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Thread: JamesF training log

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2024


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Saturday, 21 September 2024
    - Back Squat: 95 x 6 x 4 (add +5kg)
    - Strict Press: 59 x 1, 62 x 1, 64 x 1 (PR)
    - Machine Shoulder Press (close): 37.5 x (10, 9) & 35.0 x (8, 7).
    - Chin Ups: BW+5 x 8 x 3 (add +2.5kg)
    - IYT Raises: 4 x (15, 10, 10)
    - DB Step Ups: 18 x 15 x 3 (add +2.0kg).

    Week 1 of new training block, based heavily on Andy Baker's KSC Method for RAW Powerlifting. Lots of bodybuilding accessories is a welcome change of pace psychologically and I've noticed I have an imbalance right to left side when unilaterally shoulder pressing which the high-volume machine press should remedy.

    Reintroducing Back Squats slowly (4 sets of 4-6 reps) but if they go well I will aggressively add weight each week.

    Going to start switching to Press 2.0 now too.

    Back Squat

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2024


    Squats looked solid, why not unilateral DB work if there’s imbalance to correct?

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2024


    Quote Originally Posted by notacrossfitter View Post
    Squats looked solid, why not unilateral DB work if there’s imbalance to correct?
    Appreciate the feedback!

    On reflection I think you're right - the machine at the gym does have each arm operate independently but I do believe the DB Incline Press should correct the imbalance more effectively. Will make the change next Saturday.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2024


    starting strength coach development program
    Wednesday, 2 October 2024
    - Front Squats: 110x3, 102.5x5x4 (+2.5kg)
    - Press: 50x5x5 (+1kg)
    - CG Bench: 60x3x8, 54x12 (+2kg)
    - Seated Cable Row: 77x3x8 (+2kg)
    - DB Bulgarian Split Squat: 16x2x12. (+2kg)

    It’s been an absolutely exhausting week at work, hence the unusual workout on Wednesday. Warming up to Front Squat I felt no enthusiasm whatsoever but is often the case, once you get going it’s not so bad. The Squats felt relatively easy.

    Press went well though I need to take slightly longer breaks after the early sets as I was fatiguing pretty badly by the later sets. Might improve after a few weeks of 5x5 though.

    CG Bench and Rows felt fine. Im benching with my press grip which is humbling.

    The Bulgarians felt too easy, so definitely need to increase the load - I’ll explore using a barbell rather than dumbbells next week.

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