Saturday, 21 September 2024
- Back Squat: 95 x 6 x 4 (add +5kg)
- Strict Press: 59 x 1, 62 x 1, 64 x 1 (PR)
- Machine Shoulder Press (close): 37.5 x (10, 9) & 35.0 x (8, 7).
- Chin Ups: BW+5 x 8 x 3 (add +2.5kg)
- IYT Raises: 4 x (15, 10, 10)
- DB Step Ups: 18 x 15 x 3 (add +2.0kg).

Week 1 of new training block, based heavily on Andy Baker's KSC Method for RAW Powerlifting. Lots of bodybuilding accessories is a welcome change of pace psychologically and I've noticed I have an imbalance right to left side when unilaterally shoulder pressing which the high-volume machine press should remedy.

Reintroducing Back Squats slowly (4 sets of 4-6 reps) but if they go well I will aggressively add weight each week.

Going to start switching to Press 2.0 now too.

Back Squat