Is English your first language?
Hi mark,
I have been reading your books for awhile starting strength and football starting strength as well as videos from my grandfather of yours. I was recently diagnosed with winged scalpula and I’m a avid gym rat I would love to know what I should do to keep training my dr said not to do to much to make it protract or workout at all but I have to do some exercise and from your previous forums you seem to say that if the long thoracic nerver is gonna heal by itself then keep training. Any advice is much appreciated. Most full recovery time is 6-9 months.
Is English your first language?
Sorry wrote in a rush but is there something not making sense? just let me know I can be more clean?
I just have scalpula winging from serratus anterior weakness due to LTN damage in my right dominant arm all I’m looking for is some exercise advice what I should keep doing or something a long those lines. Obviously shoulder and overhead stuff is kinda out of the picture.
Thanks for your time mark
Your post reads as gibberish, so I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. A winging scapula is a neural problem. "Nervers" heal, but slowly. You have to train through it. Obviously, shoulder and overhead stuff is still on the table.