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Thread: I'm having a bad day, what should I do?

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


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    Quote Originally Posted by SoulySpoken View Post
    Should I cut down on the protein shakes and focus more on meat?
    No, eat more meat and wash it down with the shakes and some more meat.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Copenhagen, Denmark


    200g of protein is pretty low for a 205lb guy wanting to get stronger and bigger. Shoot for 300g/day, that way you wont get too little in any case.

    If you do the programme as written (re-read some of the book, and the Clarification article) I'm sure your lifts will improve. Once again I'm not too sure that your fatigue has that much to do with the lifting, so this might go away all by itself anyway.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    I wanted to mention that I slept great last night. I'm just going to keep my progression going. Squatting 265 for 3x5 tomorrow. I'm going to keep progressing and push myself to 300.

  4. #24
    jmjohnson Guest


    Minimium dietary requirements: 14 eggs a day, 2.5 pounds of meat, two cups of vegetables, a multivitamin, a gallon of water, and a liter of milk a day; and yes, ideally, you ought to eat more. Also, one pound of that meat should be steak.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    starting strength coach development program
    I thought I was doing SS at first but then I teamed up wih a friend who really ate his way up towards a big body. After the small switch I followed SS for 5 months, gained 45 lbs of BW and 175 lbs on the bar. SS is a miraculous time, I am killing myself on TM for 5 months now for a 55 lb gain on the bar, trust me to fuck SS up by eating too little is plain stupid. It just means you are not willing to do what it takes to become stronger, or don't realize what you gotta do in order to become stronger.

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