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Thread: 4 Day Split

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Squat 182,5kg x3 164kg 2x5
    Haltings 185kg 2x5

    Squat - 182,5kg x3 - YouTube
    Squat - 164kg (2nd back-off) - YouTube
    Haltings - 185kg (2nd set) - YouTube

    SQUAT: recovery wasn't great, I did my best to get to depth, but after the grind on the 3rd rep I had no energy for another one. If I would've been more technically precise I might have gone for 5, but I'll take it. I added an extra back-off to add stress since I went down to a triple instead of 5.

    HALTINGS: rested a while before these because I was cooked from the squats. I managed to get 2 sets of 5, looking pretty good.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2020



    BW 96,5kg

    Bench 112,5kg x4 105kgx5
    Press 72kg 5x5
    Clean 90kg 8x1 93kgx1 94kgx1

    BENCH: tried to change to a heavy set of 5 and a back-off, I thought I had 112,5kg easy but apparently it was a fight, I grinded for a few seconds on the 5th one but couldn't get it, first 3 reps felt really fast. I'll go to 115kg next time and get 2 triples.

    PRESS: felt more in balance, rest was 6/7'.

    CLEAN: decided to do some singles. 90kg felt pretty easy so I decided to do a PR attempt for the last 2. Rest was 2/3'.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    BW 96,5kg

    Deadlift - 200kg x5 - YouTube (440lbs)
    Squat 154kg 5x5
    Chins 3x10,8,6

    DEADLIFT: much harder than I thought, bar was swinging to the left a bit, but I got it!

    SQUAT: rest was 7/8', focusing on keeping the knees frozen on the way up and shooting my tailbone straight up.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    Press 91kg x1 95kg 3 attempts 90kg x1
    Pin Press 90kg 2x1
    Bench 105kg 5x3

    PRESS: I've had a cold for the past 3 days, and probably an ear infection, so not feeling very well.
    Yesterday I skipped because I slept very little and needed rest. Today I felt better. I went for a 95kg PR but coudn't get it on multiple attempts. Backed off to 90kg, got one single and then failed. Tried doing some pin presses to avoid dropping the weight, got 2 grindy singles at 90kg, did a couple at 80kg and then stopped.

    BENCH: warm-up moved ok but felt like shit, considering what happened on the press I decided to keep the weight but do triples instead of fives. Rest was 4/5'.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    BW 96,5kg

    Squat 184kg 2x3 165kg x5
    Haltings 187,5kg 2x5
    Chins 3x10,8,7 (5' rest)

    Squat - 184kg 2x3 - YouTube
    Squat - 184kg (2nd set) - YouTube

    SQUAT: went for 5 reps on the 1st set, failed on the 4th rep, mainly because of my wrists flexing and bar rolling up, otherwise I would've had it. Also, it's the first time ever I actually go until failure. I decides to get 2 heavy triples and 1 back-off instead of only 1 triple and 2 back-offs. Rested 10+ minutes.

    HALTING: heavy enough

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    Bench 115kg 2x2,1 110kgx3,2
    Press 73kg 5x5,4,4,3,3,3,3

    BENCH: fail, left elbow pain, most likely because of the squat. Will do the chin-up protocol.

    PRESS: couldn't get 5, I stuck with triples. I was in a hurry and did the chin-up protocol in between sets. Got a whole bunch of triples.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    BW 96,7kg

    Deadlift - 202,5kg - YouTube x5
    Squat - 156kg (5th set) - YouTube 5x5

    DEADLIFT: got the PR, back wasn't flat on the last 2 reps

    SQUAT: testing thumbs around grip to avoid rolling up of the bar. I tries the 4th set with regular grip, and same thing happened. Rest was 7/9'.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    Press 91kg x1 95kgx1 96kgx0 91kgx5
    Bench 105kg 5x5
    Clean 90-100-105kg

    Press - 95kg - YouTube
    Clean - 105kg - YouTube

    PRESS: got a new PR. Felt easy enough to try 96kg, but I failed all attempts. Went back to 91kg and finished my singles.

    BENCH: heavyish, arms felt a little weak. Started to feel some discomfort in the elbow, put on an elbow cuff and it went away. Rest was 4/7'.

    CLEAN: wanted to get a PR at 100kg. It was fast enough so I got 105kg. I tried 107,5kg but the bar kept slipping in my elbows. Still happy

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    December 6th

    Squat 186kg 2x3 167,5kg x5
    Haltings 190kg 2x5

    Squat - 186kg (2nd set) - YouTube
    Haltings - 190kg (2nd set) - YouTube

    SQUAT: went ok with the thumbs around grip, knees are still not moving right.

    HALTINGS: had to help around the gym a bit so I took a long rest and did a couple of lifts for a video. I still managed 2 sets of 5.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    starting strength coach development program
    BW scale said 98kg this morning

    Bench 115kg x3,2,2
    Pause bench 100kg 2x3
    Press 73kg x5,5,4

    Shitty session, no pain in the bench, I did the 1st set spotted and it went ok, wanted to get another one on my own, failed. Tried again with a spotter, failed again. Did pause bench to practice my position, might need include it later in the programming.

    PRESS: thought of using the hips to practice for the heavy singles, for some reason 73kg was heavy. Tried to not do a double layback and stay as upright as possible. Grinded on the 3rd set. Got upset, I was rushed due to work, so I just went and took a shower. I definitely need a break.
    Sleep has also been very shitty the past few days.
    I'm sure after Christmas break I'll feel better.

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