Funny you should ask. He's here now.
Hi Rip,
It's probably crossed your mind before, but it sure would be awesome to have an interview with Ed Coan on the Starting Strength Series. I really enjoyed the one with Kirk Karwoski, and I think it would be very interesting to see an interview with another powerlifting legend.
Surely you're very busy, but just a thought!
Funny you should ask. He's here now.
This is AWESOME.
Coach if you're serious that Ed Coan is with you now, I just want to say how extremely fortunate you are. I find it coincidental or ironic that when you asked Captain Kirk in the interview who his two most influential people were in the sport of powerlifting (Gallagher and Coan) that those two people would end up being your next two interviews.
It is neither coincidental nor ironic. You think I just stumble through the day here?
Rip has mentioned before than an Ed Coan interview was on its way. Am I the only one paying attention here?
I remember some discussion about deadlift and grip during which Rip mentioned "Karwoski has small stumpy hands" or something of the sort and it seemed very strange that he knew Kirk's hands with such profound detail. Next thing I know, the interview is up and it all makes sense.