Silliness. Perhaps statistically significant but not biologically significant. The squat is a "power pose" from Hell.
Shitty first post too. Try harder.
It's a bit left field, but I'd be interested in whether you think this research has any implications for strength training:
TLDR: the researchers wanted to test if adopting dominant/confident body posture ('power poses') could affect, among other things, hormone levels. They found that power posing for a short period increased the subjects' testosterone levels by 20% and decreased their cortisol levels by 25%.
While the researchers were interested in the psychological implications, my first thought was that the subjects' hormone profiles became more anabolic and therefore more conducive to strength gains.
So should power poses be prescribed after every workout to get strong (presumably cocky douche bags are exempted, because this is their natural state)? Or does a 20-25% change in hormone levels not significantly affect strength acquisition? Or is there some flaw in the methodology of the experiment (undetected by a non-scientist like me) and the results shouldn't be relied on? Just curious.
Silliness. Perhaps statistically significant but not biologically significant. The squat is a "power pose" from Hell.
Shitty first post too. Try harder.
Damn it... I've been slamming my ball sack into a drawer on my workbench before every squat set because I read that it increased my testosterone levels.... I wonder if I go right in to a Front Lat Spread once I regain consciousness if that would make a measurable biological impact.?
Those studies always find the power position to be the one with the limbs outstretched.
So basically the Press and the Power Snatch.
The Chinese weightlifting coach at one time advised that ICING YOUR BALLS increased testosterone levels. He had no input on the effects of this therapy on transient penis size.
Will someone get out the ouija board so we can channel Charles Atlas?