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Thread: Lifting Light Weights Is Just as Good at Building Muscle as Heavy Weights

  1. #141
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    North Texas


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    You're not banned. You're just being deleted for being an obnoxious jackass and a pussy. Post in E&P all you want, since I don't have to read that.

  2. #142
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    I for one applaud his lengthy posts. Content aside, to me they are well written which is a rarity on internet forums.

  3. #143
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    But you don't have to endure his well-written bullshit attempts to irritate without contributing. Trolling is a game played by people with lots of time, and I don't have lots of either time or patience for it.

  4. #144
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by vanburen View Post
    I for one applaud his lengthy posts. Content aside, to me they are well written which is a rarity on internet forums.
    Well written? I would not call that treatise by SG well written. Aggressive expression of the subject matter. No courtesy to the recipient. Overuse of repetition. Use of words such as "idiot","fraud","stupid" etc. This only shows the immaturity and the inability of those unable to grasp the matter of which they are failing to explain. Cognitive dissonance maybe.

    As for me all I know is I go to the shed put the plates on the bar and they go up. (Well most of the time).

  5. #145
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Rhode Island


    Quote Originally Posted by william_morris217 View Post
    I think where this thread got misguided is the disconnect between theory and application. Is it possible to increase strength without increasing body mass? Yes, it is. But, is this adaptation something that can be appreciably programmed? Probably not. There are lots of things in the human body that are possible, so the argument that it CAN'T happen, may not be completely true, however, I believe Rip has already predigested this topic with a healthy dose of reality.

    The generally accepted theories of increased strength are 1) increased cross sectional area of the muscle, 2) improved neuromuscular efficiency (timely recruitment of a necessary size and quantity of motor units), and 3) increased number of sarcomeres in series.

    The literature is fairly clear that the neuromuscular efficiency piece happens immediately upon the beginning of a training program. The human body is capable of adapting to new stresses remarkably easy. The extent of which this improvement is measured is largely dependent on the person's genetics and the body part that is being forced to adapt to a stress. To the best of my knowledge, this improvement happens extremely rapidly, and further improvements take an extremely long time. I know of no textbook, research study, or anything else for that matter that states this adaptation occurs in an appreciable amount after the initial rapid improvements. If someone knows of such literature, please pass it along.

    The addition of sarcomeres in series is another adaptation that occurs very slowly. Most of our knowledge of sarcomeres in series comes from case studies in which atrophied muscles are biopsied and it is found that they have a much lower number of sarcomeres in series, so the parallel is made that the converse would also stress the muscle and it must add sarcomeres in order to accomodate the stress.

    That leaves us with an increase in cross sectional area, which is generally considered to occur through hypertrophy or hyperplasia. Granted, not many experts out there still buy into the hyperplasia theory, but it is still found in the literature from time to time. Compared to the other two mechanisms, hypertrophy occurs more readily than adding sarcomeres (theoretically) and begins to occur almost immediately upon the implementation of an adaptive stress.

    The muscle tissue is damaged through training, there is an inflammatory response to repair the damage, and according to the myonuclear domain theory, skeletal satellite (stem) cells donate their nucleus to the adjacent muscle fiber and then the basement membrane dissolves, and the satellite cell blends into the muscle fiber. As a result, the number of nuclei increase, and the cross sectional area increases. Since muscle satellite cells are inhibited by contact with other satellite cells, so when this satellite cell blends with the muscle fiber, adjacent satellite cells divide to replace the lost satellite cell.

    So the debate really is, what leads to the greatest increases in strength? If we argue this question, almost nobody can argue against hypertrophy. Are the other adaptations possible...yes, but does it make sense to rely on such adaptations when their overall effect is far less than what can be gained through hypertrophy?
    I just wanted to say that this was one of the most interesting posts I've read on this forum. Wonderful write up.

  6. #146
    Jsutt Guest


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by wal View Post
    Well written? I would not call that treatise by SG well written. Aggressive expression of the subject matter. No courtesy to the recipient. Overuse of repetition. Use of words such as "idiot","fraud","stupid" etc. This only shows the immaturity and the inability of those unable to grasp the matter of which they are failing to explain. Cognitive dissonance maybe.
    Or the Dunning-Kruger effect, more likely.

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