First and foremost - thank you for Starting Strength. The world needs more of what that book is all about. Sincere thanks.
Second - I live in Peru and I am doing this all on my lonsesome. The staff at the gym where I go won't even put the barbells back on the racks or tell the lazy people to do it. Fortunately they have a bench and a workable squat rack.
My issue - I am three week in - 9 workouts. But I made a mistake in the begining doing Workout A as - Squat 5x3 then Deadlift 5 x 3 and then PRess 5 x 3. The same with B Squat 5 x 3 then Bench 5 x 3 then Power Clean 5 x3.
I missed some lifts in the last few workouts and I was reviewing the book. What do I do?
the facts -
Squat went from 30 kg to 80 kg *where I missed rep 3 on the third set* So I went back to 56 kg and did 5 x 3 and will go 60 kg tomorrow
Deadlift - went from 40 kg to 86 kg *in the last work out I missed rep 5 of all three sets" I am going for 1 set of 90 kg next workout
Press - is a 30 kg but I only got 5 x 1 and then 2 x 1 - Going to go 20 kg 5 x 3 next
Bench - went from 36 kg to 60 kg (two workouts back 5 x 3) but missed alot of reps at 63 kg last workout. I think I should go 63 5 x 3 again.
Power clean - Bar (still working on technique)
I am doing GOMAD and eating as much as possible, but I might fall a little short, but not by much.
I want to strictly follow the program - I am drinking the Kool Aid. Please help me with what to do to get back on track or if I am doing ok. I am lost in South America. Or if you know a SS coach here in Lima please hook a brother up.
thanks in advance
I don't want you to drink anybody's Kool-aid. But if you are going to get the results typical of the program, you have to do the actual program, which you have not done. The program is in the book.