When was her surgery, and what was its extent?
I have a 44 y/o F novice lifter and mom 137lb 5'6" with colorectal cancer. She is a talented nurse who provides her own IV nutrition infusions, has maintained decent bodyweight, rows her butt off to manage "deep bone level pain" as she describes due to treatments she recieves.
Is there any hard contraindications on lifting with a colostomy?
Programming wise, I'm assuming she should be treated like most any middle aged woman novice lifter except her progression will be slower due to regular cancer treatments? switch to triples early as normal, maybe only 2.5lb jumps early on, and maybe only 2D/week?
Thank you
When was her surgery, and what was its extent?
She had her colon surgery and colostomy placed over a year ago.
She can get after it on a rower she’s told me, but isn’t comfortable in deep hip flexion, so I started her squatting to a box and rack pulling.