press 90kg 7x1 94kgx1
    Bench 104kg 5x5,5,4,5,4

    PRESS: singles were ok, rest was over 3'. Got a new PR at the end

    BENCH PRESS: not feeling it lately, rest was over 5'. Will repeat the weight next time

    Took too much time and couldn't snatch. Also was starting to feel a little sick (flu is spreading around).
    Not the best workout but I got a PR

    Hopefully I'll recover for Friday's Squat

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    starting strength coach development program
    nice PR pulls!

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