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Thread: Squat form check + pressing query

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Default Squat form check + pressing query

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    Mr Rippetoe

    I think around when Brian Jones fell off a roof; I fell from a trapeze, after having my hand break on someone's face while they were mid-air.

    I suffered a hand fracture that I elected to have a non-surgical fixation of, to help ensure the wrist ROM was sufficient for handstands etc.
    (All studies that I found on fixed plate or k-wire fixations showed 80% or less in wrist extension function, long term)

    The neck MRI showed no fractures, but apparently (I was very drugged up, my partner later related) two ligaments very stretched over C1-C2.

    The hand was in a cast for over 11 weeks, and my neck means constant mild pain but no symptoms apart from instant death should I land on my head at all, ever again.

    Enter the Squat, I was at 90kg for 3x5 prior to my injury.
    Here it is at 105kg for 3x5:

    My press was at 80kg 3x5 (@75kg bodyweight) prior to my injury.
    now it is sitting at ~55kg for the same reps.
    At my now 93kg, this means I cannot perform any acrobatic feats required for an income, nor OHP a woman's weight easily enough to train strongman/partner acrobatics movements. Should I abandon the thought of being an acrobat again? Partial OHP's at body weight are required to be strong enough to force the ground away from my head and fragile neck.

    I did suffer some cognitive impairment, so please bear with me if this is hard to read.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    What has been the longest period of time you have gone without falling on your head previous to the injury?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    3-6 six months, always a minor fall on thick crash mats.
    This particular time I only had a thin layer of rubber over concrete.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Looks like you're in for a career change.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Retail assistant?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Looks like you're in for a career change.
    If you are at all inclined to coach, you may perhaps have a soft landing from this otherwise sad news (and it is sad – my heart goes out to you). Circus schools are great places for kids to challenge themselves but I doubt you’ll find many barbells. You probably will, however, find a lot of kids who get discouraged by not being strong enough to do the really cool shit. A guy with your background who understands the Starting Strength model could really make a difference for kids.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by SteveC View Post
    A guy with your background who understands the Starting Strength model could really make a difference for kids.
    I do have (circus) coaching experience, and have completed a personal training cert. while rehabbing.
    I will find a way to get an income in Texas for a while, this Aussie doesn't trust anyone in this country to have even a small portion of experience compared to what Mr Rippetoe's team does.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Jersey City NJ


    Sorry that your injuries are jeopardizing your career. Is that a high bar squat? By choice or because of your injuries?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by vkp78 View Post
    Sorry that your injuries are jeopardizing your career. Is that a high bar squat? By choice or because of your injuries?
    High bar through my kind if idiocy.

    I finally got the bar position correct last workout. Strangely enough it felt much easier.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by hsilman View Post
    I know we just post anonymously to the same message board, and haven't even really posted "together" that I can recall, but I'm really sorry to hear about this injury.

    The acrobatic stuff you post about is always really cool to read, and your story of gaining muscular body-weight way beyond what everyone told you was a "good weight" for your profession and you were able to still excel and even be better at it was awesome to read.

    I hope you figure out a direction to go in your life now that it seems your career as an acrobat may be over. good luck!
    It's been sitting at the back of my mind that I would never return to the career as it was. Although I've tentatively trained some things in-between bouts of rehab and now strength training, I was always scared.
    I'd forgotten too easily some sessions that what used to be a minor fuck-up could mean me dying; which might not have been great for people training in the same space to see.
    Though I regained the ability to do many things I was told were going to be impossible, I won't have the full skill-set required to perform my job.

    I think it is important to have a good woman by your side during these sort of trials. I had a useless one, who honestly made me cook every meal even while drugged up and in a neck-brace and cast.
    And work two jobs while rehabbing because she "couldn't work and study"

    Don't do this.
    She got the boot a while back.

    I pulled 3 plates last night, despite my old habit of putting the bar down over my damn ankle, not mid-foot.
    And my lack of SQUOZE™ may be due to taking a 20lb jump because of ego problems at the bar.

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